So, no one is here to help at all? Just my luck. I created a topic in the 1964 section, but it has gone completely ignored. Lemmy's plugin was used for my first attempt at ripping n64 models. I used 1964, switched the video to Nemu64 Graphics (combine debug), created the VRML file directly on the C:\ drive, but nothing happens when I try to rip...
I then switched to 3D Ripper DX, but that only manages to rip textures and shades, and nothing else. I seriously need help here.
EDIT: Okay, I'm slowly getting Lemmy's plugin to work for me. I was not performing a simple task that I've not seen mentioned here before.
In 1964 go to Plug-ins > Change Plug-ins... I didn't change the display to "Display ROM plugin settings" so it wouldn't work for me before. Now, though it does.
I'm also getting it all imported into Maya, textures and all. I used Brown's method of converting the .wrl file into a .ma file. The only thing left fo me to figure out is how to stop all the nasty over wrapping of the textures. kosine has posted a solution, so I'll be trying that.
FURTHER EDIT: Unfortunately, Maya 2009 does not have the 2dplacement thing any more, as in no wrap and repeat boxes. I have no clue how to fix the textures now without giving the entire thing an overhaul.
PS. I use the models and the like for illustrative purposes.