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  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

Zelda Ocarina of time Community Retexture Project


If you don't mind a bit of constructive critisism, I wonder if the floor textures of the Fire Temple are not too much detailed… It produces visual noise, and reduce the warmness and deepness of the place. We could try crisp textures, but with a little less details ?

And btw, amazing work from all of you :)


Active member
@mode7 glad to see you here again :)
@Lewa I personally don't think the stretching really works out, i think it may be better to just recreate it in like google sketchup. Also can't wait to see the finished medallions.
@steftheserb go ahead and use the textures if dcs78 gets unhappy I'll handle him but i doubt I'll need to.
@Zeckron the textures are very nice but they don't have that red crispy look the original textures had which takes a lot away from the atmosphere of the game.Also i prefer v2.


New member
Yeah I think 3d is probably the best way to go. I hate sketchup, though. In my opinion, Anim8or is by far the easiest free modeller to use for our purpose. I'm pretty good with lighting and stuff within it. Would be nice to branch out :D
It'd be a project. I'd like help in making models, or at least in locating free models (books, bathtubs).

Of course, all models (by model, I mean 3d structure) could be made from scratch. But this would definitely be time consuming.

EDIT: K, here's the first medallion:
--clipped, see below--

It's real hard to make a consistent looking medallion. I mean, I could make this one medallion look awesome and perfect through trial and error, but it has to be a process that can be repeated.

Maybe I should go download a trial of photoshop so I can use layer styles...

EDIT again: Actually, I'm happy with how these are turning out. Good nuff for me :p
Here are the first three:

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New member
All right :D Just wanted to make sure the style was approved. Will edit this post when done.

EDIT: That was fast :O All done!
The glorious medallions, as awaited many a week, and prolonged many an unnecessary post.

Also in this post, I would like to give a short tutorial on:
How to Gradient Map stuff to give it a Metallic Look:

1: Make something with simple shading. Matte finish.
2: Make a new layer (new from visible...flatten the image, whatever).
Make sure that in this layer, there are no drop shadows or other shadows. Save these for future use.
3: Select a metallc gradient. The darker the better in my experience (I use one that's just a simple black>white>black gradient).
4: Blur, gradient map, blur, gradient map.
5: Colorize.
6: Restore shadows.
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New member
@Lewa - Medallions look totally awesome. I've said it before and I'll say it again: you are the KING of icons!

@Death--Droid - actually in this room there's not much red at all. Most of the textures are sandy brown. Example screenshot below.

Original: http://i977.photobucket.com/albums/ae258/zeckron00001/FireTemple6.jpg

But just in case you wanna go away from the original hues, here's an alternate version: http://i977.photobucket.com/albums/ae258/zeckron00001/FireTemple7.jpg

Honestly, I've kept very true to the original color scheme. However color tweaks are easy, so just let me know if you want to go a different route (personally I don't like it any redder than my original).

I think I've finished that rock engraving. Check the new version: http://i977.photobucket.com/albums/ae258/zeckron00001/FireTemple5.jpg

EDIT: @Lewa - thanks for the short tutorial on gradients. This is one area where you have very unique knowledge, and your help is greatly appreciated!
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New member
I prefer the non-red hues personally... there are plenty of other places in this temple that are full-on red, so I think it's a nice reprieve from that here.

In fact, I think this is like one of 3 rooms in the whole freakin' temple that isn't red... correct me if I'm wrong.

Edit--making progress in the Water Temple. I'll upload some screens shortly.

Edit 2--I may wait a bit to do that--there's 3 rooms I'm almost done with, and that should cover a large portion of the textures for the temple (granted, there's a CRAPLOAD of textures here, so I could be way off base). Regardless, when I get the rooms I'm working in done, I'll post screens.


Lets see, this is technically my 7th version of this texture! It was one of the first few textures I ever did. I think I might go back and improve the quality of my earlier work.


Version 7, note that the face uses version 6 for easy comparison to the previous version.

@lewa Try Sumo Paint, it's a flash software that has a lot of stuff photoshop has, for free.

@Chieftain459 Want any help on water temple? I'm rather frustrated at Spirit Temple right now. I want something different to do
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New member
Thanks :D
Looks good! Minus the eye of course :p

Woah! Layer styles? Amazing. I tried sumopaint before, but I didn't notice the layer effect.


Active member
@Zeckron ahh now i've seen the original textures leave is as you had it.
Try and make the tiles look more smooth tho.
Kind of like this http://emutalk.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=31589&d=1140558994 by Djipi and Kman.

@chaoszerox keep up the good work like the texture but of course the face need to match it, tho i think you might of already done that.

@Chieftain459 can't wait to see your work on the water temple.
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New member
I can't remember where I read it in this thread, but if I'm not mistaken, it sounds like static backgrounds will require 1964 and Aristotle's latest Rice Video plugin. Problem is, I can't get that to work at all. I'm rolling with Project64 and Mudlord's final Rice Video release, as I can't get Aristotle's to work at all on my system with any emulator.

For reference, my system specs are:

Intel Core i7 920
12 GB DDR3-1333 RAM
GeForce 9600 GT
Vista Home Premium x64

Any assistance or feedback on the issue at hand would be greatly appreciated. You guys are doing absolutely amazing work, and I can't wait for the next set of textures to be compiled together! I've been a bit too far behind to catch up on reading everything and extracting all the new, small texture packs, so when the next full one is released, I'll be very happy. (=


Active member
No the 1964 Video plugin which is Mudlords Rice Video 6.2.0.
It will not require the emulator 1964.

@Lewa no offense the medallions look great but in game they just don't fit in game at all.The edges have white anti aliasing.


New member
No the 1964 Video plugin which is Mudlords Rice Video 6.2.0.
It will not require the emulator 1964.

Oh, awesome; thanks! I just cannot get Aristotle's video plugin to work for the life of me.

This is refreshing news. I'm comfortable playing as it is, and I didn't want to jump leaps and bounds for something I may still have issues with.

Thanks for the reply.


No the 1964 Video plugin which is Mudlords Rice Video 6.2.0.
It will not require the emulator 1964.

@Lewa no offense the medallions look great but in game they just don't fit in game at all.The edges have white anti aliasing.
A simple solution to this might be to cut the dimensions by a 1/2 or 1/4 When I did the primary door texture for Spirit Temple it had aliasing problems, reducing it to 1/2 worked.


New member

Haha!!! I love dungeons! So much easier to divide and conquer than those freakin' huge areas. Anyway, I've got screens! Now, bear in mind that Lewa started this project, and I picked up where he left off--that said, at this point, only about half of the stuff in these shots is mine. Anyway, screens:













Any thoughts?


I really like it, like virtually all the work that is done in this thread. I'm over and over amazed how much dedication and patience you all bring in to retexture a whole game.

The only thing I can contribute is the release of 1964Video 6.3.0. Please find further details and the link for downloading it here



New member
Awesome job Chieftain.
That door is an great piece of art. Great job - they match the originals excellently (better than mine did!).

*sigh* these medallions are paining us all!
Does the style not fit, or does the resolution just need to be adjusted?

@microdev: Awesome! Static hires backgrounds! WHOO!!


New member
@microdev--hey, that's fine by me. I'm looking forward to running with it. Since I'm dumbfounded by the technical side of emulation, I'm glad someone else is actively working in that department. So, thanks to you!

Edit @lewa--as far as I can tell, the style is fine, the only problem is that there are white pixels around the edge of the medallion that show up (reference the post you made previewing the new medallions--the white pixels right on the edge between the medallion and the black). All that needs to be done is to make a circular selection just inside the edge of the medallion, and trim off 1 or 2 pixels all the way around to get rid of those white spots.
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I really like it, like virtually all the work that is done in this thread. I'm over and over amazed how much dedication and patience you all bring in to retexture a whole game.

The only thing I can contribute is the release of 1964Video 6.3.0. Please find further details and the link for downloading it here

Freaking awesome!! Replacing the older version of the plugin now!

Also I'm glad to work on this project. It's made me so much better at photoshop! (and starting to learn Illustrator) Richer experience, and a community of cool professionals!

@Chieftain459 I'll judge it when you make a release, those screens don't show too much detail, but it looks good so far. Those blue brick walls need to be adjusted so the shadows between them are even (in thickness/pixels) in every row.
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