OK, try these bricks on for size:
Yes, they're still not as uneven as the originals, but I have 4 reasons for that:
1. Technical--it's very obvious that the original texture repeats itself, and I want to avoid that. The easiest way to do that is to have less unique-looking stones (so your eye doesn't notice that the exact same stone repeats 3 feet down the wall, then again 3 feet later, and so on).
2. Logical--these bricks support a 3-story column made entirely of stone. There's no way that a dry-rock wall (that's what the original is called) can do that.
3. Logical--in real life, stones never match up that cleanly--there's always a gap, and it doesn't look nearly as good.
4. I forgot what the fourth reason was... oh well.
Anyway, I really think this is about as worn-down as the wall should be, but I'll let others discuss the issue.
Also, I've got chaos saying that the blue bricks need to be square (like the orig.) and plim says he doesn't mind the rectangles. To be honest, I like the rectangles better, too... but I need a third vote (a tie-breaker, if you will). Also, I do plan to correct the color... I lost the original texture and was color matching to lewa's version, which has more dark detail in it--that's why the brick was darker. But I need to know whether or not to keep these bricks, so maybe Zeckron can offer up an opinion? Or death--droid?
Edit--also, I think that if we're going to use federelli's icons, we need to use all of them--his style is very different from ours, and right now, there are things that look very hodge-podge (like the boots in the equipment menu). Or, we could find a way to finish the ones that lewa started (or did he finish them?)