Narann; Have not tested that yet, but I'm off to your new thread to see what's going on.
I will keep this tab open too... I am not walking away from this thread.
AIO; Performance is not an issue, I get 2500 FPS if I turn off Limit FPS and don't have v-sync forced and don't have Sync Game to Audio set.
I got it running on PJ64
But, this has a problem with v-sync or sync with the audio plugin. Either it screen-tares without vsync, or it stutters (micro-stutter) with vsync set. This is with Jabo sound 1.7.07.
With Shunyuan's audio, it's worse.
And with Zilmars Audio plugin, it's FAR worse.
I repeated these test with several permutations across several emulators to make sure I have a good feel for what's going on.
None of these problems happen with PJ64 1.6, 1964 Video Community Plugin from 11-29-09 in OGL with Fog OFF, Shunyuan's HLE 1.8.2u1, and with v-sync forced through NVCP. It's just perfectly smooth, both audio and video.
Though, you know what? I just tried it with Jabo and to me, that is the plugin that really needs to work better as it has DDS/DXT support, widescreen support, D3D transform support, AA and AF support, and v-sync support. This allows me to get CLOD to fill the ENTIRE screen with game GFX, and look and feel smooth... yep, right to the edges of my display, all the way around!
No other GFX plugin has any of these capabilities. Isn't Jabo open source now?