Hey Nerrel, hey community,
first of all: Tons of respect! I've stumbled across your work quite some time ago, but wanted to wait until you were finished.
So I'm totally stoked to finally give your project a shot.
It seems though as if the links you provided in your previous post no longer work (Google Drive).
Rosalies installer installs at least "some" version; I just don't know if it automatically uses your latest update. Can anyone say something about that or provide a link to the Nerrels latest release?
A second question: Unfortunately my game stutters from time to time (both in game as well as in video sequences). I guess this is due to the loading process of the HTS version as stated in the first posting.
Or do you guys have any other ideas (settings I should double check, etc.)?
-> In case the stutter is due to a lack of disc speed, I hope to mitigate some of that when moving the game to a SSD (I'm using a relatively old setup right now with too little remaining disc space on my SSD, so I'm running it on a classical HDD

What about you guys: Does the game run smoothly for you, or is some stutter to be expected? I do not have *that* much experience w/ project64 etc., but the few games I tried so far worked pretty well.