I could never get anything to work properly besides GLide64Final. Rice and all other iterations of it either crashed, wouldn't load all textures, or only worked once. Here's what I found using Glide - For characters - Pikachu has double cheeks, mario has too many M's on his cap, plus the yellow outfit of his says W instead of M.
These pokeball pokemon items -
Blastoise's first image when he appears before he starts shooting water and onix's second image when he goes up in the sky, then all of the images for the following: Hitmonlee, goldeen, snorlax, meowth, and possibly chancey, then the pokemon that come out of the saffron city stage, porygon, venusaur, and charmander, all glitched.
The star item has too many eyes.
Dreamland stage near the flowers in front are not level or something, you can see a jagged white line, plus the wrong path that you can fight on on the bottom left to right isn't correct. The water doesn't look too great either. On yoshi island the left bottom platform has a gap.
I think that's about it.
If anyone could help me get this pack totally working that'd be great. I've pretty much tried everything there is to try. Different versions of PJ64 (1.6 and 2.3) and multiple plugins.