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  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

Federelli's Retexture Pack for Zelda OOT and MQ


New member
like you can see fed, my logo is no dark compare with the original and see
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New member
the only stuff darker is the grey metal border, all other part is more light...

i did some tests and if i change that, i think that can't look very nice...
I probably need long time to do somethink look good...


New member
I don't see the point in making it lighter... The new one is more accurate... It comes from the official guide, it must be correct ;)


Film Student
Gladiac0190 said:
I don't see the point in making it lighter... The new one is more accurate... It comes from the official guide, it must be correct ;)

maybe you could up the contrast a bit, to give it more color like the original


New member
I agree with Amon, contrast correction perhaps with some gamma tweaking.

The brightest colors in the original are brighter and the darkest colors darker than in your image Zeytok.


New member
i'm already on this solution ;)

i've firstly think lighted only the metal border, but not look good at all... :yucky:


New member
One other missing thing (though I understand these are both "official")...

The original game "Z" seems to casts a shadow on the shield (look to the right of the slant), your version doesn't Zeytok.


New member
please guys, why do you think I say WIP ? It's just to show you color and size... Other think must be add after color and size is ok. ;)

fed, I've already said : this week, i have big exams that and I needed your opinions only on colors and size because i only clean up logo...


New member
After play more and more with all possible color effect, I have somethink :

fed, you like (colors) now :) ?
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Film Student
Zeytok said:
After play more and more with all possible color effect, I have somethink :

fed, you like (colors) now :) ?

oo, nice. But decrease the opacity, looks too transparent...sorry. But other than that, looks good.


New member
the original have too this transparent...

I think the logo is too clear that why it's easy to see this last...


New member
i personally prefer the older WIP but however your doing an outstanding job!! please keep working hard i KNOW that once this is finished it will be perfect. ;)


New member
I have finally find good color :), look less transparent ;). and i (only) START (unperfect) flams effects

don't warn me about Z shadow, i don't forget :p
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Film Student
Just to clarify for those who don't understand why this is a big undertaking, I'll explain, so there is no one complaining on "why is it taking so long on this?"

The logo is separated into many strips or lines, kind of like layers. In order to change something, Zeytok must acually have the original logo he has made, then separate it into each line making many textures just for one thing. I do not know why nintendo did this, but it certainly gives anyone working on the logo hell. Well, just telling everyone so there is no asking...Amon out

...(at least I'm pretty sure thats how it is...)

Toast Siege

EmuTalk Memberr
Well, I don't think that's the hardest part. It's certainly time-consuming, and I'm sure it takes at least five minutes to save all the textures and stuff to see a change you've made, but, assuming they're using Photoshop and not Paint, it's quite simple (though time-consuming).

As you can see in the thumbnail below, which is from an early work-in-progress for the title image for a certain other Zelda game, you can connect the resized textures into the full title image that you see when you boot up the game (I think, when resized, the 'Zelda' logo is around 576x252). Then, you overlay your new logo from somewhere else (scan, internet, whatever.) on top of the old one. The old textures are still there (and retain their exact sizes that are required to be reinserted into the game) so once you're done, you can simply use magic wand (aka fuzzy select) to select a particular section of your new logo. In this attachment, I've lowered the opacity so you might see what I'm talking about better. The Layers 1-10 are the old, resized textures. Hopefully some of this makes sense...
