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What do you want in Project64 ?

1) The ability to run in command-line mode, with no GUI

2) Configurable Application shortcuts, IE; the ability to change the fullscreen shortcut (ESC) to any other key or combination.

3) More than one key bind for controls, so we can have a keyboard AND a control pad or whatever else set up for one person

Basically, more MAME like


Member ready to help
an "eye candy" feature, like to make motion blur. in f-zero x that would be great :lol:

if its possible of course :)


New member
I've been using Project64 for as long as I can remember. But only recently have I really started to love using it.

The most important thing I want to say is THANKS to the developers. This piece of software is AWESOME. I definitely appreciate the efforts of all involved in this project, because it has helped cure my boredom and bring back lots of good memories many times over. You guys rock!

I just have a few small things I'd like to see in Project64 1.7.

SSE2 and SSE3 support. SSE2 is pretty common and SSE3 is being put into just about every new processor coming out. It could potentially be a nice little speed up in the software that reduces overall used CPU time. I'm going to be moving away from my desktop as my primary system and to my laptop, which has a processor that supports SSE2 and SSE3, as well as being 64-bit, so anything that can reduce CPU time is great, because it will reduce heat and increase battery life.

64-bit support with 64-bit plug-ins would be nice too.

The only issue I've ever had with Project64 is sound popping. It's not a big problem. It's happened on every single soundcard and system I've ever tried it on. So I'm assuming it's just a natural part of the N64 emulation.

Better widescreen support is good too. It's cool being able to force games into widescreen mode on my laptop.

The most important thing to me, however, is Windows Vista support. I just want to be sure I'll be able to run Project64 in Windows Vista.

That's all. But even without those things, minus the Windows Vista support, I think Project64 is great as it is. I love it. Its always one of the first pieces of software installed after a fresh format and reinstall of Windows.

Patrick A.M.

New member
Besides the Speed Limiter: F4, a Variable Speed Limiter:
Num(+) or (-) too, for a faster PC like Pentium 4, 3.4 GHz.

The Fog able/disable option. With the Fog off, you can see
trees or birds far in the distance, or the walls at the back of a
large room, or the walls and floors further back in a dimly litted room (Zelda OoT & Zelda MM). You can easily see the front deck, with the lamp posts, of the doomed ship in Castlevania2.

Remove the rising Sun Glares or Rays that penetrate mountains, hills, trees, walls & buildings (Zelda OoT & Zelda MM).

Remove the Screen Shot bug, F3, in Project64 v1.6. It resets any game played to the starting point.
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You wish! It will probably never be implemted in any emulator. Not to mention the waste of time it is (since there was hardly anything released for it), it is extremly hard to get any documentation for it to my knowledge.


De Master
64DD emulation...


The Developer Kit is here, anyone got a couple of thousand $s? :D

" * * High bidder need relate programing skill for using it" :)
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New member
I know a transfer pak is already supported by Nrage plugin:nuke: , but I want to play the gameboy tower in Pokémon Stadium 2, which isn't supported in NRage yet.

Owh and I know it isn't going to in, but I would like a Mic supported, for playing Hey, You Pikachu!. And I'm sure I'm not mister lonely.
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New member
Online Play

I would absolutely love to see online play implemented in the next release of this emulator, that would be simply amazing!!! I would tell everyone I know about this, and play against them online all the time.


Everyone gets what he deserves
Well, i havent checked the other pages and i dont know of it is memntioned but i would lke to enable users to cinfig each games olugins individually! That's all!


New member
I'd like to see individual game drivers implemented, so each game could be worked on. This would help solve the problem of some games working, others not and yet others kind of working. If a game is not yet supported, it would not partially or "sort of" work... it would simply not recognize the ROM, until the driver is implemented.

Basically, I'd like to see all games working properly eventually, without having to use a bunch of different plugins.


Member ready to help

but, if you use an wide screen configuration between the 2 monitors would be possible

and that´s not emulator/plug-in configuration
