What's new
  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

Federelli's Retexture Pack for Zelda OOT and MQ


New member
Amon_Knives said:
I'd say, once someone starts working on the sky textures, it would most likely be the biggest and hardest part of this project.(Then again, I may be doubting KMan's abilities.)

because of the changing pallette, oooh yeah


New member
The Bigguns

How're the Market background and 2D backgrounds coming along? Now THAT would suck to work on because of all the implied detail in the original texturing.

No hurry, though; you know I can't use the new stuff yet anyway. :whistling

Actually, I see that the market is modeled modestly in polygonal terms... are the textures for that area actually fixed to the 3d models, or is it more of a skybox?


Film Student
I already had done a sign texture earlier in the thread, but that looks cool. here's a pic from earlier.


Carbon-based molecule.
/me drools
Think imma gonna have to buy this one. :D
I'm a big Zelda fan but mostly on the GB/SNES, haven't tried the N64 versions yet.


The Wu Tang Master
I can't get to the FTP from behind my work firewall, and for some reason I can't even attach anything. I'm going to try once again, when I get home.

Well... I guess not. Here it is.
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Film Student
KMan said:
I can't get to the FTP from behind my work firewall, and for some reason I can't even attach anything. I'm going to try once again, when I get home.

Well... I guess not. Here it is.

That..is...GOOD!!! Awsome work man, My jaw dropped when I saw that. Keep up the great work! Seriously!
Just to show everyone, here is some more pics of KMan's awsome work...
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The Wu Tang Master
For those that are interested: My personal preference, I just wanted a somewhat shiny/candy like look to the buttons. Kinda like what's been beaten to death with mac osx.
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New member
My eyes water when I saw those screens keep up the kick ass work guys.
-Kman thats one seriously sexah button!
Its like my textures I made are just place holders for Kman's work of art. One word Kman Career.
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New member
KMan, dude, that new button gradient is what I've been hoping for. The gradients on the current buttons (C buttons, in particular, off the top of my head) look downright garish next to your latest proposal. There I was, worried they were going to stay that way no matter what.


New member
KMan, your stuff is looking REALLY GOOD!!! But I have a problem: I downloaded your files and put them in the correct folder, but almost all textures don't show up, only your new trees are there. What am I doing wrong?


meh ?
Same thing here, can't get the ground on the hyrule main part to use the hi-res texture, and probably some others are missing too.


New member
KMan said:
I can't get to the FTP from behind my work firewall, and for some reason I can't even attach anything. I'm going to try once again, when I get home.

Well... I guess not. Here it is.

your are the man....the kman
awesome work!

never stop this :happy:


Beta Tester
mmm Guys, once i release .17, i'll need you to give me whichever text is still not done. By text i mean the title that appears when you enter a place. If you find it's not redone, then attach the file here please.
