yeah, i gotta agree with smiff here, removing a release will not eliminate it online. and it will allow people to d/l it with improper documentation. (i.e. DON'T USE THIS, USE 7.3) or some such. but this doesn't mean that i don't still FULLY have my face planted in the rice/schibo collective posterior. THEY RULE. so this IS'NT A FLAME! just a bit of logical deduction, which you can ignore completely if you want, hell i ignore our enitire government at the moment, cause i get physically ill if i do anything else.
i'm gonna try out xp. i have a friend mailin' me the disk soon. at that point i'm going to hack into the MS server and shut the whole thing down, just out of spite. ah, maybe not, not worth the effort....
oh, and my advice on win me..... DON'T PUT IT ANY WHERE NEAR YOUR CDROM DRIVE!!!
still :inlove: with :1964: