Ray Myster
TNA and Classic ECW fan
It's works great!
I only know about any of this because of this:
Says images were taken in 800x600 with 8x Anti-Aliasing and 16x Anisitropic Filtering Enabled and all other setting on default.
So I guess it is for real then. Which version of Project64 does it run on?
And where do I get the textures? I need help![]()
Maybe a worm was sent out to destroy all copies of RV to everyone that installed it.
Castlevania LOD v1.2 is dead for the foreseeable future as well as I have to see about moving over to Glide to finish it. Which will probably take a while...or never. I mean, how many thousands of hours can I really put into it before it's too much, and now hundreds more that doesn't even have to do with making textures?
I don't see a problem for people starting a new texture pack using the new Glide program once it's prooven to work well, but for all of us who have works in progress...
How much is your time worth just to add the texture caching option to RV that I proposed?
This is a serious question. I will pay you! Maybe others will too who have large projects they'd like to see through to completion without having to make the switch too the new Glide plugin and could benefit from texture caching...like those working on SSB packs.
Can you please tell me where to download "MSVCP71.dll" (Not www.dll-files.com!)?