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Revolution Control Revealed!


New member
matthew said:
I have read the article but i think you should understand the implications
read my earlier post and tell me what you think on the front of 3rd party support

This is indeed a crucial part of success. I understand your pessimism. IMO, this was the best path Nintendo could take. A risky one, but the only way for them to get back on top. Nintendo can't win by playing the same game as their competitors. The only way they can win, is to generate enough hype with their differences, so that 3rd parties may decide to develop for them.

In this case, the similarities between Revolution and DS in concept are striking. The DS's touchscreen and second screen could have had the same effect on 3rd parties, but it seemed to attract more of them in fact. Is the revolution perhaps too unique? Could be. This may either scare off developers or attract them. Keep in mind though that Revolution is the perfect platform now for non games like Nintendogs, etc. Elektroplankton, wario ware type games are prefect for the revolution. It's a good thing they tried this strategy first with the DS. It may inspire third parties to have more confidence in jumping over.


Emutalk Bounty Hunter.
There's a shell people, that apparently has already been confirmed as being shipped with the revolution along with the 8 way nub attachment (so I've heard, can anyone confirm this conformation?) The shell looks basically like a Wavebird now, though it is just a mockup done by nintendo. They know not every developer will want or be able to embrace the technology. Iwata may have said in his keynote that we need to abandon the old design but he knows it has to be gradual, that why there is a shell, and also there will be different add ons.

So ports are way beyond possible, they'll probably be commonplace, if for no other reason the fact the Revo is apparently very easy to develop for, unlike the 360 and the PS3 which with their multiple core assemblies, are very difficult to program for, the PS3 espically, not to mention the fact that the PS3 is using a Blu-Ray standard, which makes Dev more expensive.

My money on this generation as always is on Nintendo, I had planned on preordering an xbox360 but now I'm just going to pick up a regular xbox when the 360 comes out, and wait for the 360 prices to drop.

Time will tell if Nintendo is really still in the game, but as far as innovation and easy development goes, Ninty wins the prize.



jonat3 said:
This is indeed a crucial part of success. I understand your pessimism. IMO, this was the best path Nintendo could take. A risky one, but the only way for them to get back on top. Nintendo can't win by playing the same game as their competitors. The only way they can win, is to generate enough hype with their differences, so that 3rd parties may decide to develop for them.

In this case, the similarities between Revolution and DS in concept are striking. The DS's touchscreen and second screen could have had the same effect on 3rd parties, but it seemed to attract more of them in fact. Is the revolution perhaps too unique? Could be. This may either scare off developers or attract them. Keep in mind though that Revolution is the perfect platform now for non games like Nintendogs, etc. Elektroplankton, wario ware type games are prefect for the revolution. It's a good thing they tried this strategy first with the DS. It may inspire third parties to have more confidence in jumping over.

Thing is i love Nintendo thats why my pessimism is there because Nintendo appeals to gamers and to rise from 3rd place they need to appeal to more than just gamers they need to appeal to the developers and the casual gamer aswell. I just don't want them to fail and also i want to be apart of all the big noise games when they say have to played X game.
I hate having to own 3 systems to experience the best of gaming.
I mean especially the way Sega went they don't release their games multiplatform they tend to certain games are exclusives to specific platforms like Virtua Fighter 4 an exclusive to PS2
and House of the dead 3 an exclusive to Xbox and the list goes on of how many third party games the Gamecube just didn't even get a look in.
I was flippin burned about Burnout 3 :|


New member
matthew said:
Thing is i love Nintendo thats why my pessimism is there because Nintendo appeals to gamers and to rise from 3rd place they need to appeal to more than just gamers they need to appeal to the developers and the casual gamer aswell. I just don't want them to fail and also i want to be apart of all the big noise games when they say have to played X game.
I hate having to own 3 systems to experience the best of gaming.
I mean especially the way Sega went they don't release their games multiplatform they tend to certain games are exclusives to specific platforms like Virtua Fighter 4 an exclusive to PS2
and House of the dead 3 an exclusive to Xbox and the list goes on of how many third party games the Gamecube just didn't even get a look in.
I was flippin burned about Burnout 3 :|

True, despite Nintendo being the most profitable out of the three, the GC wasn't exactly their best effort.

Anyways, even if the shell from Nintendo is inadequate, the 3rd party shells may mimic xbox360 and PS3 controllers. Even then the controller will still have it's motion sensing abilities.
It's a good thing they included the shell. If the rev controller bombs, they atleast covered their asses with it.
Point is, ports should still be possible. Don't like the controls? Check out the shell or other addons.

In the worse case scenario, Nintendo won't get ports, but they will have the most unique games of the three. PS3 and xbox360 will share quite a few titles, but Revolution will be unique in that regard.

Anyways, we'll have to wait and see what the 3rd parties will do, but for once i'm positive again. Nintendo did the best thing possible this time around. Now the next move is for the 3rd parties.


jonat3 said:
True, despite Nintendo being the most profitable out of the three, the GC wasn't exactly their best effort.

Anyways, even if the shell from Nintendo is inadequate, the 3rd party shells may mimic xbox360 and PS3 controllers. Even then the controller will still have it's motion sensing abilities.
It's a good thing they included the shell. If the rev controller bombs, they atleast covered their asses with it.
Point is, ports should still be possible. Don't like the controls? Check out the shell or other addons.

In the worse case scenario, Nintendo won't get ports, but they will have the most unique games of the three. PS3 and xbox360 will share quite a few titles, but Revolution will be unique in that regard.

Anyways, we'll have to wait and see what the 3rd parties will do, but for once i'm positive again. Nintendo did the best thing possible this time around. Now the next move is for the 3rd parties.

I'm a bit concerned really they say the graphics won't be on par with xbox360 or even the ps3 but i know for a fact that the mass market loves graphics regardless of what its other capabilities are.
For example check the Nintendo DS i know for a fact that it will allow for never before seen games to enter the market as they already have done even with the launch games.
However here in the Uk The PSP is wiping the floor with DS on the strength of its graphics and i know its graphics mainly due how every describes the games many have already dismissed DS as a failure and disregarded the touchscreen as a meer gimmick. Its not fair but thats what you get for being innovative :p


New member
matthew said:
I'm a bit concerned really they say the graphics won't be on par with xbox360 or even the ps3 but i know for a fact that the mass market loves graphics regardless of what its other capabilities are.
For example check the Nintendo DS i know for a fact that it will allow for never before seen games to enter the market as they already have done even with the launch games.
However here in the Uk The PSP is wiping the floor with DS on the strength of its graphics and i know its graphics mainly due how every describes the games many have already dismissed DS as a failure and disregarded the touchscreen as a meer gimmick. Its not fair but thats what you get for being innovative :p

Lol, that's quite true. Anyways, win some, lose some. Those damn UK people are graphic whores. j/k :p

Anyways, i'm not that certain that revolution will be THAT MUCH weaker than the competetition. Their comments on the power of revolution are near identical to their comments on the GC. GC turned out to be more powerful than PS2 though. I think they will probably be the weakest this time around, but i doubt they will lag that far behind. They still need to be good enough to run those ports. :happy:


New member
matthew said:
I'm a bit concerned really they say the graphics won't be on par with xbox360 or even the ps3 but i know for a fact that the mass market loves graphics regardless of what its other capabilities are.
For example check the Nintendo DS i know for a fact that it will allow for never before seen games to enter the market as they already have done even with the launch games.
However here in the Uk The PSP is wiping the floor with DS on the strength of its graphics and i know its graphics mainly due how every describes the games many have already dismissed DS as a failure and disregarded the touchscreen as a meer gimmick. Its not fair but thats what you get for being innovative :p

The Revolution is ditching polygons for a whole new method, and this method combined with the Revo's hardware = Look's just as good as(if not better than) the X-Box 360's GFX.

I have no idea why UK is so dumb...like the UK sales of Sega Mega Drive beat the sales of the SNES...why?

Meh, anyway, I LOVE the controller. I'm really feeling this controller, I really am. I can't WAIT to get a Revolution :D


Tjalian said:
I have no idea why UK is so dumb...like the UK sales of Sega Mega Drive beat the sales of the SNES...why?

It's a can of worms that you might of just opened. ;)


New member
I might be the only one, but I thought analog sticks were cumbersome and strange at first, but now, you can't play a game without them (except PC).

I think this will prove to act in much the same way. Nintendo seeks to make their consoles FUN, not to sell the most. The Xbox may have better graphics, the Ps2 may have better titles, but I would much rather play SSBM than Halo2 or any of the GT games.

P.S. PC rules all.


Alchemist said:
Nintendo seeks to make their consoles FUN, not to sell the most.

Don't be so naive.

Nintendo is a business. Nintendo want to make money.

So of course Nintendo want their consoles to sell the most, it would be idiotic to think anything else.


Jaz said:
Don't be so naive.

Nintendo is a business. Nintendo want to make money.

So of course Nintendo want their consoles to sell the most, it would be idiotic to think anything else.

Definitely i wonder why they don't give the people what they want :p


New member
what ppl want is a subjective matter, what i think ppl want will most likely differ from your stand and most definately from nintendo´s way of thinking, however they are out there to sell fun and not top notch graphics, i guess they did it for the best and the outcome will surprise us all.


WhiteX said:
what ppl want is a subjective matter, what i think ppl want will most likely differ from your stand and most definately from nintendo´s way of thinking, however they are out there to sell fun and not top notch graphics, i guess they did it for the best and the outcome will surprise us all.
Na from what i'm seeing Sony and Microsoft are delivering what people want but Nintendo is trying to give the people what Nintendo want. Innovation and all that
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Emulator Developer
Actually, innovation is trying to deliver what people will want, not what people wants right now... I don't know if this controller is easy and fun to use but i know that they'll have to very carefully choose their first games if they want to convince people. IMO, if they want to hit a larger audience than what they have right now, they should release a few good FPS when they'll launch the console... it seems to be perfect for that kind of games.


Hacktarux said:
Actually, innovation is trying to deliver what people will want, not what people wants right now... I don't know if this controller is easy and fun to use but i know that they'll have to very carefully choose their first games if they want to convince people. IMO, if they want to hit a larger audience than what they have right now, they should release a few good FPS when they'll launch the console... it seems to be perfect for that kind of games.

Don't know why but i'm losing hope in Nintendo they are my favourites but i feel that they won't be leaders ever again because they choose to be different.
I don't understand also what benefits does a Gamecube design Hold for any game over a traditional pad design like for example a six button layout of maybe a six button layout. I want to know what was that innovation for :p


Jaz said:
Don't be so naive.

Nintendo is a business. Nintendo want to make money.

So of course Nintendo want their consoles to sell the most, it would be idiotic to think anything else.
Of course the thing everyone always forgets is that unlike Sony and Microsoft who lose money on every PS2/PSP or XBox sold, Nintendo have always gotten their production costs down so that they make actual profit from every GameCube sale as well as software sales.

I would guess if you racked up the amount Sony/Microsoft have lost on selling their consoles v.s. the amount Nintendo have continued to make selling theirs, you'd see pretty damn good (read: very profitable) results on the Nintendo side and mass losses on the Sony/Microsoft side.

Nintendo want to make money because they always have been making money, but they do push games a lot more than Sony who seem to want to own your media for the future and Microsoft who may be pushing rarely-used online services too hard. Realistically, PS3 could be seen as an attempt to help push the Sony-backed Blu-Ray format through in the HD format wars, and Sony are clearly a business who has little to no interest in their users in the end as far as games go. Remember that the original purpose of the PlayStation was basic revenge on Nintendo over the SNES CD fiasco and not to be "your friend". They want to get a "digital content" device in your home, not games because that's where the money is for Sony and that is closer to their traditional business.

Microsoft (and for anyone not knowing, I absolutely *adore* my XBox probably more than my NGC these days... at least until Twilight Princess;)) want you online where they can make some money from it, seeming less interested in talking about the games more than the other things the 360 can do.

Nintendo... well, they barely seem to give a crap about multimedia capabilities and never have. It's all about the games, same as ever. I've never heard them express even the slightest desire to do anything other than give us games. All else is optional and up to the person who owns the console and they don't push you to use it. You can if you want to. Personally I have enough "media" devices already as I bet most people do.Their online DS and Revolution services are intended to be easy to use and pretty much free. There is also the bizarre case that most of the coverage and debate around the controller/Revolution is incredibly positive, and it'd take the most damned fanatical PS3/360 fans to deny that of the next-gen consoles it already has the most promise for a unique, new and fun gaming experience of the three. That is it's only purpose. That is why Revolution actually deserves to succeed.
To Nintendo!:party:
(And to anyone who actually read all of that... yikes.)


matthew said:
Don't know why but i'm losing hope in Nintendo they are my favourites but i feel that they won't be leaders ever again because they choose to be different.
I don't understand also what benefits does a Gamecube design Hold for any game over a traditional pad design like for example a six button layout of maybe a six button layout. I want to know what was that innovation for :p
Simplicity of interface and comfort was the idea. Just look at that lovely big "A" button resting there waiting to be pushed. It is also wonderfully comfortable for long-term play as anyone who has suffered from DreamCast/XBox `analogue trigger overuse can surely attest to.


Stalkid64 said:
Simplicity of interface and comfort was the idea. Just look at that lovely big "A" button resting there waiting to be pushed. It is also wonderfully comfortable for long-term play as anyone who has suffered from DreamCast/XBox `analogue trigger overuse can surely attest to.

Na its not simplicity the bloody buttons are in the most awkward places for many third party games only the Nintendo made games can really work with the Nintendo pads
