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Interesting debate on existance of god, worth a read

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roll for life
who created demons. u mean who made them up. demons dont exist m8..

ur questions are pretty lame. it doesnt mean it was Allah who created them.

i can easily answer who created religion.

"religion is the opium of the people" Marx

basically Marx had some interesting theories. its pretty deep shit, and i dont necessary believe in it, but it is a possible answer, and just as ridiculous as the thoery of god, in a way.

there was a philosopher called Hegal. Hegal believed in something called the 'dialectic'. he said everything in life is centered aorund material ideas. For example, to control a population a group of leaders, used religion. But then something would change in the thesis, an anti-thesis, i.e: great thinkers, or wateva, find a new discovery, and then would come a new age of ideas, hence a movement in history. its is in the great discussion of interlectual ideas, or dialectic (which means literally discussion of ideas, hehe) that history progresses. from idea we get ways of solving material problems like poverty. thats basically Hegal's idealism put simply. very simply.

now there was Karl Marx who was a Young Hegalian. in 19th Century Britain, he saw the change from the old peasantry system to Capatilsm. he witnessed the French Revolution, as he realised that maybe it wasnt ideas that drives life. in the previous economic system, peasants would own their means of production, i.e there would be a tailor, who would make his/her own clothes to sell. and business would operate on a local level. in came new factories, where rich employers would employ thousands of workers. these workers would work for a wage. they would get a fixed some of money. yet, the employer would earn the profit of his employees work, whereas the employee would just earn the fixed wage. the employer woul.d own the means of production (machinery, and wat not), the employee would own nothing but the desire to earn the wage in order to survive. Marx realised that maybe it was nto the ideas that helped the material world, but in fact the economy and materialism that created ideas. for instance, the rich, bourgeousie would use religion to passify the masses, keep them under control. to create a sense of false consciousness, in which the lower class would feel welcomed and comforted to to. i.e work more in this life and hav a better life in heaven. Marx explained that history only progresses through a series of class conflicts within the underlying economic superstructure. throughout history, ideas and beliefs, in particular religion, are elements of false consciousness. i.e god is the all loving, he loves everyone, everyone is safe. Marx also talked about the future, about an inevitable revolution where the majority will seize power form the top. interestingly, although things seem all nice in countries like Britain and the USA, the gap between the rich and the poor is apparently widening. i can get the figures if u want.

anyway, the point is about religion. RPGlover, u ask who did this, who created this. why do u assume so much. Marx explains religion as "the opium of the people" indicating that it blinds and drugs the masses of the truth. i dunno about history being moved about economical changes (that would mean humans hav no influence in history), but his ideas on false consciousness can answer some of the questions u already thought hav been answered.

i had to revise all this shit for my politics exam, so im kindof a bit of a Marxist today, hehe.


yea, seriously, im' just trying to make the point that you can still listen and try to understand the entire religion to make a good assumption about religion in general, maybe you have, i do not know, and im totally walking around your question like the U.S.A. marines do when they come to our school and never answer anything "exactly" correct:) I don't know my religion enough to answer a question like who created god, or who created anything, isn't that one of life's mysteries?


New member
Reznor007 said:

I'm not really sure what you are asking. But, you can't take the quaran, bibla, torah, or any other religious books as proof. They are not proof. They are stories.
well i felt that when i read the bible
but i didn't when i read the quran


roll for life
thats becos u read the quaran first. u were brought up a muslim, and uve had a bias view in ur head. it aint ur thought, its just that what happens. u gonna read the bible objectively, as it will be natural. u said urself theat uve been reading the quaran since u were 10.


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sk8bloke22 said:
thats becos u read the quaran first. u were brought up a muslim, and uve had a bias view in ur head. it aint ur thought, its just that what happens. u gonna read the bible objectively, as it will be natural. u said urself theat uve been reading the quaran since u were 10.
i did and i was really impressed by it
and thats why i turned muslim
i really liked it and thats why and i really love my religion and i've got faith that there is god above that is powerfull enought to control this earth thats why i believe in god
and there is devils


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Josep said:
yea, seriously, im' just trying to make the point that you can still listen and try to understand the entire religion to make a good assumption about religion in general, maybe you have, i do not know, and im totally walking around your question like the U.S.A. marines do when they come to our school and never answer anything "exactly" correct:) I don't know my religion enough to answer a question like who created god, or who created anything, isn't that one of life's mysteries?
ok u want an answer for who created god
When I first heard this question, I straightaway con­fessed again ‘and Muhammad is His Messenger’, for the Prophet, peace be upon him, predicted that this question would be raised. Indeed, he predicted a great many futu­re events of importance-all have come true and will continue to do so as time unfolds. On one occasion he said: A day will certainly come when some people will sit with their legs crossed and ask: ‘Given that God created everything, who created God?’ (Bukhari, ‘I‘tisam,’ 3).

Of course, those who put such questions are atheists or inclined to atheism and seek to lead others astray also. The purpose of their question is to avoid the responsibil­ity owed by a creature to the Creator, to avoid belief and worship. At best, the question is derived from the obser­vation of (what are taken to be) ‘cause and effect’ rela­tionships. Every circumstance can be thought of as an ‘effect’ and attributed to an antecedent circumstance or ‘cause’ which, in turn, is attributed to some circumstance antecedent to it, and so on. In the first place, it is obvi­ous to anyone who reasons objectively that the notion of ‘cause’ is only an hypothesis, it has no objective exis­tence: all that objectively exists is a particular, often (but not always) repeated sequence of circumstances. Sec­ondly, if this hypothesis is applied to existence as a whole, we cannot find a creator of it because each cr­eator must have a creator before that creator, in a never-ending chain. (In fact, the futile notion of a never-ending chain of creators was one of the arguments used by Mus­lim theologians to explain the necessity of believing in God.)

It is self-evident that the Creator must be Self-Subsistent and One, without like or equal. If any created being can be said to ‘cause’ anything, that capacity to ‘cause’ was itself created within that being. Thus, no being in the universe can be said to be self-existent; rather, it owes its existence to the Creator who alone is Self-Exis­tent as well as Self-Subsistent.

It is self-evident that the Creator must be Self-Subsis­tent and One, without like or equal. If any created being can be said to ‘cause’ anything, that capacity to ‘cause’ was itself created within that being. Thus, no being in the universe can be said to be self-existent; rather, it owes its existence to the Creator who alone is Self-Exis­tent as well as Self-Subsistent. It follows from the fact that the Creator alone truly creates that for each and every being He has determined all possible ‘causes’ and ‘effects’, all things whatever that come before or after it. Therefore, we speak of God as the Sustainer, who holds and gives life to His Creation from first to last. All ‘causes’ have their beginning in Him, and all ‘effects’ find their ending in Him. In truth, created things are no more than so many ciphers or zeros which, no matter how many we put in a series, add up to nothing, unless a positive ‘one’ is placed before the series to give it value. In just this way, the creation could have no real exis­tence, nor any value, except by God.

What we call ‘causes’ have no direct or independent influence in existence, no direct or independent ‘effects’. It may be that we need to speak of ‘causes and effects’ in order to understand how, in a short space and over a lit­tle period of time, some part of the Creation is made (by the Mercy of God) intelligible to us and available to us for our use. But even this but confirms our dependence upon God and our answerability before Him. It is not God who needs ‘causes and effects’ to create; rather it is we who need ‘causes and effects’ to understand what He has created. He alone is the First and the Last, the Eternal, the Initiator and the Determiner-and all our busy little efforts after cause and effect are but veils be­tween ourselves and His Majesty.

Let us then affirm once more: He, God, is One; God, the Self-Subsistent, Eternally-Besought-of-All; He neither begets nor was begotten; and nothing whatever is like unto Him.


New member
RPGlover12 said:

i did and i was really impressed by it
and thats why i turned muslim
i really liked it and thats why and i really love my religion and i've got faith that there is god above that is powerfull enought to control this earth thats why i believe in god
and there is devils

You didn't "turn" muslim. You said you were raised in a muslim family, in a muslim country. You were raised with muslim ideas and beliefs.


roll for life
u say that as u hav been given a false sense of security. thats wat religion. flase consciousness. how do u know that ur love for Allah isnt just love for thin air. u said in an earlier post that u had some experience in a dream or wateva. u dont think that can be explained. i hav had dreams about rollerblading (i love the sport, since i was 13), and thats sad, hehe, but doesnt mean rollerblading is everything to life. its nothing, its minute, its tiny, life is hwo u make it. how u perceive it. if Marx was right about class conflict, then surely u must make the best of wat uve got. enjoy life to how u want. aand hav complete control. ive seen enuff religious propaganda in my time. and dont say that islam has no propaganda in it. every religion, belief systen uses propaganda. which is why nothing can be trusted. but u dont wanna live ur life without trust. so just live ur life. enjoy. dont be sheep in society.


New member
RPGlover12 said:

ok u want an answer for who created god
When I first heard this question, I straightaway con­fessed again ‘and ........................

Basically that long, winded reply is saying "don't question it...just believe it".

It is not God who needs ‘causes and effects’ to create; rather it is we who need ‘causes and effects’ to understand what He has created.

That right there says alot. It's going for the "humans aren't smart enough to understand it" angle...well, I don't buy it. I like the whole "guilty until proven innocent" idea that courts use, in other words, it didn't happen unless you can proove it.


New member
ok here is another
All of the creatures from particles to stars are each a clear proof for the necessary existence of the Necessarily Existent Being, the Absolutely Powerful One. Each link in the chain of the creation is a decisive evidence for His Unity. Among the numerous arguments which the Quran sets forth for the attention of all people, particularly in verses like,

If you ask them who has created the heavens and the earth, they will certainly say: God. (39:38)

Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colors. (30:22)

it presents the creation of the heavens and the earth as an evident proof for God’s existence and Unity. A conscious man who considers the creation of the heavens and the earth will be compelled to confirm the existence of the Majestic Creator and when asked who their creator is, he will answer: God.

The Quran rejects any kind of partnership with God in the whole of the universe, from the stars and heavens down to particles. It means:

(Since like a human being the universe is an organism all parts of which work together and are interrelated with one another), the Absolutely Powerful One, Who has created the heavens and the earth in such perfect order, must be holding in His grasp of Power the solar system which is an amazing system.

Since that absolutely All-Powerful One holds the sun together with its planets in His grasp of Power, managing it and regulating its movements, the earth, which is a part of the solar system, moving in orbit round the sun, must be in His grasp of Power and management. Since the earth is in His grasp of Power and management, evidently, all of the creatures, which are created on it as its fruits and may be regarded as the goal of its existence, are in His grasp of Lordship (raising, administering and sustaining). Since all of the creatures, which are spread one by one or group by group successively over the whole face of the earth, and after adorning it for some time, are replaced by new ones, filling and then emptying the earth in a continuous cycle, are in His grasp of Power and Knowledge and are managed and arranged according to the measure of His Justice and Wisdom, then certainly, all the individual members of their species, which are each a well-designed and perfectly formed miniature of the universe, a pattern or specimen of its species, and a tiny index of the book of the universe, are in His grasp of Lordship, invention, raising and management. Since each living being is in His grasp of management and upbringing, then certainly the cells and blood corpuscles, and the limbs and nerves, which form the body of that living being, are under His command and at His disposal, and they move according to His laws. Lastly, the particles or atoms, which are essential building blocks constituting all those creatures and their parts and the means for their design and formation, will mostly certainly and necessarily be in His grasp of Power and in the sphere of His Knowledge, and will be moving most regularly and performing perfect duties by His command, permission and strength.

Since every particle moves and functions by His law, permission and command, certainly it is by His Knowledge and Wisdom that the face of each individual has special marks to distinguish that one from the others and like the faces, the sounds and tongues are all different from one another. Consider this verse which, in mentioning only the first and most universal link and the last and most individualized one, points to this chain of creation and the series of His signs in creation:

Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colors. Indeed, in this are signs for those who know. (30:22)

Now we say: O representative of the people who associate partners with God! These are evidences as strong as the chains of creation, which point to an Absolutely Powerful One, and prove His Unity.

Since the creation of the heavens and the earth demonstrates an All-Powerful Maker and His boundless and infinitely perfect Power, most certainly He will be absolutely independent of partners. That is, He does not need partners in any way. While He has no need for them, why on earth do you follow this dark way of associating partners with Him? As He has no partners in His Divinity, so also any kind of partnership in His Lordship and creativity is impossible. For the Power of the Maker of the universe and the earth is boundless and infinitely perfect, before which the big or small, the universal or particular, the whole or the part, are equal. Supposing there were a partner, then this would require that a limited power should defeat boundless and infinitely perfect power or put a limit to it and infect it with incapacity. This is the most unreasonable of impossibilities and the most manifest inconceivability.

While there is no need for partners and the existence of any is inconceivable, it is merely a forced and arbitrary judgment to claim partnership with God. That is, since there is no justification whatever, either logical or reasonable or practical, for associating partners with God, it is a mere, insubstantial claim to make such a nonsensical assertion


New member
RPGlover12 said:
i was raised in amuslim family
but i wasn't i didn't get convinced untill when iw as 7 when i read the quran

Do you will believe in Santa Clause, leprechauns, unicorns, dragons, and other such things? No? Well, your typical 7 year old does, that's how easy it is to get people to believe things when they are young.


New member
RPGlover12 said:
ok here is another

Well, that's false. If god is in complete control of everything, than how can someone kill another person? Murder is a sin right? But wait...if you say a demon/devil possesed someone, that falsifies that also because if a demon is in control of someone, god is not in control, thus making him no longer omnipotent if control can be taken from him.


New member
RPGlover12 said:
then why i wasn't convinced with the bible that much as much as i convinced with the quran

Because you were raised in a muslim family. You had the general muslim ideas and beliefs in your head, even if you didn't fullly believe it, so getting something else like that you are easy to reject. When reading the quaran you found something that fit the ideas that your family gave you, so you believed it.


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Reznor007 said:

Well, that's false. If god is in complete control of everything, than how can someone kill another person? Murder is a sin right? But wait...if you say a demon/devil possesed someone, that falsifies that also because if a demon is in control of someone, god is not in control, thus making him no longer omnipotent if control can be taken from him.
well dont take it wrong
god knows everything and he controls everything
controls humans , plants etc...........
but he left us a chance for living
do what we want and also worship him and not worshippin anybody else
he is in control of everything right
but he challenged the satan telling him if my muslim servent do something wrong and he forgives me for doing it i will
and if u know the story of the satan u'll know what happened


New member
Reznor007 said:

Because you were raised in a muslim family. You had the general muslim ideas and beliefs in your head, even if you didn't fullly believe it, so getting something else like that you are easy to reject. When reading the quaran you found something that fit the ideas that your family gave you, so you believed it.
they never spoke about religion
cause i see my family rarely
my mother 24 hours out
my dad the same
and i was wiht no religion untill the age of 7 when i read it i was really convinced iwth it
and i liked it
and i didn't see my family taht much
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