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  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

Djipi's Cel Zelda Mod

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HoJu Simpson

New member
Thing is you only said that because he admitted to using a filter.

Any digital artist will tell you after viewing Djipi's screens that he has simply applied basic filters to original textures or one's found through google.

And in other places he has blatantly ripped WW textures. Either from screen shots or from the game itself (which can apparantly be done if you rip GC games to your PC hard drive and load with an emulator).

It doesn't bother me, because I'd play the best looking game no matter how it was constructed but you all make too much of the 'great talent' 'djipi is gonna be in game magazine's' comments.


Emulation Fanatic
SausageMan said:
So just make sure you post your stuff in their respective forums - your MM stuff can go in the MM forum, and if you've got some more OoT work you'd like to do, then by all means, make a thread for it!:)
I have to correct you when it comes to threads...This thread clearly says "Djipi's Cel Zelda Mod" and does NOT mention what Zelda game it is. I do agree that he should make his own thread, and he did, but i don´t agree with you saying that the MM stuff belongs in a MM forum. This thread is for both games, and that´s why it is called "Djipi's Cel Zelda Mod". Get the picture?:p

El Kameleon

New member
as far as that filter mess goes, yeah, i use the occasional filter for stuff like film grain and stuff, cause i cant be bothered to put all them damn specks in myself, but everything else is hand drawn, wether it be tracing or what, i still do alot of work. i use the polygon lasso alot, works good for the cel shading tecnique. so dont judge everyone too quickly, thats why i dont show alot of progress, cause i spend all day working on one texture or set of textures for an object.


New member
HoJu Simpson said:
Thing is you only said that because he admitted to using a filter.

Any digital artist will tell you after viewing Djipi's screens that he has simply applied basic filters to original textures or one's found through google.

And in other places he has blatantly ripped WW textures. Either from screen shots or from the game itself (which can apparantly be done if you rip GC games to your PC hard drive and load with an emulator).

It doesn't bother me, because I'd play the best looking game no matter how it was constructed but you all make too much of the 'great talent' 'djipi is gonna be in game magazine's' comments.
Yeah, that's all nice. It would hold up, if Djipi wouldn't have previously stated that he didn't rip anything from the Wind Waker.

If you would have at least searched the thread, you would have found that he played the Wind Waker and used textures he saw. He then recreated them in Photoshop. That's what he said.

The fact that you think the textures are ripped from the Wind Waker just shows that he did a good job. Besides, the Wind Waker is not just on a disc, it's on a mini disc. You'd need a mini disc drive in order to look at the files. From there, you'd need to crack the encryption of the files. After that, then you'd need to create a program that can read the files and give it the ability to save them as PNG or BMP. All that requires excessive work.

Why are so many people flaming here? It's not Djipi's fault that he had to move. It's called life. Just because you're impatient doesn't give you the right to flame.
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El Kameleon

New member
just real quickly, you can rip files from WW, my buddy has a shitload of them in a folder, just saying it can be done, not saying thats what Djipi did.

El Kameleon

New member
i honestly didnt care to ask how he got them, but he does have the WW disc image or whatever its caled, GCM, or whatever, but we're not to talk of such things ;)


New member
Of course there's ways and means of ripping textures from gamecube games. Just google someting like gcm image viewer or gcm image ripper.

But, I know Djipi didn't do that.


Zelda Maniac!!!
Do you mean GC-Tool Version 1.20? I tried using this and I extracted the files from the gcm file but there were no images/pictures in it. Do some games not have any pictures or am I using the wrong program?


Zelda CelShade Producer
Rip texture is easy , but recreat it take time (i like windwaker and take shot with my digital camera , and rework the texture).

Someone in this forum have send me near 20 windwaker rip texture . i modify it and recreat news textures.

Rip is easy , use is easy , but a good arragment and a good use isn't easy.

So if i remake texture , i make hard work . When i was usind wind waker texture , i was made simply work.

So , finally , don't believe that it's easy even if you have some texture.

You must recreat a atmosphere , a world .

I really think if it was so easy , many people could make all i had made.


New member
mongo51983 said:
Do you mean GC-Tool Version 1.20? I tried using this and I extracted the files from the gcm file but there were no images/pictures in it. Do some games not have any pictures or am I using the wrong program?

I have no bloody idea ;) XD GCN texture hacking isn't my forté to be completely honest, its just a guess.

And, djipi that's the best speech in the engrish language I've ever heard :happy: But seriously though, I know exactly what ya mean, you make a good point.


New member
Mollymutt said:
I was messing around with some plugins, and I came across Eye Candy 4000. It has a cool wood texture for it, so I started doing the house interiors. Here's my first pic.

We need this guy wo did the interiors with 3Ds Max... this pic just simply sux ass. I'm sorry if that sounds hard for you, I'm sure you'll improve this one with time and it'll allright when playing the game - but in comparison to what we would've possibly got :paperbag:

if you find some grammar-mistakes... i dont care :icecream:


New member
iriedaily said:
We need this guy wo did the interiors with 3Ds Max... this pic just simply sux ass. I'm sorry if that sounds hard for you, I'm sure you'll improve this one with time and it'll allright when playing the game - but in comparison to what we would've possibly got
Meh, to each his own. I personally like mdtaulk's better too, but they're just way too different to be compared. I don't know that mollymutt's style fits Djipi's pack, IMO, it's just different.


New member
Could someone make one zip archive of all the textures that Djipi has released?
I can't get the most textures working :(
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