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  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

Djipi's Cel Zelda Mod

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Que pasa neng!
The game looks incredible :bouncy:



Zelda CelShade Producer
hey gelon.com , you don't have the good version of the plugin because you don't have all the textures on the pack.


Que pasa neng!
Djipi said:
hey gelon.com , you don't have the good version of the plugin because you don't have all the textures on the pack.

Ummm no ¿? I have the 6.1.0 Rices Video Plugin and i donwload all your packs


New member
Ahah...from Gelon's pictures I see a splash in the water. That would be a good thing to change to something like you did with the fire/dust. Looking great though. I still haven't tried it myself.


The Xpaniard
Djipi, ton WIP est vraiment incroyable! Ocarina of Time n'a ete pas meilleur jamais! J'aime le style utilisé en Wind Waker, et dans OoT les textures sont parfaits! Mais je prefere les rocks de Wind Waker (les grises) a les rocks brunnes... mais c'est TON WIP, et tu dois faire quelque chose tu veux avec les textures :happy:

Gelon.com , ¿donde has conseguido esa versión del Ocarina of Time en español? Yo tenía una, pero no estaba tan bien traducida como esa...

Sorry for posting in other languages, but I wanted to prove myself mutilingual :bouncy: By the way, I'm spaniard


The Xpaniard
Comme Jdsonny a dit, le splash de l'eau ne se resemble pas a l'eau de wind waker. Tu peux faire les effects d'eau de etre comme les effects de wind waker? Par example, le splash est un cilindre tout bleu, un peux ouvert sur le top, et avec une ligne blanche sur le top aussi. Et quand Link est en train de nager dans l'eau, le effect dans ton WIP est plus realistique que dans Wind Waker. Tu le peux faire avec deux lignes blanches comme en Wind Waker aussi s'il te plait?

By the way, before you all complain, I'm talking to him in french because he doesn't seem to understand all you're saying in the topic. My french is not the best out there, but I hope he will understand me.


Active member
At first I was sceptical of this type of mod since I'm such a fan of the original, but as it is progressing so brilliantly since the early stages, I have to say it does look damn awesome.


Zelda CelShade Producer
ok !
Codexing , i speak english currently because i work in a shop and we speak english .
That's right , i don't understand all the words but i understand the idea .
So , here my new WIP , but i would like to say the water effect is VERY difficult to make same WW. Let me work time on it and i think i could make a Cel effects.


Que pasa neng!
Djipi said:
ok !
Codexing , i speak english currently because i work in a shop and we speak english .
That's right , i don't understand all the words but i understand the idea .
So , here my new WIP , but i would like to say the water effect is VERY difficult to make same WW. Let me work time on it and i think i could make a Cel effects.


The Dave

New member
You wouldn't be able to use it though because you need to use Rice to get the textures, or am I thinking about this the wrong way?


He's using the rice as well but I think he's not noticied the chances over links face and body...

Will there also be a cel shaded link? or Do I have to wait for Orkin's Plugin to have one.
Tip: look to his eyes


New member
I dont know as if I would go with the windwaker style eyes for this project. IMO the windwaker characters design was poor.....the eyes being the worst part. I know Djipi can create his own cartoon feel to the Zelda characters without looking to wind waker. :party:
Here is a example of I drew up last min. Ocaraina of Time style eyes could look simular to this.
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Zelda CelShade Producer
i totally agree with you Kerber2k. windwaker caracters are most poor to fell with my project but it's very difficult to make cel caracters without cel effect (see orkin cell shaded effect). i can simplify caracters but not make a real cel shading effect .
I do my best
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