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question about input in next release


Na Lemmy, ist LaC auch von Deutschland? Ich wusste gar nicht dass emulation in Deutschland Fuss fassen könnte (okay, ich komm von der Schweiz aber hier hat es so gut wie niemand der weiss was emulation ist!!!!!! Das ist schrecklich....... aber hey, kennt ihr euch persönlich ...ich meine Rüssel oder Emumaniac oder Lemmy oder "Hans" oder "Frank"? ...


@epic: "genug in Englisch über die Betas geredet, lasst ein bisschen Kultur in die Sache rein ;)"


STOP posting in German
Thread locked
Damn i must add something like "No posts in other languages than English except if referring to someone specifficaly." to the Rules Thread


LaC hab ich noch nie gesehen. Also nur auf Fotos. Der wohnt in Kanada.

EmuManiac hab ich mal besucht, der ist korrekt. Von Rüssel kenn ich nur das Foto das er als Pic jeder neben msg hat :) Cooler Nick übrigens


ok back to english. how do i unlock threads? hrm not too familiar with those admin options here....


Emutalk Member
Just because we have an English-only rule in PJ forum doesnt mean you have to have it here, if Lemmy wants to allow German in his forum he can allow German in his forum.
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The Mad Wombat
I dont think anyone needs that,but its LEMMY's decision! But it would make the hole thing too exclusive. If someone from germany doesn't speak english good enough to post here, he can post on the messageboard of EmuManiacs Nemu64 INI Page since there is a special german section there !

P.S: If someone is really interested to know how i look like, you can move to this thread:
it would be nice if you could post a picture of yourself too !!


Well what can I say?
That's interesting so you've never personally met LaC because he lives in Canada? Perhaps you could tell us some more interesting things Lemmy in German if you want!

Betas Nemu existierenen nicht!


hey lemmy....... I more an more get the impression that u have been checking onthis site very often but never posted (because the posts sucked or contained "when do u release" etc.).

It's pretty interesting .... that one of the best emucoders is a german ;) .... but how did u get to know a Canadian?? I mean, maybe u told in a interview (/lazy here) but did u meat on IRC or what? ...... u r not living in München r u? Bayern München gehts ja nicht alzu gut, eh? .... and Stefan Raab is not ur dad, is he ;) (okay that would really explain a lot :) ). And by the way - sorry tesla for exclusive stuff.....but at least I am not writing in german.
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well i replied to a thread once and then turned on email notification - so i basically got every reply. but yes - many posts were really boring to me.

we met each other on irc - at first he helped and after a while i managed to make him join the team. best decision i ever made for nemu :)

and no i don't live in berlin - other side of germany. host me?


The Mad Wombat
Would you get angry if i call you "******" ? (not meant serious)
***** was inserted because i got aware that some people would misunderstood it....
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