What's new
  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.
  • As members seem to have a problem reading the release threads:

    Djipi's packs are built for the (Glide64 finale) Plugin. Nolonger supported!
    Djipi's packs are built for the (GlideN64) Plugin.
    These two Plugins are two completely different pieces of code.

    GlideN64.HTC archived packs locked by Djipi are not compatible with use on Glide64, Rice video, nor Jabo video.

    Glide64.DAT archived packs locked by Djipi are not compatible with use on GlideN64, Rice video, nor Jabo video.

    Djipi has never made a pack for use with Rice video and never will. any packs found in this format are not authorized!

    GlideN64 is the new standard and only requires an Radeon 6XXX.
    This is a somewhat older GPU and should be readily available.
    Do everyone a favor and upgrade!

Castlevania LOD Hi-res Texture Pack WIP



N64 Artist
Thanks zabuzax.

Here's my new rendition of the opening scene.

I'm doing the work on a 52" LCD now so I'm determined to make it look as good or better than what I see on my xbox 360.

Comments welcome. Thanks.


Edit: The GIF took out a lot of color (only 256 max) and definition. Hmmm...

I'll upload the pack tomorrow. :)

Better have your PC's ready with PJ64 v1.6 and 1964video on openGL!

I'm starting to not mind slowing the game down on my ~6 year old PC as I know I'll have a more powerful one someday. :)
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New member
Insane! - I don't have words to describe this.
The tree work is amazing. I think we need this for Zelda too. Would you mind posting the texture just for study?


N64 Artist
Sure, anything for your Mode7! :)

Since the one used in this screen has a polygonal trunk I didn't need
to make the center of it perfect or give it a tree trunk, but here it is
reworked for some of the trees that surround the Castle Dracula set
piece with plenty-o-trunk and branches buried beneath the leafs.

I guess it could use a little fine tuning around the edges.

Alpha, yeah! :D

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"gitech" that's top-notch! the tree work looks fantastic and so much details in the leafs, you are damn talented!

Like always, your work is truly a masterpiece. Keep up the awesome work my man, you guys rock!


N64 Artist
:) Thanks guys :)

I've just started making animated GIF's...and I can't believe I hadn't thought of this earlier!!! :borg:

I've edited ^that^ screen pic above with the GIF to save y'all from havin' to DL that same frame twice in two close posts.

The "side forrest" poly's "pop-up" so... I thought the scene was more engaging with the "better field of view?" and no "pop-up distraction"...sound good?

Does it animate for everybody?

You are my critics! ;)

Jay :cheers:
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Does it animate for everybody?

You mean if the picture animates from the n64 version and your amazing version? if so then yep, it does animate pretty well.

Can't believe that n64 version used to look that ugly... don't get me wrong i'm a retro guy and i love old stuff, but after seeing your amazing version it makes me not to go back to the retro-n64 anymore.

I vote Re-texturing for president!


N64 Artist
My PC died, I'm on day 2 with a new MB, CPU, and RAM...and because I only have 512Mb of DDR2 ram on hand (I got 2 sticks of 256 at the flea market, all they had), so I can't finish the textures I want to before I release this new "as is" pack until I get more RAM.

Yeah, it's taking 10 times longer to load up any change like pausing or reloading a save state...making it impossible to retexture...but the good news is the new stuff is faster so once it's ***loaded***, I get no slowdown!!! :)

Damn computers! :(

I kept the old one going for 6+ years though!!! :D

PS: don't be a creeper, post's are what make THIS world go'round. ;) :)



Sucks what happened to your computer, but the bright side of it is that you can get an update on your old pc since it's cheaper now, my pc also died in december, an athlon64 3200+ and integrated video card (which i was running for like 5 years) so i got an update and it was a lot better than my old dog-slow pc.

What update did you have?

My update was:

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8200 2.66GHz
GPU: BFG Tech NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 OverClock Edition 1GB
PSU: Super Flower 700W

I build this one from scratch, not THAT new but a millions times better than the old one i had before.


N64 Artist
20 updates! My PC has been on life support for like a year now! I have had to turn off External Caching in the BOIS before start up to see the desktop, and that was after unplugging and plugging it from the wall several times... It was like old faithful

Not much, It's a Biostar MCP6P M2+ v6.3 motherboard with onboard graphics. I need to google it to see what it can do... It doesn't slow down at all in full screen with most of the BIOS settings cranked up! It's a board I got from work that had one of the CPU cooling fan clip mounts cracked off in shipping. Is it good enough to add a vid card to... ?

It's the MB that runs our "Deal or No Deal" game! ;) :)

A cool little fact is that the "Street" version is called the "Bar" version within the software! :D

Jay :)
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N64 Artist
Look back at the New Castle Wall in the opening of the New Villa:

The animated GIF limits the color to 256 max!... :matrix:

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Is it good enough to add a vid card to... ?

Yep, it have a PCI-E x16 slot so you can put a good graphic card in there, go for an Ati 4850 (and up) or a Nvidia GTS 250 (and up) since they are pretty cheap, might need a 450W (and up) power supply with a 6 Pin power connector for powerful cards like those. Go for it, integrated cards are things from the past =p

And like always, the opening from New Villa is looking awesome as always, keep up the awesome work bro!
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Haven't heard of gitech in some months now, sucks to see this amazing project die... I visit this site regulary just for this project and Zelda.

gitech where are joo =(


EmuTalk Lurker
well I've lurked thru these forums for a long time and see many projects just stopped. i was surprised gitech returned to the project. just hope he pops back again. this hd textures are amazing.
