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Unofficial Mini-update for PJ64 1.5 SP1

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The Great One
I am glad that someone is updating PJ64 still, although it has been discontinued. Keep it up Clements.


Zelda fanatic
ok, it's good, but big.

It's just a default one
- no need for runtime modules

some small disadvantages
- no backup function
- bigger

btw I hosted it also on my site because the freewebs host is real slow..... |-)

you may place a direct link to http://www.huuf.net/cl...exe


Active member
Yep, there's always a downside and its pretty large, I'm even using the 7-Zip option with Inno setup. Still, I prefer it, I might have to find out if it's possible to make a back-up of the original files.

If there's any games anyone would like me to add to the GameFAQ, then please suggest some! Make sure the game runs particularly nasty with Jabo's or needs a setting change to work. Also, I'd like to add more issues to existing games if there is any. :p


Zelda fanatic
ok, no problem, only 1 thing with the installer

it auto adds Project64 at the end by default, remove that in the inno setup thing


New member
Clements said:
Updated Version 2.0d


  • Updated info on Pokemon Snap (thanks Chris_W!)
  • Added a new 'Unsupported' page

http://clements.huuf.net/Clements' Unofficial Update for SP1 v2.0d.exe

Thanks to Huuf for his generous hosting!

it dont seem to work for me all im left with is a unins000.exe recycle icon and a unins000.dat file nothing has been updated other then that.

thats even over writting the original folder or allowing it to go to the defalt C:\Project64 it is set to

in all honesty i think i also prefered the winrar sfx rather then this.
not just because of this problem but i always right click and extract to archive name.
Last edited:


Active member
I've moved back to WinRAR, since it's much easier. Inno setup seems to only allow the file to be called 'setup.exe' and I can't change it. I've attached the exe to the first post.

When all my changes are done, perhaps a proper installer would be nice, but now it's a bit too complicated.


Emulator Developer
I don't know what you're calling a proper installer but something that i can choose to extract manually or that can install things automatically is perfect for me.


New member
I don't know a lot about pj64 settings.

settings for this game for the moment:

CF=1 needed.
ok with rice
jabo plugins doesn't detect the right ucode ... no gfx

Good Name=Hamster Monogatari 64 (J) [!]
Internal Name=ÊѽÀ°ÓɶÞÀØ64
RDRAM Size=4
Counter Factor=1
Save Type=First Save Type
CPU Type=Recompiler
Self-modifying code Method=Default
Reg Cache=Yes
Status=to check
Use TLB=Yes
Delay SI=No
SP Hack=No
Use Large Buffer=No

help is welcome to make this game working with jabo and adjust settings


Active member
OK, here's what I added for the game:

Good Name=Hamster Monogatari 64 (J)
Internal Name=ÊѽÀ°ÓɶÞÀØ64
RDRAM Size=4
Counter Factor=1
Save Type=First Save Type
CPU Type=Recompiler
Self-modifying code Method=Default
Reg Cache=Yes
Status=Needs video plugin
Use TLB=Yes
Delay SI=No
SP Hack=No
Use Large Buffer=No
Plugin Note=[video] unsupported

I've also updated the GameFAQ to reflect this entry (in the Unsupported section)


New member
Hey, i got some failers..
Number one :
Why can't any of the donkey's in donkey kong dive..
Number two :
I Got two games, (and I have check'ed them with GoodN64) and I still get *unknow game* (or something)
Those two game's are:
The Lengend of Zelda - OoT -MasterQuezt (U) [!] .v64
Diddy Kong Racing .rom

Are there any fix for those,.. maby in the unofficial version??

Just wondring..


Active member
Those two roms are likely bad dumps since there is no (U) version of Master Quest (I removed the hacked one from the RDB) and our Diddy Kong Racing is probably bad as well , since the bad dump of that is very common.


Emutalk Member
talker said:
Hey, i got some failers..
Number one :
Why can't any of the donkey's in donkey kong dive..
Number two :
I Got two games, (and I have check'ed them with GoodN64) and I still get *unknow game* (or something)
Those two game's are:
The Lengend of Zelda - OoT -MasterQuezt (U) [!] .v64
Diddy Kong Racing .rom

Are there any fix for those,.. maby in the unofficial version??

Just wondring..
for Zelda, u can try:
[1D4136F3-AF63EEA9-C:45] //New entry in RDB 1.5.1a
Good Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time - Master Quest (E)
Internal Name=ZELDA MASTER QUEST <---- Change this, it's another i. name


New member
Hmm, I wonder who officially releases the services packs? Maybe they will see this and make it official. :)


just an idea with the changed names..
re-scan with 99a, then scan again with 2.02a using the "changesnew" option in the command line and it should output a list of changes
should make your job a little easier then trying to hunt them all down.


New member
IceFox38 said:
You might want to update the cht file, for Zelda Master Quest (E) [!]. :)

all you have to do is add the cheats to the game yourself it isnt hard :)
or just add 1 new code and then open the file in a text editor and copy the codes from [1D4136F3-AF63EEA9-C:45]
Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time - Master Quest (E) [f1] (NTSC)

to the new entery at the bottom of the file [1D4136F3-AF63EEA9-C:50]
Name=Name=Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time - Master Quest (E)

honestly couldnt be easier and hardly worthy of a cheat file update :)
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