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SuperModel WIP (x86/x64) v0.3a Build 230820 is released!

Supermodel emulates Sega's Model 3 arcade platform, allowing you to relive state-of-the-art 3D arcade gaming as it existed from 1996 through 1999. It uses OpenGL, SDL2, and can run on Windows, Linux, and macOS. It also supports network play on low-latency network connections. The source code is freely available under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

The first Sega Model 3 emulator created by Bart Trzynadlowski, Ville Linde and Stefano Teso in its development version (see here or there ) [ source ].


The update system changes from SVN to GIT, suddenly the name of the versions change, for simplicity I will use a system by release date more understandable than the default of GIT.

– DMA device register always returns Step 1.x PCI ID Step 2.x games by AM3
request PCI ID this way and expect to see 0x16c311db
– Misc fixes

Note that a new fork adding Sinden support is available here .

