Multi System

SuperModel WIP (x86/x64) v0.3a Build 230820 is released!

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Supermodel emulates Sega's Model 3 arcade platform, allowing you to relive state-of-the-art 3D arcade gaming as it existed from 1996 through 1999. It uses OpenGL, SDL2, and can run on Windows, Linux, and macOS. It also supports network play on low-latency network connections. The source code is freely available under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

The first Sega Model 3 emulator created by Bart Trzynadlowski, Ville Linde and Stefano Teso in its development version (see here or there ) [ source ].


The update system changes from SVN to GIT, suddenly the name of the versions change, for...

Ares v133 is released!

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Created by Near (ex byuu) and continued by Luke Usher ( PolyBlast / CxBx-Reloaded ) and others, Ares is a multi-system emulator whose development began on October 14, 2004. It is a descendant of higan and bsnes. It focuses on accuracy and preservation. Ares emulates the following 33 machines: – PC Engine + PC Engine CD + SuperGrafx – MSX + MSX2 – ColecoVision – Neo Geo Pocket + Neo Geo Pocket Color – Neo Geo AES – Sinclair Zx Spectrum – WonderSwan + WonderSwan Color + SwanCrystal + Pocket Challenge V2.

– Atari 2600
– Famicom + Famicom Disk System
– Super Famicom + Super Game Boy
– Nintendo 64/64DD
– Game Boy + Game Boy Color
– Game Boy Advance + Game Boy Player
– SG-1000 + SC-3000
– Master System + Game Gear
– Mega Drive + Mega 32X + Mega CD
– Nichibutsu – My Vision
– Playstation

MSU-1 packs are available here .

Here is the information since the last version of ares:

User Interface

Raine v0.95.5c is released!

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Raine is an Arcade/NeoGeoCD emulator as well as a great alternative to MAME. In summary: 0.95.5/b/c: – Check here

Just posted 0.95.5c version, there are very few changes inside, mainly the few text changes from mer-curious, the change to allow more ips files, 2 new cheat files from ffman1985 : sfa3 and sfa3jr2, and that's all. It's just that there is nothing big in the works for now, so there is no real reason to wait for the ips fix.

0.95.5b was linux only to fix a make install problem.

And there should not be any 0.95.5d !

Raine v0.95.5 is released!

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RAINE is an arcade emulator that emulates M68000 and M68020 based games
An revised emulator it's here! Raine is an emulator, it emulates some M68000 and M68020 arcade games and is mainly focused on Taito and Jaleco games hardware.

- the list of games now using the console scripts from ffman1985 is longer, see his thread for details. Here it is : hsf2d, sf2cejc, sf2ce, sf2hfj, sf2hf, sf2j, sf2, sf2ad, sfa, sfz2ald, sfz2alj, sfz2al, ssf2ud, ssf2xjd, ssf2xj, xmcotar1d
- progear had been broken for 1 year ! It's now fixed.

- the ips files can now be bps files when referenced in a .dat file. If you don't know what bps files are, never mind !
- some minor fixes in the multiple files selector for "load ips dat files"
- since they never fixed sdl2_image 2.6.x which does not return palettes anymore for 256 colors png, I finally merged the right version of their load_png function to be able to keep the color cycling in the raine dialog on systems with a recent sdl2_image...

MAME v0.253 is released.!

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MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with images of the original arcade game's ROM and disk data, MAME attempts to reproduce that game as faithfully as possible on a more modern general-purpose computer. MAME can currently emulate several thousand different classic arcade video games from the late 1970s through the modern era.

What's news in MAME:


MESSinfo.dat v0.252 is released.

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Detailed mess game information (including version added, number of players, game status, cpu/audio chips, display info and maws hall of fame ratings). Provides Recommended Games for GameEx.

Changelog is very long:

RetroArch 1.15.0 is release!

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RetroArch can run on the usual platforms like Windows, macOS and Linux, but it stands alone in that it can support far more platforms beyond just that.

Long changelog list here:

Z64K v2.2 Build 20230307.XXXX is released!

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It is a multi-emulator emulating the Atari 2600, Commodore C64, C128 and Vic20. The many changes are visible on the main page of the official site. Note that the term "NewUI" has been removed as it no longer has any interest.

  • Z80 IN/OUT accesses RAM from $d000-$dfff for locations $0000-$1000 only when RAM bank 0 ismapped in.
  • Fixed bug with monitor when banking in ROMusing bank command for c128

Ares v132 is released!

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Created by Near (ex byuu) and continued by Luke Usher ( PolyBlast / CxBx-Reloaded ) and others, Ares is a multi-system emulator whose development began on October 14, 2004. It is a descendant of higan and bsnes . It focuses on accuracy and preservation. Ares emulates the following 32 machines: – Atari 2600 – Famicom + Famicom Disk System – Super Famicom + Super Game Boy – Nintendo 64 – Game Boy + Game Boy Color – Game Boy Advance + Game Boy Player – SG-1000 + SC-3000 – Master System + Game Gear – Mega Drive + Mega 32X + Mega CD – Playstation – PC Engine + PC Engine CD + SuperGrafx – MSX + MSX2

– Neo Geo Pocket + Neo Geo Pocket Color
– Neo Geo AES
– Sinclair Zx Spectrum
– WonderSwan + WonderSwan Color + SwanCrystal + Pocket Challenge V2...

SuperModel WIP (x86/x64) v0.3a Build 230226 is released!

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Supermodel emulates Sega's Model 3 arcade platform, allowing you to play a number of ground-breaking arcade classics on your PC. It uses OpenGL and the SDL library, and can run on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.


– Update with macOS build and run instructions
– Misc fixes

MedGui Reborn v0.123 is released!

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MedGui Reborn ia a Windows Front-End/Gui for Mednafen multi-system emulator.


– Fixed wrong disabled groupbox on MedClient
– hidden the link to BSFree due to link not available anymore
– Disabled horizontal overscan area option on PCE_FAST module (thx skalt711 for report the bug)
– Fixed relative path problem (thx ZzackK for bug report)
– Fixed a bug with wrong stored record codec parameter (thx ZzackK for bug report)
– Fixed a bug with psx game with multiple « [ » on cheat manager
– Fixed a bug with sbi patch path
– Changed icon showed on m3u detection
– Added MedClient load at Startup (thx ZzackK for suggestion)
– On MedClient swapped « Utra Crappy IRC » with « qwebirc » by webbrowser component, due to any bugs encountered on IrcClient.dll (many many thx to ZzackK for report bugs and test)
– Fixed a crash at launch of MedPad that appear when datagridview is empty
– Changed gamesdatabase URL

Raine v0.95 is released!

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RAINE is an Emulator for Arcade games. Raine is a M68000 and M68020 arcade game emulator. Raine emulates some M68000 and M68020 arcade games and is mainly focused on Taito and Jaleco games hardware. It started as an experiment with the Rainbow Islands romset, dumped by Aracorn/Romlist. Raine can emulate many nice games now, and new games (previously unemulated) are appearing weekly.


It goes with a dll update, a few dlls were updated including sdl2, so it's advised to update for all windows users, the new packages are dlls32-0.95.7z for 32 bits and dlls64-0.95.7z for 64 bits.

MAME v0.252 is released!

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After almost two months, we’re ready to release MAME 0.252, the first MAME release of 2023! As promised, there are some big updates, and some of them may require you to make a few adjustments to your MAME setups. In particular, the modules MAME uses to handle input and output (e.g. video, sound and controllers) have been cleaned up, fixing lots of bugs and resource leaks.
First of all, the BGFX video module has had a serious overhaul. Numerous issues affecting artwork rendering have been fixed, and toggling full-screen mode no longer crashes. MAME now saves many BGFX video settings to your CFG files for each emulated system.
Game controller handling has also been overhauled. The downside is that you may need to reconfigure inputs for MAME. The upside is that things should work better out-of-the-box, with better default input assignments for more controllers:
  • For Windows users, more XInput controllers are fully supported, including guitars, the DJ Hero turntable, and...

Raine v0.94.11 is released!

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RAINE is an Emulator for Arcade games. Raine is a M68000 and M68020 arcade game emulator. Raine emulates some M68000 and M68020 arcade games and is mainly focused on Taito and Jaleco games hardware. It started as an experiment with the Rainbow Islands romset, dumped by Aracorn/Romlist. Raine can emulate many nice games now, and new games (previously unemulated) are appearing weekly.


- daioh displays correctly its controls in the gui, and not as a 6 buttons fighting game anymore
- update for the turbo key (DEL by default) : it was still displaying the fps as an int when it has been a float for years now, so its display was totally wrong, it now displays the fps reached while the speed was unlimited, and opengl double buffer is temporary disabled when using this so that the speed is not limited by the video hardware.
- fix bad color for the status bar in the cheats dialog when there is a message...
- fix for a crash in 32 bits, it happened in...

Raine v0.94.9 released!

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RAINE is an Emulator for Arcade games. Raine is a M68000 and M68020 arcade game emulator. Raine emulates some M68000 and M68020 arcade games and is mainly focused on Taito and Jaleco games hardware. It started as an experiment with the Rainbow Islands romset, dumped by Aracorn/Romlist. Raine can emulate many nice games now, and new games (previously unemulated) are appearing weekly.

Bigger archive than usual because new sdl + new muparser + new history.dat inside !
Except that :

- it's mostly the big update of the translations. I couldn't contact the spanish or the italian translator, so only the french and brazilian ones are really updated, for the others it's just the minimum updates so that they continue to work. mer-curious sent more patches to change some texts in the english GUI too.
- added some console functions to handle save states from a post in the forum, we'll see if it's useful or not
- added the ability to choose a japanese font, see the thread about...

MAME v0.251 released!

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MAME is a multi-purpose emulation framework.

MAME’s purpose is to preserve decades of software history. As electronic technology continues to rush forward, MAME prevents this important "vintage" software from being lost and forgotten. This is achieved by documenting the hardware and how it functions. The source code to MAME serves as this documentation. The fact that the software is usable serves primarily to validate the accuracy of the documentation (how else can you prove that you have recreated the hardware faithfully?). Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade video games that were its initial focus.

It looks like MAME 0.251 has made it out the door just in time for the end of 2022! December felt like...

ares v131 released!

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Multi System Emulator

ares is a cross-platform, open source, multi-system emulator, focusing on accuracy and preservation.

ARM64 Windows builds are now available.
The 32X core is no longer marked as experimental, having reached 95% compatibility. There are still have some minor glitches here and there, the majority of games can now be played.
There have been significant improvements to many other cores too, refer to the change log below for details.
Change Log
User Interface
  • Debugger: set per-processor trace history depth [invertego]
  • Debugger: store 64-bit addresses in trace history [invertego]
  • Debugger: use a hashset to track visisted addresses [invertego]
  • Move Audio Driver settings onto a new line, to prevent large device names overflowing the container [LukeUsher]
  • Implement 'Reload Current Game' hotkey/menu option [LukeUsher]
  • Controllers: bind analog inputs only on motion away from center...

MedGui Reborn v0.121 released!

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MedGui Reborn v0.121 is released. MedGui is a GUI (Frontend) for Mednafen WINDOW OS.

MedGui Reborn v0.121 Changelog:

Updated Newtonsoft.Json to v.13.0.2
On perconfig fixed a problem with doubled quoted string
Better management of errors on failure extraction for compressed archive
In Cheat manager if the error 403 appear, MedGuiR try to connect again one time to server
Unrecognized games will be named as original file name (thx Cyber Akuma for report the bug)
Fixed a bug with multiple entries for the same game with multi bin file (thx Cyber Akuma for report the bug)
Added sound device selector
Improved and fixed scan detection on PSX and Saturn games
Fixed error message for ST-V games on 32 bit OS
Added no$psx bios v2.1 hash to the supported psx bios
Fixed a regression on last MedGuiR release on multiple entries for bin file and undetected cd based games

RetroArch v1.14.0 released!

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RetroArch v1.14.0 is released. RetroArch is a multi-system emulator for Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and *BSD. It is formerly known as SSNES. Its design and background is quite different than most other emulators as RetroArch does not implement an emulation core itself. RetroArch talks to libretro, a generic emulator core API. This means that RetroArch is core agnostic, and it does not care which emulator core is running.

Currently there are libretro implementations for systems such as SNES, NES, GBA, GB/GBC, Genesis, and even arcade games (Final Burn Alpha).

libretro isn't only usable for emulators. A preliminary port of an open source reimplementation of Cave Story has been ported to libretro as well.

RetroArch believes in modularity. The application itself is a command-line driven application suitable for HTPC and/or headless use. There also exists a GUI frontend for RetroArch, supporting every single config option available in RetroArch.



MAME v0.250 released!

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MAME v0.250 is released. MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with images of the original arcade game's ROM and disk data, MAME attempts to reproduce that game as faithfully as possible on a more modern general-purpose computer. MAME can currently emulate several thousand different classic arcade video games from the late 1970s through the modern era.

What's news in MAME:

A long list of changelog at:
