Playstation 2

Hpsx64 v0460 released!

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Highly-Experimental Playstation Simulator x64 is a developing PSone and PS2 emulator (preliminary stage), coded by TheGangster, some of which are from Mame/Mess or PCSX.



– improved switching between software and gpu shader renderers
– yaml menu
– Fixed misc

Play! 0.68 released!

  • 582
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Play! is a PlayStation2 emulator for Windows, macOS, UNIX, Android, iOS & web browser platforms. For more information about this project please visit the "About" section of this site.

- Implemented missing instruction, fixing rendering in some visual novel games.
- Fixed regression in JIT that was causing rendering issues in Free Running.
- Fixed hanging when skipping intro video in Viewtiful Joe.
- Added missing HLE function needed for Mojib-Ribbon.
- (Desktop) Changed bootable filtering mechanism.
- (Windows) Fixed issue preventing Black Hawk Down from saving properly.

Play v0.66 WIP (2024/08/17) released!

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Play is an emulator of PlayStation 2 and Namco System 2X6 (as well as the System 147/148 variants) for Windows/MacOS/iOS/Android. It is currently written in C/C plus and uses a cache/instruction recompilation system to achieve better performance while emulating the CPU.

The emulator can operate a set of games. The author's goal is to achieve a level of quality that will allow anyone to play their favorite PlayStation 2 game on their PC.



– Update Submodulater.
– Only trigger T/D bit interrupts when they are enabled.
– Add missing clamping.
– Add some specialized code path to handle Edge of Reality games.
– Add missing check.
– Handle D/T bits.
– Allowance VU1 TPC from LQI.
– Fix more build issues.
– Fix build issue.
– Add STOPPED VU state.
– Add some missing defs.
– Implement Rename in IOMAN.
– Add implementation for ChStat...

PCSX2 v2.0.3 released!

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PCSX2 is a free and open-source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator. Its purpose is to emulate the PS2's hardware, using a combination of MIPS CPU Interpreters, Recompilers and a Virtual Machine which manages hardware states and PS2 system memory. This allows you to play PS2 games on your PC, with many additional features and benefits.



Pcsx2 2.0.0 Released

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After 4 years and bit more than 2 months a new stable version was finally released, for now nothing is written on github but i believe a blog post will be made in the site below:

Grab it here or above as you wish:

Cosmic v0.0.19 released (PS2 emulator for Android)

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Exclusive Android Sony Playstation 2 emulator, from scratch, using Kotlin, C++ 20, OpenGLES, Vulkan, and Cubes

Project Progress:
  • Progression: 16%
  • Target for the first demo release: 2025
  • Top priority: Adding the IO coprocessor timers (IOP TIMERS)

Play! v0.65 released!

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Play is an emulator of PlayStation 2 and Namco System 2X6 (as well as the System 147/148 variants) for Windows/MacOS/iOS/Android. It is currently written in C/C plus and uses a cacheting and instruction recompilation system to achieve better performance while emulating the CPU.

The emulator can operate a set of games. The author's goal is to achieve a level of quality that will allow anyone to play their favorite PlayStation 2 game on their PC.


– Minor optimizations.
– Compatibility improvements (Fatal Frame 2/3).
– Fixed map rendering in Oneechambara games.
– Reorganized Namco System 147 arcadedefs and added some new ones.

Play v0.63 released!

  • 1,301
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Play is an emulator of PlayStation 2 and Namco System 2X6 (as well as the System 147/148 variants) for Windows/MacOS/iOS/Android. It is currently written in C/C plus and uses a cache/instruction recompilation system to achieve better performance while emulating the CPU.

The emulator can operate a set of games. The author's goal is to achieve a level of quality that will allow anyone to play their favorite PlayStation 2 game on their PC.


Compatibility index on 2560 test games:

Nothing: 0.12%
Loadable: 3.09%
Intro: 12.77%
Ingame: 42.77%
Playable: 41.25%

Changelog unknown

Hpsx64 v0420 is released!

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Highly-Experimental Playstation Simulator x64 is a PSone and PS2 emulator in development (at preliminary stage), coded by TheGangster with some elements coming from Mame/Mess or PCSX.



new R3000A decoder
– compute shader renderer v2
– Misc fixes

Play! (PS2 emulator) v0.62 is released!

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Play! is a PlayStation2 emulator for Windows, macOS, UNIX, Android, iOS & web browser platforms. For more information about this project please visit the "About" section of this site.

What's new:

  • Preliminary Namco System 256 support.
  • Added drive and drum support for select Namco System 246/256 games.
  • Compatibility improvements: Shadow Tower Abyss improved its status, other hanging games were fixed.
  • Some minor optimizations.
  • Android: Added Korean translation and other localization updates

Play! v0.59 is released!

  • 958
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Play! is a PlayStation2 emulator for Windows, macOS, UNIX, Android, iOS & web browser platforms.


– Vulkan: Fetch correct component when discarding alpha.
– Misc fixes

Play! v0.58 released!

  • 1,366
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Play! is a PlayStation2 emulator for Windows, macOS, UNIX, Android, iOS & web browser platforms.

Changelog unknown

AetherSX2 stops development due to harassment, dev quits

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Thanks to the annoying and jerks out there. The final update is here and done. There will be no more update ever.

Yes, Patreon is also closed and no longer available.

Page Unavailable

AetherSX2 development is indefinitely suspended.
Due to neverending impersonating, complaints, demands, and now death threats, I'm done.
You can still download/use the app and it will continue to work for the forseeable future.
AetherSX2 was always meant to be a fun hobby for me, not profit driven. It doesn't make sense to continue working on a hobby which isn't fun anymore.
Stay safe out there, and watch out for scammers, there seems to be a lot of them.
(e.g. there's multiple people claiming to represent AetherSX2 on various social media - they are not legit)
Thanks to everyone who wasn't a d*ck for the last year.
Current build downloads are still available at Home • AetherSX2 Download Archive -...

DS4Windows v3.1.6 released!

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DS4Windows v3.1.6 is released. DS4Windows is a portable program that allows you to get the best experience while using a DualShock 4 on your PC. By emulating a Xbox 360 controller, many more games are accessible.

DS4Windows Requirements
* Microsoft .NET 4.5 or higher (needed to unzip the driver and for macros to work
* DS4 Driver (Downloaded & Installed with
* Microsoft 360 Driver (link inside DS4Windows, already installed on Windows 7 SP1 and higher or if you've used a 360 controller
* Sony DualShock 4 (This should be
* Micro USB
* (Optional)Bluetooth 2.1+, via adapter or built in pc (My recommendation) (Toshiba's bluetooth & Bluetooth adapters using CSR currently does not

DS4Windows changelog:
Updated DS4Windows.deps.json file
Made sure to bundle latest Lang assembly folder

Play! v0.56 released!

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Play! v0.56 is released. Play! is an attempt at creating an emulator for the PlayStation 2 (PS2) console on the Windows platform. It is currently written in C/C++. It uses an instruction caching/recompilation scheme to achieve better performance while emulating the CPU.

Play! v0.56 Changelog:
- Compatibility fixes: Kaena, Gauntlet: Dark Legacy and Dawn of Mana improved their statuses.

PCSX2 dev.1.7.2660

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PCSX2 is a free and open-source PlayStation2 emulator. PCSX2 purpose is to emulate the PS2's hardware, using a combination of MIPS CPU Interpreters, Recompilers and a Virtual Machine.


Latest changes:
  • SOCOM Combined Assault NTSC Patch in GameDB;
  • Fix Intel graphics on Metal
  • Implement proper data directory selection in QT;
  • Clean up some code and correct heights when offset by 1 in GS;
  • Include CrashHandler.cpp in cmake;
  • Exclude libgmodule-2.0;
  • Ignore ElfObject section headers when offset is invalid;
  • Fix use-after-free on worker thread shutdown in GS/SW;
  • Linux use system wayland libs falling back to appimage ones;
  • Add crash handler/dumper in QT;

:: Code at Github
:: PCSX2 official website
:: Latest development builds

AetherSX2 alpha 1451

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AetherSX2 is an emulator of the PS Two console for the Android platform. You can play games which you have dumped from disc on your portable device.


Here's changelog for latest build, released Mar 14, 2022:
* Fix game directory selection for MIUI.
* Recompile LDL/LDR/SDL/SDR/PMFHL/PMTHL/PEXCH (Ratchet perf boost).
* Improve precision of depth conversion shaders (DBZ: BT3).
* Support mipmaps in hash cache (Jak, Ratchet, etc).
* Support loading texture replacements.
* Add status indicator display option.
* Add 'games' search directory in app data for devices without documents UI.

:: AetherSX2 homepage
:: App at Google Play
:: Recommended stable releases
:: Related news at

Play! v0.50 released!

  • 2,198
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Play! v0.50 is released. Play! is an attempt at creating an emulator for the PlayStation 2 (PS2) console on the Windows platform. It is currently written in C/C++. It uses an instruction caching/recompilation scheme to achieve better performance while emulating the CPU.

Play! v0.50 Changelog:

- Huge compatibility improvements: Dirge of Cerberus, Tekken 5, Ninja Assault, X-Men Legends, Ape Escape 2 & 3 and many more improved their status. There are now over 420 playable games reported in the compatibility tracker.
- Desktop: Compatibility status of games is now visible in the cover view screen. Games can also be sorted by compatibility status.
- Desktop: Added a toggle to enable GS RAM reads in video settings. Disabling RAM reads can help increase performance in some games (ex.: SSX3). Effective only when using Vulkan.
- Browser/JavaScript port is now available (still experimental). You can try it here.

PCSX2 dev.1.7.0-2394

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PCSX2 is a free and open-source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator. Its purpose is to emulate the PS2's hardware, using a combination of MIPS CPU Interpreters, Recompilers and a Virtual Machine.


Latest changes:
+ GS: Texture replacement fixes;
+ GUI/Qt: Fix startup project for debugger;
+ VU: Run sync ahead on small blocks & Rework VU Kickstart;
+ GUI/Qt: Fix loading ELF files from menu;
+ GS: Ignore 24bit on DATE and Handle Reversed Color and Z;
+ GS-hw: Adjust DATE selection.
+ GH-workflows: Remove os mentions for auto pad db update.

:: Github
:: Official Site
:: Development builds
:: Related news at

AetherSX2 Alpha 1276 Android released!

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AetherSX2 is an emulator of the PS2 console for the Android platform. You can play games which you have dumped from disc on your portable device.


You can find it at Google Play or here:
