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PJ64 Lubba
Remember pro wrestling is sports entertainment. As time passes, there is more and more focus on entertainment, and less on the sport.
probably it will yeah, RVD vs Jerry Lynn is just artwork in the ring. These two guys completley work the crowd and produce artwork in the ring... the truley great wrestlers are the ones who make each other look good. Would you take a bump from 20 feet in the air, fall thruogh a table and hit the floro... THEN continue a match... or how about tearing your quadarcep and STILL finishing the match (yes there were real injuries involved in those incidents. Or how about working in a business where you have had your neck broken twice and yet you continue to wrestle?? There are guys out there who give it their all, storylines at the top of professional wrestling are usually quite entertaining and the matches especially on ppv's continue to push the boundary

So give it a chance before you say it sucks... yeah sure we all the know the stereotypes about it, but theres SO much more to wrestling than good guy vs bad guy, hell mick foley is a 2 time best selling author!!!! the rock is one of hollywoods hottest properties for his acting ability
