What's new
  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

Could Anyone Upload All Original Textures From Ocarina of Time?


Master of the Emulation Flame
Are we still here?
I don't get it, why we really have to justify the rules of this site, to a new registered member? If he thinks it's illegal, then he should leave finally the site, instead of moaning about the rules!
You know what else is a violation of copyright? Downloading ROMs, you hypocrites.

@OP: To be honest, I don't give a damn about copyright laws for the most part, but I don't have a folder with all the dumped textures. If you can't be bothered to dump them all yourself you can just download Djipi's Cell Zelda pack and use his textures in place of the originals for your own texturing purposes. (Assuming you just want the texture files so it would be easier to retexture, not the original for some strange purpose.)

Seriously guys, what's with being such fucking douche bags? "Isn't that a violation of copyright?" You fucking twit, as if Nintendo gives a shit about those blurry as all fuck textures.

For fucks sake.

+1 :p

Instead of this being the "High resolution textures projects" we should just re-name this place as "Flame wars"... I don't see many projects lately and I think I know why. Jim0_0 summed it up pretty well.

@Phantom7 - If you need the original textures I have a fair few you can have. They're dumped with Rice. Pm me.

All the best, kaizokuroof.


Sony battery
Are we still here?
I don't get it, why we really have to justify the rules of this site, to a new registered member? If he thinks it's illegal, then he should leave finally the site, instead of moaning about the rules!

Enzo Dragon

I wanted to say something, but Toasty has already said everything there is to say a dozen times. I am surprised he managed to stay civil throughout as I would not have had the same patience. Bravo, Toasty.

Jim0_0 summed it up pretty well.
I can see where you might think that, had you no grasp on the legality of emulation. Read all of Toasty's posts to be rebriefed. This stuff is important to know if you're going to spend any amount of time on a board even remotely like this. You guys are lucky there are pleasant people around to explain this stuff to you.
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Evil Spirit From Beyond
Most likely, anything affiliated with creating texture packs is illegal. If there is one person who has replied to this thread who, by some miracle, has managed to dump textures from a legal cartridge or disc to edit textures, please say so. If not, you have all committed illegal action through the use of unauthorized ROMs, so think again before you argue about what is legal and what isn't, and then you can kindly fuck off.

Thank you, kaziokuroof. I've decided all I really need is the Gerudo Valley/Fortress, Haunted Wasteland/Desert Colossus, and Shadow Temple. That would be fantastic if you could send me those textures via PM. :)

Enzo Dragon

It's like you didn't even read anything Toasty said.

Phantom7, this has nothing to do with whether or not people who also happen to use this site are breaking laws. A texture pack itself is not illegal because it contains original work. Let's say, for example, I stole a painting and then that painting inspired me to make a similar but different painting. The stolen painting is still stolen and I can get in trouble for having it. I can't sell it, either, without breaking another law. But I the new painting is NOT illegal, I could sell it legally if I wanted provided it wasn't a forgery (which is not the case in this example).

There is a big detail you are not understanding, by the way. This has nothing to do with whether or not any of us are opposed to breaking the law. Personally, I could care less if you break the law. Just don't request or post illegal materials on emutalk. As far as I am aware, there is currently no illegal material on emutalk anywhere. If there is illegal material on emutalk, it is in violation of the site's policy and should be reported/removed.

Emutalk is liable for illegal materials shared here, that is why it is against the site's rules to share those materials. If one of us posted a link to a ROM or a compilation of all of Nintendo's textures, it wouldn't just be us getting in trouble. The entire website could get taken down as a result.

Once again, n64 emulators are not illegal. Video plugins are not illegal. Custom texture packs are not illegal. Even when you use project 64 to play a nintendo 64 game you do not own/did not dump yourself, the emulator itself is not in violation of any laws itself, it is still the ROM it is running that is illegal. Even the video plugin that is rendering the ROM and the texture pack you have applied over the ROM are not illegal, only the ROM itself.

If anyone is going to help you, they are not going to do it through this site so you should not have asked here. Such requests simply do not have a place on emutalk.
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