ChonkyStation3 (PS3 emulator) is in WIP

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ChonkyStation3 is a work-in-progress emulator for the PlayStation 3 system.
It can currently boot a few simple commercial games.
This is a hobby project I'm developing for fun and to learn.
You should not use this to actually play games. At least not for now.​


RPCS3 v0.0.32 Alpha has released!

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Created by DH and Hykem (and joined by a set of developers), RPCS3 is a multi-platform Playstation 3 emulator that aims to become as complete as possible. It was primarily a disassembly but now pushes performance to the point of running a certain number of commercial games, thus becoming the first PS3 emulator emulating commercial games, however it requires an extremely high-performance PC.

Indeed, you will need nothing less than a CPU type core i7 plus 4Ghz (see minimum config required on the official website), a recent nVidia GTX graphics card, high-performance DDR4/5 memory, or a recent operating system to hope to launch games in a relatively smooth mode (but be careful it depends a lot on builds and games).

Several rendered is available to you: None, OpenGL, DirectX12 (Windows 10 only) and Vulkan (which aims to eventually replace...

RPCS3 dev0.0.30-15916

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RPCS3 is a multi-platform open-source Sony PlayStation3 emulator and debugger for Windows, Linux, macOS and BSD. The purpose of the project is to completely and accurately emulate PlayStation3 with the power of open-source community and reverse engineering.

FPS_ 38.62 _ OpenGL _ 0.0.27-14982 _ Virtua Fighter 5 [BLUS30020] 08.05.2023 16_51_56.png

Latest changes:
  • Fix sceNpBasicSetPresence when data is nullptr and size is 0;
  • Fix mounting of files in cellSearch;
  • Fix PPU progress dialog hint;
  • Fix RSX tiling when using optimized DMA views;
  • cellPad LDD fixup;
  • Add more debug info in serial_breathe_and_tag();
  • Simplify lv2_timer_thread management;
  • Fix a corner case in lv2_timer_thread abort;
  • Fix sceNpManagerGetNetworkTime called before rpcn connection;

:: Code on Github
:: RPCS3 website

RPCS3 dev. 0.0.26-14684

  • 822
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RPCS3 is a multi-platform open-source Sony PlayStation3 emulator and debugger for Windows, Linux, macOS and BSD. The purpose of the project is to completely and accurately emulate PlayStation3 with the power of open-source community and reverse engineering.


Latest changes:
  • Move macOS builds to AArch64 VM;
  • Add option to boot rsx capture;
  • Fix package installation exit condition after error occured;
  • Improve logging during package installations;
  • Force disable rsx/overlays rounded rectangles on macOS;
  • Unify rsx UI rendering shaders;
  • Fix analog_t required for some games;
  • Update wolfssl from 5.5.0 to 5.5.4 and FAudio from 22.08 to 23.02;
  • Remove ANSI color code from TTY;

:: Code on Github
:: RPCS3 website
:: Latest development builds

RPCS3 dev.0.0.25-14517

  • 1,298
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RPCS3 is a multi-platform open-source Sony PlayStation3 emulator and debugger for Windows, Linux, macOS and BSD. The purpose of the project is to completely and accurately emulate PlayStation3 with the power of open-source community and reverse engineering.


Latest changes:

  • Add SDL dependency to rpcs3 project;
  • Implement Multi-threaded PKG installation;
  • Fix read/read_at/write fs on Unix-like systems;
  • Restructure vk framebuffer loop barrier management;
  • Add some missing PCI IDs in vk;
  • Fix RSX logicOp behavior when blending is also active;
  • Implement PRX multi-referenced library management;
  • Propagate RSX surface format changes to shader ROP control;
  • Fix const RTV/DSV cast from texture cache
  • Update rpcs3-ci-bionic to 1.6

:: Code on Github
:: RPCS3 website
:: Latest...

RPCS3 dev.0.0.25-14365

  • 1,317
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RPCS3 is a multi-platform open-source Sony PlayStation3 emulator and debugger for Windows, Linux, macOS and BSD. The purpose of the project is to completely and accurately emulate PlayStation 3 with the power of open-source community and reverse engineering.


Latest changes:

  • Make PPU imports/exports thread-safe;
  • Move "Start Paused" SaveStates setting to UI;
  • Add support for mounting and unmounting CELL_FS_SIMPLEFS;
  • Mixed files mounting;
  • Move 'LOD bias addend' to debug tab;
  • Add Texture lod bias to UI;
  • Fix channel order in cellAudioAdd6chData();
  • Use the system keyboard layout for osk;
  • Implemented sys_fs_mount() and sys_fs_unmount();

:: Code on Github
:: RPCS3 website
:: Latest development builds
:: RPCS3...

DS4Windows v3.1.6 released!

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DS4Windows v3.1.6 is released. DS4Windows is a portable program that allows you to get the best experience while using a DualShock 4 on your PC. By emulating a Xbox 360 controller, many more games are accessible.

DS4Windows Requirements
* Microsoft .NET 4.5 or higher (needed to unzip the driver and for macros to work
* DS4 Driver (Downloaded & Installed with
* Microsoft 360 Driver (link inside DS4Windows, already installed on Windows 7 SP1 and higher or if you've used a 360 controller
* Sony DualShock 4 (This should be
* Micro USB
* (Optional)Bluetooth 2.1+, via adapter or built in pc (My recommendation) (Toshiba's bluetooth & Bluetooth adapters using CSR currently does not

DS4Windows changelog:
Updated DS4Windows.deps.json file
Made sure to bundle latest Lang assembly folder

RPCS3 dev.0.0.24-14151

  • 1,078
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RPCS3 is a multi-platform open-source Sony PlayStation3 emulator and debugger for Windows, Linux, macOS and BSD. The purpose of the project is to completely and accurately emulate PlayStation 3 with the power of open-source community and reverse engineering.


Latest changes:
  • Power consumption reduction when using SPU inaccurate reservations;
  • Avoid reservation notifications in liblv2.sprx;
  • Properly reset occlusion counters in RSX;
  • Implement some error checking in cellMusic;
  • Add some ppu debug information;
  • Extend Inaccurate SPU reservations;
  • Add the ability to set the PSID from the configuration;
  • Simplify RSX FIFO concurrent access;
  • Avoid on-the-fly ZCULL allocations with unordered_map;
  • Implement "quintuple" Inbound MBOX storage in SPU;

:: Code on Github
:: RPCS3 website

RPCS3 dev.0.0.22-13821

  • 1,715
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RPCS3 is a multi-platform open-source Sony PlayStation3 emulator and debugger for Windows, Linux, macOS and BSD. The purpose of the project is to completely and accurately emulate PlayStation 3 with the power of open-source community and reverse engineering.


Latest changes:
  • PS3 Native frame limiter improved and added Infinite frame limiter;
  • implemented BlockingCallFromMainThread;
  • fixed music handler destructor in QT;
  • implemented SPU breakpoints in Debugger;
  • implement "double" SNR storage in SPU;
  • fixed PPU function trampoline for arm64;
  • implement PINE IPC Server

:: Code on Github
:: RPCS3 website
:: Latest development builds
:: RPCS3 related news post at

RPCS3 dev.0.0.22-13575

  • 1,614
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RPCS3 is a multi-platform open-source Sony PlayStation 3 emulator and debugger for Windows, Linux, macOS and BSD. The purpose of the project is to completely and accurately emulate PlayStation 3 with the power of open-source community and reverse engineering.


Latest changes:
  • Workaround: Force audio provider;
  • Fix Regression in Waitable Atomics;
  • input: properly log hid_error;
  • cellHttp: add more errors;
  • sceNpTrophy: fix some bugs;
  • Make CPU Profiler able to print stats which sum up the records of all SPU threads;
  • ELF: fix sh_flag bitset enum;
  • Add Top Shot Elite controllers to whitelist;
  • Qt: disable mouse movement mode groupbox;
  • Avoid using PUTLLC in PUTLLUC if we know SPU LR has already been raised;
  • Fix for device2host control transfers;
  • dnshook: add asterisk support;

:: Code on Github

RPCS3 dev.0.0.20-13251

  • 1,335
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RPCS3 is a multi-platform open-source Sony PlayStation 3 emulator and debugger for Windows, Linux and BSD. The purpose of the project is to completely and accurately emulate PlayStation 3 in its entirety with the power of open-source community and reverse engineering.


Latest changes:
Qt: fix compat download abort;
input: add enumeration threads for each hid_pad_handler;
input: add missing nullptr checks for pad;
Audio: prevent click at play/pause;
XAudio: fix deinitialization order;
SoundTouch resampler integration;
Fix linkage error on debug build with clang;
SPU LLVM: Add relaxed xfloat option;
rsx: Validate requested images before attempting to upload them;
vk: Fix 'grow' behavior when we reach the size limit;
vk: Fix working buffer calculation for emulated D16F operations;

:: Github
:: Homepage

RPCS3 dev.0.0.19-12974

  • 1,777
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RPCS3 is a multi-platform open-source Sony PlayStation 3 emulator and debugger for Windows, Linux and BSD. The purpose of the project is to completely and accurately emulate PlayStation 3 in its entirety with the power of open-source community and reverse engineering.


Latest changes:
rsx: Fixate time stamp of VBLANK
rsx: Fix typo in VBLANK processing regarding emulation pause
rsx: Implement NTSC fixup mode, improve VBLANK accuracy
GUI: Always show thread name for fatal messages
overlays: fix graph offset error after applying new config
Add more logging for Emulator Stop events
Qt: multithreaded trophy icon refresh
SPU DisAsm: Force decimal point insertion for constant floats
Emu: Move VFS mount to Init

:: Github
:: Homepage
:: Latest development builds
