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Interesting debate on existance of god, worth a read

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i found out guys what do u think
if u lose faith in ur religion that makes u lose faith in god
or in anyother religion and thats why u dont want to believe in islam
and u made such technoligy and understood many stuff that they didn't knwo in the past that why u think that there is no need for god and there is no god and u think u overdriven god's power
am i right


Do you realize how SHITTTTYYY this world is?! Jeeez if anyone thinks, well there are probably people that think this, but if anyone believes that we have soo much techonology (however you spell it) that good is obsolete then where the F*** do they live?! i mean, seriously, there is no where on the face of this planet or universe for that matter that is 100% and has no problems, and if people say they are perfect, then they are lieing to themselves. Technology has NOT overridden the use of god or the beliefs of god, and rpglover12, watch your phrasing, "and thats why u dont want to believe in islam" consider many religions alike and different:)


New member
nope josep i really found that out
when christians or jewish lose their faith in bible or god or torah
they say "all this religion stuff are fake they are all alike and there aren't anything diff between them and i wont believe in islam i wont take another chance of fakin"
that what i think


New member
RPGlover12 said:
i didn't say anything made
and there is only one forum of muslim and am not that religous but i know many good stuff and i really love my religion and what do u think isn't true
Umm untrue, like in christianity there are many different muslim ..umm i dunno what u call em :blush:
Like in christianity there are catholics etc. :p


New member
RPGlover12 said:
nope josep i really found that out
when christians or jewish lose their faith in bible or god or torah
they say "all this religion stuff are fake they are all alike and there aren't anything diff between them and i wont believe in islam i wont take another chance of fakin"
that what i think

It's not just christians and jews that lose faith, every religion has people that lose faith. I have a friend that is muslim, and any time we talk about religious things he always tries to get me to believe, but he can never manage to. Why? I'ts all too fake sounding.

If you think logically, does it make sense to just say "well, since we don't know exactly how we came about, let's just say some being created us, and he knows all" and so forth. No, that does not make sense, that's why I don't buy it.


New member
u dont buy it cause ure afraid of it
dont you
let me ask u a question
have u ever tried to think who created us who created this universe who created the moon and who created the sun talking about the sun lets seeeeee
sun : how the heck could anybody creates something like that impossible no way except a great force like allah could create it and noway could any thing could create something like that noway no other way
tell me who created this sun
huh this melting thing we get burned form it even we are from about 600000000000000000 miles away from it
explain this


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Slougi said:

Umm untrue, like in christianity there are many different muslim ..umm i dunno what u call em :blush:
Like in christianity there are catholics etc. :p
there aren't
and do u mean shiek and these stuff
if u mean this then sheik, imam ,mokem,
and slougi u're not accepted as a muslim if u dont believe in god how couldn't u believe in him when ure a muslim


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No one needs to create a star. It's just burning gas. It will eventually burn out and possibly become a red giant(thus cooking the earth) or become a black hole...which would in turn kill the earth because of a lack of sunlight and heat(and plus the gravity of the black hole might just crush the planet as well).

And no I'm not afraid of it. I was christian until I was around 13 or 14. I am now agnostic(there might be a god/whatever, or might not), though I tend to think more like an atheist.

Things don't necessarily have to be created by someone. How could a star just appear? Easy, big balls of gas that are in space have asteroids flything through them, 2 rocks hit, make a spark, and the gases burn. Wow, a star. Big deal.


New member
who created everything
who created cells
who created human
who created jinns
who created plants
who created angels
who created demons
who created skies without walls to prevent it from falling
who created virus
who created bacteria
who created religion
who created moon
who created sun
who created everything in general
can u tell me renzor007


RPGlover12 said:
about 600000000000000000

that far away eh?! hehe j/k, DUDE reznor007!! Rpglover12 has a very good point and you are missing his point by impressing by your knowledge of the stars, rpglover12 is literally asking "ok, a star is made by two rocks smashing into eachother, ok, where do the rocks come form?" hypothetically speaking, i don't know how a star is made, nor do i care. But think of it this way, think of you dying from exisitance and not thinking every again, no thought, no nothing, no you, EVER, come on now, a little odd and wierd...don't know where i was going with that, but you guys get the pic right?


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I was just giving a possible explanation. But anyway, no I can't tell you how everything came about. But does that mean I should just believe some wild story about this being that just existed, who decided he wanted some company?

And RGP isn't thinking very well. Things weren't created as they are right now. Things adapt to their environment, that's how everything gets along so well.

And about the sky...I found that hilarious. Why doesn't the sky fall :) Because it's lighter than air that's why..not because of some magic keeping it up :)

Who created religion? Man.


New member
Well, considering the fact that the earth is billions of years, old, and animals existed millions of years before man did....and religion did not exist then. I would have to say man created religion.

And PS, give me proof of god/allah. Does anyone else see the humor in that? A person blindly believing in something, yet asking for proof when anyone questions that belief :)


who created thought? ok, evolution you say? i dunno maybe, but hypothetically again, ok where did evolution start? that one pool of crap? i don't remember what scientists called it, ok, where did that pool start? you can just keep going with it dude:)


New member
RPGlover12 said:
how couldn't the arabs couldn't do a single chapter when allah challenged them

I'm not really sure what you are asking. But, you can't take the quaran, bibla, torah, or any other religious books as proof. They are not proof. They are stories.


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Josep said:
who created thought? ok, evolution you say? i dunno maybe, but hypothetically again, ok where did evolution start? that one pool of crap? i don't remember what scientists called it, ok, where did that pool start? you can just keep going with it dude:)

Yes, that question always comes up. But you can always use it on believers too. Who created god?
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