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0.8.3 removed


Emulator Developer
I've removed 0.8.3 from the 1964 website. Too many new problems unfortunately went undetected until after release.

- 98 crash if more than 21 roms in the rom browser.
- Slowdown still not fixed.
- Freezes after a while.
- Cannot view in windowed mode.

We do not have the time to fix these problems right now, but rest assured they will be fixed. Please use 0.7.3. Sorry to ruin your weekend. Let the flaming begin.


The Show Must Go On!
Nahh please don't flame, stuff happens and it is great that you know about the issues and are willing to try and fix them. Better to take the link down then have to deal with more users contacting you about similar issues you already know about. Good luck in fixing the problems schibo!


New member
Meh... don't worry about it - you can look forward to bringing down our server again with the release of :)

In the mean time, anyone care to tell me what an emulator is?


N64 Addict
True Martin, theres been conflicting reports of it running flawless for some and others have problems :(


Active member
Also, schibo: We've got 1964 v0.8.3 and patch available for download at Emu64 still. If you want me to remove it just let me know. :)


Emulator Developer
Ya I think they have to go too :(

The problem with this version is thread synchronization. Give it enough time, and the emulator will slow down or freeze altogether. Worse still is the tons of Windows98 users I imagine with imprints of their keyboards on their foreheads.


New member
No worries there. I've been a programmer for some time. I know what it's like to discover bugs in a program, especially ones that aren't obvious as to where they are or what's causing them. Hats off to you guys tho.. I know of some other authors that would have closed their doors after this kind of occurance.. I wish you guys good luck!


roll for life
yeh, good move, i didnt have many issues at all, but the emu did freeze after playing a few roms (not always). still the emu felt very complete, and games were running MUCH better, obviously the biggest release for a while. no prob making it more stable, i mean if someone has a problem with that they are weird...


private betas?

i for one am an avid user and have over 300 roms. plus i'm windows 98 on several machines. i don't really understand everyone's move to xp. other than the transparency and stability, it is bloatware imho. anything that bogs down an athlon gets chucked in my lab.

i'm still messing with 8.3c as of right now. yeah, it's not stable. you guys know that already though. it is the most feature rich/compatible/best gameplay emu ever put out yet though, so i don't really see REMOVING it. but of course it's all your call.

i will continue reporting what issues i have with 8.3c in case it helps you with the next release. if not though, shut me down.


ps. i'll try to avoid duplicating data you already have on 8.3c, so don't expect "the rom browser still doesn't work" over and over, or something stupid like that.


roll for life
well, i hav an athlon and everything runs WAY smoother on XP, even gaming now that drivers hav got better support for it. u just need 256 + ram, then all is good.


i have that much ram....

and a geforce 3 ti 200. :) so everything runs great on this thing. plus i don't have win xp bogging me down.... i wish winex was further along though.....



Active member
WinXP is sooooo much faster for me on:

Athlon 900
GF3 Ti200
384 ram etc

It also boots up and shuts down much faster, and doesn't crash :) All it takes is removing any un-needed services which can bloat the system a little.


Emutalk Janitor
Hi guys,

One small piece of advice.

If you are considering XP (I'm running it and it's great). Only do a fresh install and NOT an upgrade. A lot of problems seem to occur for people who upgrade from 98.

As for the flaming,

I think until I can provide a better emulator than the great piece of work you've provided FOR FREE I'll be keeping my brain engaged and my mouth shut, if that's ok with you Schibo :)

Good luck on the bug fixes guys :)


schibo: last i checked, you still had the 1964 0.8.3 source available..

just thought you'd like to know in case you want to remove it
