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  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

Cell Zelda MOD Update!!!!!!


Emulating Life
All good man, I am sure I was exaggerating, but at least you seemed to get the point I was trying to convey, no hard feelings, now I will quit contributing to the madness :)


Emulation Fanatic
Thata responce made my day :) Or night...no, morning..whatever, anyways thank you for understanding.


Emulation Fanatic
Everyone! You gotta try this on Mupen64! When you load the textures and then load a save, it goes like a snap! What i mean is, you don´t have to load the textures everytime you load a save. Just thought i should point that out. You can´t use cheats with it though..But thats not really a bad thing..And now, some more shots! I´m reposting some because they look SO nice.


Emulation Fanatic
I know :p The first one is my deskop background. The sky above where you meet Zelda, don´t seem to be retextured..But that´s not a bad thing at all, the sky looks totally fine there.


New member
Thats wonderful that someone made a mod that allows you to play one of the greatsest games the world has ever know,one almost current gen graphics.
But I have one problem,where are you guys geting this ROM your using?


Emulation Fanatic
I completely agree Mollymutt. I mean, the stupidity of people..I am out of words. It´s impossible not to see the stickie-threads!

legend of zelda

Just another Zelda fan
seriously people, it's not that hard for anyone to find roms. i got one word for you guys that ask where to find roms, GOOGLE!!!!!!!!!!! lucky me though, i never have to look for roms, i got this kick ass n64 romset that has all 2614 known n64 roms. it's freakin' huge though, wont even fit on a dvd when compressed, unless it was a double layer dvd, but those are for rich people.


New member





Absolutely AMAZING!



New member
What is needed to make Djipi´s mod work on a U rom?
Change the names on the folders? If so, can one of you guys send me the names so i change them and reseed the torrent?

odd, my zeldas rom file name is called Legend of zelda ocarina of time (U) (v1.2)

everything works fine

btw Djipi, your pack is awesome :)
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New member
Great work. I'm currently downloading. I don't post often, but this is a time to do so. I have a old version (about six months ago), and I finally figured out how to use it. Anyhow, tremendious work, and I can't wait to see your MM HiRes project. Best of luck, Penguins.

PS... When GC emulators get better, are you going to do a HiRes pack for that too? Maybe on the Twilight Princess. GC emulators arn't very fast, yet (looking forward to Gekko Gamecube Emulator W00t W00t!! 30FPS average!!!) they still support dumping, not loading yet though, so we wil have to see. Anyhow.... Cya :linux:Rulez
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New member
How come during the night as a child the market isnt retextured and as older link the market isnt retextured? Djipi did you only retexture the market while being young link during the day?

and people how about posting some screenshots of maybe the market place and things this update changed from Djipis pack in the other thread....i would but my laptop doesnt have internet acess :/


Zelda CelShade Producer
Thanks all for your congrats. I hope really soon give you a cell majora's mask pack ... Stay turned ....


Brazillian EmuTalk Member
Hope so!
I stopped playing it because the original textures are horrible.
They look somehow worse than ocarina's.
Shame the Rice plugin doesn't have all the zelda effects well emulated.
