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can I load pokemon data from gameboy emulator to Pj64


Destoryer of worlds
thats version 1.4 no??

SO am going to have to assume that it just might be possible to use the transfer pack in the next version of pj64 if so, thats some fluckin hot ish!! :devil: :colgate: :pj64:


Emutalk Member
oh and the other thing, this is very very cool ehhehe, is that there's absolutely no configuration, here's the config box:


hey smiff, i saw your pic. im not a pokemon lover (anymore :) ;)) but man i hope thats what i think it is, THE TRANSFER PACK!!! hehe i knew it could be emulated and i just thought you put the pokemon save file to the n64 save file directory and you have it, but i guess not :cool: thanks smiff :D and just incase your wondering, i love the pokemon games, and i only watch the pokemon t.v show if its all new.


Emutalk Member
yeah, ok, i gotta warn people that the games you want to play still have to be supported by every other part of the system (core, graphics). This thing seems to work but it doesnt magically get everything else related going alright ;)


Emutalk Member
omg this gets cooler and cooler... like if a game uses rumble and normally prompts to insert rumble pak, with this there's no prompt, it sees straight through to the actual hardware. Ditto for changing packs, like if you want to switch mid-game (rumble<->mempak) you just do it when prompted and it works :eek: it is.. dum da da.. rather like using an N64:colgate:


NO DUH SMIFF!!! man i cant stand double posters I HATE IT!!! JUST EDIT YOUR POSTS!!! oh well you post cheater :) ;) lol and uhh should nrage 2.0 come out in about 1 mont h or so and what about virtual pad?


New member
NO$GMB can link between red blue | Gold Silver just rename the red blue or gold or silver *.sav to the name of the rom like
blue.sav change to red.sv2


New member
Well, now :) ... if I want use it (the plugin announced by smiff) ¿how to use it? Must I have some kind of hardware? or only unzip (or unarj, or unace...etc).

The plugin is available to download? :plain:
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New member
Is my first time that I ear about the adaptoid... this mean that I must have a real n64 to comunicate gameboy data to n64? or not? Somebody could explain me?

This plugin what resolve? :plain:

There are some pdf :) to read?


New member
the plugin by wishtech works with the adaptoid and all the n64 packs IF u have the actual packs. So u need a original pkmn game (or flashcard with the rom flashed onto it) and an original n64 controller + an original transferpack

there probably also will be a plugin which works with an rom image and sram data stored to hd but the plugin by wishtech only works if u have the orginal stuff :)


New member

I did a plugin similar that a while ago (unreleased) with help from zilmar, so did nrage. it means you gotta have a transfer pak, and gameboy game (not a rom on the computer and a gb emu). Both me and NRage are looking at how to emulate the transfer pak not just parse data through the adaptoid or st-hans interface.
