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I am tired of emulation...

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Emulator Developer
The emulation "scene" has gotten be down lately and it makes it hard to work on my projects. It's full of flamers, haters, newbies, and all around crabby ass people. Look at all the topics in this forum. You will find one instance of stupidity and one instance of someone flaming. There are more flamers here then I know gay men. The flamers here aren't gay, but they are equally as bitchy. Give it up, close internet explorer, grab a soda, SOMETHING. Why must you rant a rave about each single thread and each single person? This has stretched furthur in to IRC as well. I use to be pretty good buddies with a lot of people associated with Emulation64, but lately, I can barely stand to talk in the channel. Everyone is just so bitter anymore. Liven up, go get laid, stop being so damn bitter. The conversation is so dry and off topic. Mostly about gays, people on E.T., other emu websites, or random helpme topics.
I guess this just means goodbye for the moment. I have begun a new life for myself lately. Today was the first time I had turned on my computer in days. I think I set a record actually. I was quite impressed. Mostly it was due to attaining a REAL social life and quite a bit was having better things to do then sit on IRC and have everyone ignore me in favor of bitching about other people. Yet another possibility is just not being interested in Emulation anymore. After Jabo and zilmar left, I had a hard time getting motivated. It still effects me today because they were the few people I could talk to about technical N64 topics and methods of implementation. That has long passed. I am going to part for an unknown amount of time, but I will not leave without giving something. I am giving schibo complete source to my Audio plugin, and bjz source to Apollo. This is goodbye... I don't know for how long but the scene sucks and I no longer want to be part of it.

Best of luck to Dominator and company of UltraHLE 2.0
Best of luck to schibo, rice, and icepir8. You have been great help.
Thanks to RatTrap for his design for Apollo's website. May he find what he is looking for on his trip.
Thanks to LaC for your limited but helpful advice and assistance.
Thanks to Martin64 for hosting me and being there for me, although he has suddenly disappeared. :(
Special thanks to Jabo and Zilmar... you guys were the best in emulation. I miss you both dearly.
Greetings go out to Aprentice, BonezMakJ, Qvuack, bjz, Dead_Body, kevtris, Jeremy Chadwick, reapern66, dabods, Luigi64, flow, DuDe, Redah, Lasly, F|RES, ZeZu, Zeenbor, subice, Phrodide, Crix0r, rcp, slougi, gentleman, Witten.
Last and certainly not least, thanks to the people who loved and respected my work. I love each and every one of you. Thanks.
If I forgot anyone, I probably don't know you, I don't like you, or you were a cause of all the problems. If neither is the case, then I apologize.

My last post for a long time on this godforsake forum,


New member
When I first saw the topic title in the Apollo forum, I thought it was a joke... I wish it was :(

Ah well... Goodbye Azi... You'll be missed :(


Plugin coder / Betatester
I think I'm going to cry... :(

But I agree with you, this forum is getting lame, and many n00bs and idiots are signing up to flame and F*cking up this nice forum.

I'm glad you giving your source to a n64 developer. (it's kinda opensourcing the stuff only for coders)

bye... :plain:


New member
Have a good one Azi. sad to see you leave :(
Then again, the scene HAS become totally stupid as of late.


You'll be missed Azimer...but I understand that you are really fed up with the noncence on the forum lately:(


Active member
It's sad to see you leave Azimer, you have brought a lot of skill into n64 emulation and one of the more unique emus. Good luck with what ever you decide to do. :D


And today the angels cried. So long Azi keep in touch. You are one of the greats in emulation. We will miss you.

Live Long and Prosper.



New member
Well Azi, you will be missed around here.

Thanks for all your time and effort put in to your Audio Plugin and Apollo you have been an asset to the whole N64 emu scene and will be missed.

Good Luck with Real Life and thanks for taking the time to answere my stupid ass questions on the Apollo 1d source.

All the best.



Emutalk Member
guess I was in the "don't like you" category, or maybe not, can't remember what our last... interaction was like. I know we had some misunderstandings from my warped SOH... one thing in common Azimer, was getting on great with Zilmar & Jabo, heh.

yeah you seem to be right about how things are, i'm mostly making OT posts or not visiting at all...


New member
It is sad how things seem to have deteriorated here, Malcolm has left, RatTrap, and now Azimer! I'm sorta hoping I will wakeup and it has all been a nightmare - but yeah that's unlikely to happen.

Have fun Azimer, and thanks for all of the work you have done for emulation - you are a true star, have fun with whatever you are doing now :)



/me odd
farewell azimer, you dont know me but goodbye and good luck with whatever you end up doing... :) and thanks for all youve done for emulation in general, ive been a long time admirer of your work :)

cheers :thumbsup:


Prepare for Descent.
Good Bye Azimer. I wish you good luck in the future.

>Thanks to Martin64 for hosting me and being there for me, although he has suddenly disappeared.

Oh and I believe Martin64 will be back either in December or January because he's moving.


Nintendo Zealot
Sorry to see you go Azi. No doubt, you'll be missed by me and all other emu-lovers.

Take care, i hope life gives you only the best, you deserve it.


New member
I'm also sorry to see you go. Your plugins have always been my top choice for audio, and i was really looking forward to a new one. Good luck in real life.
I totally agree with your comments about this forum... I've tried and tried to stop people flaming and bitching here over the last few weeks... We know who they are. I've also limited my visits and posts lately, not that i ever posted very much.

Good luck...
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