Yep, got same problem. Patch begin, ends successfully....and poof. Nothing happens Just one thing, I saw the temp folder while patching (soatp), and in there, a big iso that disappears when patch finishes.
Hey, could anuone help me?
A have finished cd1, i patched the cd2, but when i start the patched-cd2 with chankast, it goes to the bios menu.Anyone knows what is the problem or how solve this?
hey, is it normal with the patched echelon version, that you see nothing when a battle ends (the table where it says how much exp you gain etc..) I always see the characters, but not how much exp & stuff they gained
Thanks for trying to help me Dark Mits, but the bios isn't the problem, because i tested the cd1 again and worked, and i tried in another copy of emulator.
If you or other person has any idia, please, tell me.
Do you load the CD2 image in the same drive as CD1? If yes then the patching must have gone wrong. I assume however that you have retried patching CD2 alone.
No need to thank me, I just happen to see these posts here and I do want to help others play this gem among games. I myself hadn't played on the console and I have finished it 4 times on Chankast.
Did you check if the unpatched version was correct, ie. not defective? It should be 813.047.730 bytes large.
Aika-san (the creator of the patch and this topic) had posted long ago that there is a program that checks CDs for problems and stuff. You have to "wade" through all posts here to find it. If you still can't find it, search the net. There are a lot of programs doing that job, you are bound to find one at least.
I replied to your PM.
After i mount the game i go to chank and click on start but it sais CANT READ DC_BOIS.BIN! what do i do?!i need 'dc_bios.bin' and 'dc_flash.bin' do u know where i can get them?! help