What's new
  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.
  • As members seem to have a problem reading the release threads:

    Djipi's packs are built for the (Glide64 finale) Plugin. Nolonger supported!
    Djipi's packs are built for the (GlideN64) Plugin.
    These two Plugins are two completely different pieces of code.

    GlideN64.HTC archived packs locked by Djipi are not compatible with use on Glide64, Rice video, nor Jabo video.

    Glide64.DAT archived packs locked by Djipi are not compatible with use on GlideN64, Rice video, nor Jabo video.

    Djipi has never made a pack for use with Rice video and never will. any packs found in this format are not authorized!

    GlideN64 is the new standard and only requires an Radeon 6XXX.
    This is a somewhat older GPU and should be readily available.
    Do everyone a favor and upgrade!

Majora's Mask N64HD Project Completed!



Here's what's been happening over the past month-

GlideN64 is now fixed and the deku race and pirate fortress areas can be retextured without mapping problems. Gonetz also plans to add a Dolphin style texture loading option so that only the textures needed are loaded (as opposed to loading everything at startup).

Gamemasterplc has fixed his widescreen patch and there's now a 16:9 option that's basically bug free. His old patch broke the motion blur effect in addition to a dozen other things, but after a few members of my Discord tested the latest version it seems to work without any major problems. As you can see, it moves the HUD to the edges of the screen and improves a few other things here and there. The current version is mainly missing the bomber's notebook fixes:
nzNNnsEjE1D06OurQln59XKv8cTFc1GFm_U9Hkmt  lMBB2RzErV_wPjQiTZuonV7DbKNOjZOqGDtaEXft  HZ_ZCacP2Mz5KUYCIorCnuam-x79yLJh0dKuWhU3CdiY1jVe_xjQFP4tL-6WbGKTKPsjxBK5YLQnik7gRm7fGLTh2_m0tcQDsm  O5MrzvbRV9dsVPYuAOYkKg9BKUHixJsVaMMD1ngU  gIzHAf9CZjcBZHPjIO-5gYR1V3tTI9FpvPdwwnELmeJebWTUjAppKgLBi8R  YK_tRCOWsCfD6JcBQZYerFuB8njSHKKZtecR7sL0  bQt_qAfAI6QvN__5Y3lVhxoqKQtYLW3R8jDYTKMs  znVAMSxO3d902KKesjOKt6hFwetoF4cil5BNTJrb  _LrvkKBh1Nt8yYYwFCKD-0kcdoTIvqrbDrVYA1z0AZ9nHlzdMeVKDP7HRWi3v  6WOh3wlWaSUpLFCAFfD1UjuZnTUE2MpVXias6hAy  zIrU_d4Pm_jHV1xfeJC2jZe7pFhk1FiCmO_YIcGv  qyZgsc12imkMnDlfDYdn2xaYwG0Urdxkv9NA5rbP  AM6zHbu0T0ds-v9Af5hRnFUO-wKI8IYZCnU8DU6zuzTUyxijbwz_Ek-y4juLp6kg6b5FrBmnJKvA9VOfb_RbHE3JBoz-k=w2030-h1143-no

You can download a beta version here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kZr4JGWofKPdsL_qz4nAggyOjcyAh_C f
And then use this online utility to patch your game (obviously, don't overwrite your original): https://hack64.net/tools/patcher.php

I've also redone all of the item and mask textures to more closely match the originals. Anything that wasn't an official render has been redrawn, which means every bottle has been redone from scratch, and the lighting is now more consistent with the original textures. I also expect to finish the temple before the end of the month and I've got a gallery of early comparison shots here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/EaTkMrgT4fx91Bqj9

HyBFG0ftDc7BtbgfIPsNVtWMFIxot1gvtG3o7Oq2  ZE62mXBGi6aSndMJEX72Q_iufJ1ECGBwI5wirS9Z  SP8ncZfeizlr-cTjo8W5Nrf8ZhL4VlYVDogHfFTraLSej4wsOKUe_  hsyAA=w1600-h1200-no

eecvalISd71Nttn3-kU4zuelc6dcwvCP2LFDopyJx6Dc7j_iMl64algDP  6nqAPb_rm5xKVqUCeRf27-nybY3XCEBqRb-69CqUyomDPA9pJ_eJzIgHRy9kFftmFV6UnO0dcHg  29D82c90c9sk_FM9rcbbsiPpCOVVY8dCsbv43Grj  FxwIIJ0-dC7WYCOUVC0YFhXl-Hc2uFz6BbEOh_ykmRXt6K78sjl6czHpJiGEi8Akp  miJWj0M9yApzRpBTGc9Bn2b7r0wgRXYfoUvi-0OLvPP37ojDb90SxHLxDRhAmUPcPlARIWiEsc0Ft  lVw5azE64ID8Z0jTNwWoEyJZtocTIy3IewF2tKsG  jGPKY7MBO33N-ypQpnSvDFT5rehqodvXi9AAcZkCXYh14RNUH5Jir  7Iy70v03_vPO617EFGF9SH2XADhdaJOYwI-44pNaNbG8Tg3qiLImRYfYnqCJb403Dp0wZry4ddD  jbmR96ecqE3-5fsdjFuYdhKcesgSmgI5KvKOdAnhnUmacYTH0XmZ  YGgsJBk8zQ3t8RnKwKORfgUpnDwgkzBPZKfB2MM3  4pD0R1qj4G-ClT_Zt3D-Q3mdjtHHq6raU7oyF9IN5yELiySpp0NH8AAxPalI  V9lVbfLVqH0xDFWkOAE0cA0nt72KL9MUGFLkB1nZ  FEMwYtnOX5--pYrjwsYohB1cGkMMNbaleD2soMdFCBFlMophuv-v3x=w1600-h1200-no

The last thing I want to mention, which is insane, is that the author of MXAO has moved on to create a full ray tracing shader that operates off of the same information that MXAO did. That means that if you use GlideN64 2.0, or if the newer versions ever get depth effects fixed, you can play Majora's Mask with ray tracing once the shader is finished. Digital Foundry has been showing it off a lot and you can see a good example of it here (skip to 26:45):
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Great bay temple:

The video compression doesn't show the new textures very clearly, so here are some screenshots to go with the video. The first two shots show the difference the new path tracing shader makes (even partially broken the improvement is still easy to see:

Gyrog was a headache to deal with since his mappings made little sense. I tried a texture based on the concept art and in spite of being seamless it tiles with seams:


One of his fins is also upside down for some reason:

The end result isn't ideal, but it looks better than it did when I started:
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Just Having Fun
I'm going to be ever-so-slightly disappointed when you finally finish this project because it means there will be nothing more to look forward to.

Do you offer your talents elsewhere?
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The links have been updated to include the temple textures and I also added in Odolwa's textures:


Active member
Wow Nerrel, keep up the great work. Hugely impressed with how much effort you have been putting into this project and how well it is all turning out!


Here's a small update on the Ikana area. The HD photos are also using the path tracing shader, which is fixed now and works as it should. I'm using a really old build at this point, I'll update next month when the shader drops to $5 instead of $20:

You can see some of it in motion in the texture tutorial video I uploaded a few days ago, which shows the entire drawing process for the brick wall and brick road textures. I don't want to directly link it here because it is monetized and that might violate the rules, but it's there on my channel if anyone wants to see how the textures were drawn: https://www.youtube.com/nerrel
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New member
Best N64 Remastered Project Ever!!!

I stand by what I said waaay back. I just haven't had the time to play this game as much, however, it is still the best N64 Remastered Game up to date. Anyone who disagrees has no taste or understanding on the amount of work you have put in into this game. :)


New member
Hi Nerreal. Firstly, congratulations for the job, you have make a fantastic pack for MM. Im interested on creating hi res textures based on the original for some game BUT dont know how to do it. Something like this: http://www.emutalk.net/threads/55857-The-most-faithful-SM64-retexture-(probably) or the textures you showed on your second post.

Could you explain how to increase the detail based on the originals textures? Or give a link of how-to-do. I think it would be very useful for everyone who wants to retexture a game.

Thanks a lot. ;)


New member
It appears that texture packs are now supported for Citra! Someone's already done an AI upscale for MM3D, here's the video if anyone is interested:

Unfortunately it won't look great unless the textures are re-drawn by hand but I thought it's something worth mentioning... Given that the models are a lot higher quality than the N64 version it can visually be the definitive version of the game, however a lot of design issues still persist with that version (though there's always hope for mods to fix these issues, as some already have been).


Given that the models are a lot higher quality than the N64 version it can visually be the definitive version of the game, however a lot of design issues still persist with that version (though there's always hope for mods to fix these issues, as some already have been).

All of the major issues with MM3D have been fixed now, even the song of time saving and the Odolwa and Twinmold fights. The mod author is patching up a few bugs but otherwise is basically done with the game: https://github.com/leoetlino/project-restoration

I've done a few textures for it and I'll be adapting the texture pack over once the 64 version is done. A lot of things will have to be redrawn from scratch or heavily reworked to fit in, but about 50% of the textures seem like they can be ported without much trouble. Some people on Discord have already ported some things over, like the shield texture (the sky is a new texture from scratch):

Citra unfortunately can't run ReShade with depth effects due to the way its depth buffer works, but GlideN64 is now fully compatible with it if you download the latest WIP build and turn on "copy depth to main buffer" in the framebuffer tab. You also need this special version of ReShade for the time being.

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New member
Wow I had no idea that mod has already come so far! Will definitely try it out over as soon as I get the chance.
Happy to hear that so many of the textures you've made can just be slotted in, would love to see a complete texture pack for MM3D but the current 64 one is looking like more than I could ever ask for anyway.

Thanks for the ReShade info... that glossy clock town is just magical.


New member
i love pack but sky textures still wont load correctly in your pack and using the latest wip version gliden64 plugin


New member
Great to see new updates. I wanted to try how Reshade is working now and it seems to be working better than before. However, I'm having a issue where the textures load in the start up and I get the messages of textures being loaded but the textures are not applied in game. I am using the PNG version.


i love pack but sky textures still wont load correctly in your pack and using the latest wip version gliden64 plugin

GlideN64 has a problem where the sky textures change depending on the hour. They'll load at certain hours of the day, and then as soon as the clock hits the next hour the sky suddenly shifts to a differently named set of textures. That shouldn't be happening, as the game obviously uses the same skybox throughout the day.

I could fix it by adding a duplicate skybox, but that would be a pretty big size increase and it wouldn't be easy to piece together and rename every individual texture. I'm waiting to see if Gonetz can fix it first, if not then I'll have to create the duplicates.

I'm having a issue where the textures load in the start up and I get the messages of textures being loaded but the textures are not applied in game. I am using the PNG version.

Is the PNG folder 2GB in size? If you created your own HTC cache try deleting it


New member
"Is the PNG folder 2GB in size? If you created your own HTC cache try deleting it"
Yes it is 2GB. I have not created a HTC cache. I started with a clean install of Project 64. Was texture loading changed? Previously I was able to put a folder with the game's name and add textures with the proper name as the original texture's name and it will load.
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I reuploaded the PNG pack and a few people on Discord confirmed that it works, so try downloading again.

I'll try to get some more comparison pictures up once a few more areas get finished. The well basically has four textures and the castle grounds are nearly done as well.


New member
The textures still don't load, it must be an issue with Project 64. What version of Project 64 do you use? The latest ones seem to not work for texture packs.


You're going to have to use the HTS version. The Ikana textures I've been adding have apparently spiked the memory use over 5GB, which means you either have to use the new dynamic loading option or use Mupen64. It shouldn't have anything to do with Project64, unless you've been using the stable release (2GB only) and not one of the new nightly builds (which can at least load 4GB).
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New member
I don't see this new Dynamic Loading Option. Do you know where I can get the latest Mupen64? I've seen two versions Mupen64 and Mupen64plus. I prefer to have PNG files because I have my own textures that I'd also like to use.
