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Calling All Programmers!!!


Ah, I missed a detail. When you submit your work, pair the new string together with the old ones so I know what to change.
Also, speaking of the shell...
I've been working a little on it and so far I've managed to add a context menu! But there's more goodies to be found...
The ability to pop up a little infotip when the user is hovering over a file. That could be used to display the contents of a command since they are now file based.
What about a new tab besides the general one in the properties?
How about adding a new column in detailed mode with some info about the commands?
I could also add an action when a user drags and drop a file with the right-click.
...And much more, I suppose. You can take what you like here, and we'll see if I can get it working!
Btw, with the new implemtation, you will not be able to target non-filesystem objects like the recycle bin or my computer. It works! It works! If this gets done in time, I suppose I could easily put it in 1.0 as well!


Irrelevant Insight

That's EXACTLY what I wanted to hear! I just figured it was beyond reach, but... hell yes, Doom.

This text string stuff is actually... a fairly big job. Hah, I had thought it was just a few strings, but... oooh no.

I'm using a .txt in any case, that'll I'll submit to you along with your originals. As an advance warning... I've ditched the "master" tag ;'( ...

...I KNOW, I know... I'm being a miserable bastard here. But for all the hard work that you've done coding this thing, and I've done with testing and the other stuff, I think people should take Quicklinks seriously as a brilliant little tool like it is, and I think people might not see it as a professional-quality utility if it's calling the user a master etc. I guess it's ultimately up to you, but... I mean I for one reckon it'd make more sense to have the text look the same as other similar programs.

Aside from that, in terms of incorporating the ideas you've talked about there into v1.0, I realise that some are dependent on others, but maybe focussing on one area at a time will yield the best results, at least for the v1.0 build? The context stuff is *fantastic*, but the extra functionality you've been talking about in other areas might bring teething troubles. I guess the advice here would be to save a total build with primarily the context situation sorted, give it up for testing, *then* have further projects saved with the new features. If they work, they can be thrown into the v1.0 release like you say, and if not... we can save them for a rainy day, right?

Anyway, back to the text strings for moi... should have them sorted tomorrow along with the preliminary readme (subject to the inclusion of those added features!). Icons I'll leave 'till last.

Damned good work here in any case. This thing needs to be a success, and it will be. It's shaping up to be nigh-on perfect.


Those "extra" things are just for fun and to extend my reach into the OS. But they won't make it for the 1.0 release, I think, only the true context-menu implemtation. The rest is for 1.1.
As for the strings, drop the master or not, I don't care one way or another - so that's up to you.
Now all I have to do here, is to move the code from the application over to the dll and limit it to selecting only one file (since 1.1 supports multiple run commands in each command file, multiple file selection would be a fine addition, but not for 1.0).
This shouldn't take long! Tomorrow I'll probably have a test build ready. Keep working on the strings and the icons!


Irrelevant Insight
Will do.

Alas, I'm afraid this one isn't a social call; there's another God-damned bug infested in this thing. Try to add another command to the command list, then click or double click the space in between the new command on the list and the command above/below it - it should be a clear grey area. The program totally crashes and closes. Bizarre...?!


Bizzare, indeed. But fixed.
This new build fixes the bug, and includes the new shell integration also.
Also added some fixes to try to remove the annoying selected tree items (two items should never be selected at the same time).
Don't forget to remove the old integration:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Keyword It!
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Keyword It!

I don't need to tell you to make a backup, just in case.
The new version will now remove or add the old integration, so be sure to remove it and it's gone forever!
...But the new version works just fine and adds more registry entries as well :p

Oh, and... here are new string related to shell integration:

ErrBox("Shell registration failed because Shell.dll was not found in current directory.\nPlease reinstall Quicklinks.", this);
MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), "You cannot keyword multiple files at once. Select one file, then try again.", Title, MB_ICONERROR);
ErrBox("Uh-oh! It seems that you have incompatible version of the shell dll and program file.\nPlease reinstall Quicklinks to make sure you have compatible files!", this);
ErrBox("Unable to load library Shell.dll. Please try to reinstall Quicklinks.", this);
ErrBox("Unable to find function DllRegisterServer in Shell.dll.\nFile is corrupt, please reinstall Quicklinks.", this);
ErrBox("Failed to register Shell.dll. DllRegisterServer returned an error.\nSee error log for more information.", this);
ErrBox("Unable to find function DllUnregisterServer in Shell.dll.\nFile is corrupt, please reinstall Quicklinks.", this);
ErrBox("Failed to unregister Shell.dll. DllUnregisterServer returned an error.\nSee error log for more information.", this);
PutLogEntry("FAILED to unregister Shell.dll. DllUnregisterServer returned error code: ", hr);
PutLogEntry("FAILED to register Shell.dll. DllRegisterServer returned error code: ", hr);
PutLogEntry("FAILED to load Shell.dll library, because of error: ", GetLastError());

m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_chkRegisterWithShell, "Master, if you check this option, a command named \"Register\" will appear on the context menu of every file. Selecting it allow you to register a command with that file or folder.\n\nBut remember, Master! This option will appear on every file, and with files where there is no command associated, this will become the default command!\n\nRecommended: No");
m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_chkRegisterWithShell, "By checking this, a new submenu, \"Quicklinks\" will appear when you right-click files in explorer. From the sub-menu, you can select \"Keyword It!\" to add a file as a command without using the command manager.");

All the "recommended" was removed from the tooltips.

So, two question.
1) Should we keep the sounds for the final release? I know they're comical and all, but they are kind of old and contans the despised "master" word you so hate :p I could redo them, but they would still be experimental. They could be added as optional.
2) How are you actually going to do with support? Especially when the real testing beings. Are you intending to post reports here or elsewhere, or through mail or something? And what of when it goes live, where to report bugs, features or common support?
Last edited:


Irrelevant Insight

Like the new context menu stuff - seems to work like a dream!

I've added those strings to the list, and I'm almost done with them now. If I finish later tonight I'll post the changes strings straight away, although I might not have access to a PC later this evening, so it might need to wait 'till tomorrow.

As for the sounds... *personally* I think it'd be better to remove the whole sounds concept from the program for the v1.0 release, *then* think about them in v1.1 and beyond... they just seem like an unrequired complication (read: something else to get trashed). So yeah, disabling them/removing the option from the Options dialogue would be best as far as I'm concerned for v1.0.

With regard to the support and testing situation, I could begin giving you more advanced bug reports through email or private messages if you'd prefer (though 'till then I'll post another one on here a bit later ;D). And the post-release side of things? I reckon a dedicated website. That'd allow for user feedback, notes, etc etc...

What do you reckon? Report to follow...


Xade said:
As for the sounds... *personally* I think it'd be better to remove the whole sounds concept from the program for the v1.0 release, *then* think about them in v1.1 and beyond... they just seem like an unrequired complication (read: something else to get trashed). So yeah, disabling them/removing the option from the Options dialogue would be best as far as I'm concerned for v1.0.

No, no, no...

And the post-release side of things? I reckon a dedicated website. That'd allow for user feedback, notes, etc etc...
Now THAT is what I was referring to. I have aplenty of storage and a professional site... *ahem* although the homepages themselves might not be professional.


Irrelevant Insight
Find all "ErrBox", Match case, Whole word, Subfolders, Find Results 1, Entire Solution, "*.*"
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command LauncherDlg.cpp(225):		ErrBox("No Quicklink was entered. Please try again.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command LauncherDlg.cpp(273):					ErrBox("The Quicklink entered does not exist. No similar Quicklinks were found.\nPlease rephrase your Quicklink or look it up in the 'Manage Quicklinks' screen.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command LauncherDlg.cpp(294):				ErrBox("The Quicklink entered does not exist. An error occurred whilst searching for similar commands. See the 'error.log' file for further details.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command LauncherDlg.cpp(308):			ErrBox("An error occured while executing the Quicklink entered.\nError:", this, hr);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command LauncherDlg.cpp(317):		ErrBox("The Quicklink entered is associated with a file or folder that has been moved or deleted.\nSee the 'Manage Quicklinks' screen for details.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command LauncherDlg.cpp(376):			ErrBox("The system isn't configured to open the file associated with the Quicklink entered.\nPlease associate it with a program or enter a different Quicklink and try again.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command LauncherDlg.cpp(386):			ErrBox("An error occured while executing the Quicklink entered: ShellExecute failed.\nShellExecute error:", this, lResult);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(133):		ErrBox("The folder selected is invalid.\nObjects that are not part of the file system, such as 'Recycle Bin' or 'My Computer', are examples.\n Please select another folder or file.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(177):	ErrBox("An error occured while executing the Quicklink entered.\nSee the 'error.log' file for further details.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(193):		ErrBox("No Quicklink was specified. Please try again.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(199):		ErrBox("No file, folder or URL was specified. Please try again.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(214):					ErrBox("The Quicklink specified could not be found in the list. Please re-open this screen and try again.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(229):				ErrBox("The file or folder specified could not be found.\nPlease make sure that the target exists and try again.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(242):		ErrBox("The Quicklink could not be saved:(\nError:\n", this, (DWORD)hr);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(251):			ErrBox("The Quicklink could not be saved. An unknown error occurred.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(257):		ErrBox("The Quicklink could not be added to the list but was saved to the registry.\nAn unknown error occurred.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(270):		ErrBox("Please select a Quicklink to delete from the list.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(302):		/*ShowTooltip(m_ToolTip, &m_lstCommands, */ErrBox("One Quicklink or more could not be deleted. An unknown error occurred.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(304):	//	/*ShowTooltip(m_ToolTip, &m_lstCommands, */ErrBox("One Quicklink or more could not be removed from the list but was deleted from the registry.\nAn unknown error occurred.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(411):		ErrBox("The list of previously saved Quicklinks is currently unavailable. \nError: An access violation error occurred while trying to populate the list of Quicklinks.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(413):		ErrBox("One Quicklink or more could not be included in the list. An unknown error occurred.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(434):		ErrBox("No Quicklink was specified. Please try again.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(440):		ErrBox("No file, folder or URL was specified. Please try again.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(453):					ErrBox("The Quicklink list could not be accessed. Any changes made won't be listed until this screen is re-opened.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(459):				ErrBox("The Quicklink entered does not exist. It cannot be modifier. Use \"Add\" instead.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(473):				ErrBox("The file or folder specified could not be found.\nPlease make sure that the target exists and try again.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(486):		ErrBox("The Quicklink could not be saved:(\nAn unknown error occurred:\n", this, (DWORD)hr);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(494):			ErrBox("The Quicklink could not be added to the list but was saved to the registry.\nAn unknown error occurred.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(717):	//		ErrBox("The Quicklink entered was invalid. Please try again.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(727):	//		ErrBox("The Quicklink could not be saved. See the 'error.log' file for further details.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\OptionsDlg.cpp(213):		ErrBox("The settings could not be changed. An unknown error occurred.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\OptionsDlg.cpp(276):			ErrBox("Some settings failed to be removed. An unknown error occurred.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command Launcher.cpp(145):			ErrBox("An error occurred when trying to read the registry. Error:", GetLastError());
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command Launcher.cpp(490):			ErrBox("The thread could not be terminated.\nError: ", GetLastError());
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command Launcher.cpp(558):			ErrBox("Quicklinks is already running.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command Launcher.cpp(618):		ErrBox("Failed to open the 'Manage Quicklinks' screen. Terminating...");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command Launcher.cpp(625):		ErrBox("Failed to open the 'Manage Quicklinks' screen. Terminating...");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command Launcher.cpp(641):		ErrBox("Failed to open the 'Options' screen. Terminating...");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command Launcher.cpp(648):		ErrBox("Failed to open the 'Options' screen. Terminating...");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command Launcher.cpp(678):		ErrBox("DirectInput failed to initialise.\nShortcut keys currently disabled.\nDirectInput error:", (CWnd*)&dlg, hr);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command Launcher.cpp(685):		ErrBox("DirectShow failed to initialise.\nSounds currently disabled.\nDirectShow error: ", hr);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command Launcher.cpp(695):		ErrBox("Failed to create Message Loop thread for 'pManageDlg'. Terminating...");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command Launcher.cpp(702):		ErrBox("Failed to create Message Loop thread for 'pOptionsDlg'. Terminating...");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command Launcher.cpp(716):		ErrBox("Failed to create Keyboard Input thread; shortcut keys currently disabled.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command Launcher.cpp(757):				ErrBox("Some information could not be saved to the registry.\nThis prompt may appear the next time Quicklinks is loaded.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.cpp(17):	void ErrBox(const char* strMessage, CWnd* pWindow)
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.cpp(22):	void ErrBox(const char* strMessage, CWnd* pWindow, DWORD dwError)
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.cpp(26):		Global::ErrBox(strError, pWindow);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.cpp(29):	//void ErrBox(int nStringID)
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.h(8):	void /*AFX_EXT_CLASS*/ ErrBox(const char* strMessage, CWnd* pWindow);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.h(9):	void /*AFX_EXT_CLASS*/ ErrBox(const char* strMessage, CWnd* pWindow, DWORD dwError);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.h(10):	//void /*AFX_EXT_CLASS*/ ErrBox(int nStringID);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Shell\Shell.cpp(115):					ErrBox("The Quicklink could not be saved. Error:\n", GetLastError());
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Dll\Global.cpp(24):	void ErrBox(const char* strMessage) 
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Dll\Global.cpp(29):	void ErrBox(const char* strMessage, DWORD dwError)
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Dll\Global.cpp(33):		Global::ErrBox(strError);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Dll\Global.h(6):	void AFX_EXT_CLASS ErrBox(const char* strMessage);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Dll\Global.h(7):	void AFX_EXT_CLASS ErrBox(const char* strMessage, DWORD dwError);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Registry.cpp(273):		//ErrBox(strError);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Registry.cpp(278):		//ErrBox(IDS_UNKNOWN_ERROR);
Total found: 60    Matching files: 10    Total files searched: 137

Find all "ExclBox", Match case, Whole word, Subfolders, Find Results 1, Entire Solution, "*.*"
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command LauncherDlg.cpp(282):				ExclBox("The Quicklink specified could not be found in the list.\nChoose from the following similar Quicklinks by selecting one and pressing 'OK', or click 'Cancel'.", &dlg);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command Launcher.cpp(141):			ExclBox("No Quicklinks have been added to the list yet.\nCreate some either through the 'Manage Quicklinks' screen, or by right-clicking files and folders.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.cpp(35):	void ExclBox(const char* strMessage)
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.cpp(40):	void ExclBox(const char* strMessage, CWnd* pWindow)
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.h(11):	void /*AFX_EXT_CLASS*/ ExclBox(const char* strMessage);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.h(12):	void /*AFX_EXT_CLASS*/ ExclBox(const char* strMessage, CWnd* pWindow);
Total found: 6    Matching files: 4    Total files searched: 137

Find all "InfoBox", Match case, Whole word, Subfolders, Find Results 1, Entire Solution, "*.*"
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\OptionsDlg.cpp(286):	InfoBox("Most Quicklinks settings have now been reset within the registry. Click 'OK' to reset the rest.", this);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command Launcher.cpp(738):				InfoBox("Since this is your first time using Quicklinks, please take some time to configure the program.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.cpp(45):	void InfoBox(const char* strMessage, CWnd* pWindow)
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.cpp(50):	void InfoBox(const char* strMessage)
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.h(13):	void /*AFX_EXT_CLASS*/ InfoBox(const char* strMessage, CWnd* pWindow);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.h(14):	void /*AFX_EXT_CLASS*/ InfoBox(const char* strMessage);
Total found: 6    Matching files: 4    Total files searched: 137

Find all "QBox", Match case, Whole word, Subfolders, Find Results 1, Entire Solution, "*.*"
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(210):				if (QBox("That Quicklink already exists. Overwrite it?", this) == IDNO) return;
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(222):			if (QBox("An error occurred when checking if that Quicklink already existed.\nIf the Quicklink already existed, it'll be overwritten should you choose to continue.\n\nError:", this, hr) == IDNO) return;
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(466):			if (QBox("An error occurred when checking if that Quicklink already existed.\nIf the Quicklink already existed, it'll be overwritten should you choose to continue.\n\nError:", this, hr) == IDNO) return;
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command Launcher.cpp(485):		bAnswer = (QBox("The ShellExecute API is busy. Showing Quicklinks screens is currently not possible.\nTerminate ShellExecute API to allow access?") == IDYES);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command Launcher.cpp(598):			if (QBox("A tray icon could not be enabled. Access to Quicklinks screens is currently only possible through shortcut keys.\nSee the 'error.log' file for further details.\nQuit Quicklinks?") == IDYES)
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.cpp(55):	int QBox(const char* strMessage, CWnd* pWindow)
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.cpp(60):	int QBox(const char* strMessage)
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.cpp(65):	int QBox(const char* strMessage, CWnd* pWindow, DWORD dwError)
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.cpp(69):		return Global::QBox(strMsg, pWindow);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.h(15):	int /*AFX_EXT_CLASS*/ QBox(const char* strMessage);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.h(16):	int /*AFX_EXT_CLASS*/ QBox(const char* strMessage, CWnd* pWindow);
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Global.h(17):	int /*AFX_EXT_CLASS*/ QBox(const char* strMessage, CWnd* pWindow, DWORD dwError);
Total found: 12    Matching files: 4    Total files searched: 137

Find all "m_ToolTip.AddTool(", Match case, Whole word, Subfolders, Find Results 1, Entire Solution, "*.*"
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command LauncherDlg.cpp(96):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_txtCommand, "Enter a Quicklink here. Press the 'OK' button to execute it.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\Command LauncherDlg.cpp(97):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(GetDlgItem(IDC_OK), "Click here to execute the Quicklink that's been entered.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(89):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_treeCommands, "All previously saved Quicklinks are shown within this list. Double-click a Quicklink or click next to its corresponding bar to edit it.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(90):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_txtCommand, "The keyword of your Quicklink.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(91):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_txtFile, "This is the file or folder path, or URL, that the Quicklink specified above will execute.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(92):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_txtArguments, "The arguments to be appended when running a program.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(93):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_txtWorkDir, "The working directory of the target. This should normally be set to the diretory where the file or folder resides, but may differ.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(94):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_BROWSE), "Opens the 'Browse' screen where files and folders can be selected to be associated with individual Quicklinks.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(95):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_cmdAdd, "Adds a new Quicklink with the parameters specified.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(96):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_cmdRemove, "Removes the selected Quicklink from the list.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\ManageCommandsDlg.cpp(97):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_cmdEdit, "Saves any modifications made to the selected Quicklink's parameters.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\OptionsDlg.cpp(65):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_chkStartWithWindows, "Enables Quicklinks to load every time the computer is switched on.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\OptionsDlg.cpp(66):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_chkRegisterWithShell, "Enables the \"Register\" option when right-clicking files and folders on the computer.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\OptionsDlg.cpp(67):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_chkUseSounds, "Enables sounds.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\OptionsDlg.cpp(68):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_chkChangeShortcuts, "Allows for modifying the shortcut keys used by the Quicklinks program.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\OptionsDlg.cpp(69):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_chkResetSettings, "Resets ALL Quicklinks program settings and erases ALL previously saved Quicklinks.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\OptionsDlg.cpp(70):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(GetDlgItem(IDC_MODIFIER_NONE), "Allows shortcut keys to be used with Quicklinks without another key being held first.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\OptionsDlg.cpp(71):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(GetDlgItem(IDC_MODIFIER_CTRL), "Requires that the Ctrl key is held before other Quicklinks shortcut keys can be used.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\OptionsDlg.cpp(72):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(GetDlgItem(IDC_MODIFIER_ALT), "Requires that the Alt key is held before other Quicklinks shortcut keys can be used.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\OptionsDlg.cpp(73):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(GetDlgItem(IDC_MODIFIER_SHIFT), "Master, if you check this, you need to hold down the SHIFT button and press the shortcut key to use the shortcuts.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\OptionsDlg.cpp(74):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_cmdOK, "Saves all changes made to the Quicklinks program settings.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\OptionsDlg.cpp(75):	m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_cmdCancel, "Discards all changes made to the Quicklinks program settings.");
F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\OptionsDlg.cpp(243):			m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_chkRegisterWithShell, "Windows shell integration could not be initialised. Right-clicking files and folders in order to assign Quicklinks will not be possible.\nError: The 'Shell.exe' file could not be found in the Quicklinks program folder.");
Total found: 23    Matching files: 3    Total files searched: 137

first set, that you posted on the previous page. my modifications correspond with your original set.


Irrelevant Insight
ErrBox("The right-clicking of files and folders to assign them Quicklinks will not be possible. Error: The 'Shell.dll' file was not found in the Quicklinks program directory.\nPlease reinstall Quicklinks.", this);
MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), "Only one Quicklink may be assigned at a time.", Title, MB_ICONERROR);
ErrBox("The Quicklinks program files present in the program directory are old.\nPlease reinstall Quicklinks to gain the required files.", this);
ErrBox("Please reinstall Quicklinks. Error: The 'Shell.dll' file appears to be corrupt.", this);
ErrBox("Please reinstall Quicklinks. Error: Unable to find the function DllRegisterServer in the 'Shell.dll' file. It is corrupt.", this);
ErrBox("Failed to register the 'Shell.dll' file with the system. DllRegisterServer returned an error.\nSee the 'error.log' file for further details.", this);
ErrBox("Please reinstall Quicklinks. Error:  Unable to find the function DllUnregisterServer in the 'Shell.dll' file.", this);
ErrBox("Failed to unregister the 'Shell.dll' file with the system. DllUnregisterServer returned an error.\nSee the 'error.log' file for further details.", this);
PutLogEntry("Failed to unregister the 'Shell.dll' file with the system. DllUnregisterServer returned the following error:", hr);
PutLogEntry("Failed to register the 'Shell.dll' file with the system. DllRegisterServer returned the following error: ", hr);
PutLogEntry("Failed to load the 'Shell.dll' file. Error: ", GetLastError());

m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_chkRegisterWithShel l, "Enables the \"Quicklinks\" option when right-clicking files or folders. From that sub-menu, \"Keyword It!\" can be selected to assign a Quicklink to the file or folder immediately.");

second batch...


Irrelevant Insight


i've changed every string. some have had some subtle changes made while others have been totally rewritten. i've tried to establish a sense of continuity throughout (not to mention making sure i've got spellings right).

*note* too, that, provided you're okay with this...

* the 'keyword it!' option in the context menu should be renamed 'Quicklink It!'
* the 'manage commands' screen should be renamed 'Manage Quicklinks', including on the tray menu.
*other ammendments:

"Here are your commands, Master!" === "All previously saved Quicklinks are listed below.", 
"Command name:" === "Quicklink:", 
"Command:" === "Target:", 
"Working directory:" === "Working Directory", 
"Here you can change my behaviour, Master! I am yours to command, Master! Get to it!" === "All options given below can be used to configure the Quicklinks program.", 
"Start application when Windows starts" === "Start Quicklinks when Windows starts", 
"Register with Windows Shell" === "Enable right-click menu", 
"Shortcut modifiers" === "Shortcut Modifiers", 
"Enter your command, Master, and I shall execute it!" === "Enter a Quicklink to execute below.", 
"Click here to execute your command." === "Click here to execute the Quicklink specified above.", 
"Ready to serve, Master!" === "Quicklinks is currently running."


I have mostly integrated your new strings, but you should take a more closer look at these:

ErrBox("An error occured while executing the Quicklink entered.\nSee the 'error.log' file for further details.", this);
This error appears when it fails to select the selected folder of file when browsing. SHould it not be displayed like something else?

ErrBox("The Quicklink specified could not be found in the list. Please re-open this screen and try again.", this);
When you try to replace a quicklink that is already existing with another, the program will attempt to find the quicklinks name in the list. If it cannot find it, then this error is displayed. The program will still replace your existing command, but the dialog itself will not be updated with the new details of the command.

ErrBox("The Quicklink could not be added to the list but was saved to the registry.\nAn unknown error occurred.");
ErrBox("The Quicklink could not be added to the list but was saved to the registry.\nAn unknown error occurred.");
Is it wise to merely specify that the list was saved to the registry? The end user may have no idea if the command was saved or not, because the end user does not know the internal working of the program. Suffice to say, the command WAS saved, but the it COULD NOT be added to the list. Closing and re-opening the dialog would solve that.

ErrBox("The Quicklink list could not be accessed. Any changes made won't be listed until this screen is re-opened.", this);
Same here: this error occours when the program cannot find the quicklink name in the list, thus it is unable to update the information in the list. Closing and re-opening the dialog should solve that.

ErrBox("The Quicklink entered does not exist. It cannot be modifier. Use \"Add\" instead.", this);
The original "modifier" was a typo by me. I changed it to "modified," as it should be.

ErrBox("Failed to open the 'Manage Quicklinks' screen. Terminating...");
ErrBox("Failed to open the 'Manage Quicklinks' screen. Terminating...");
ErrBox("Failed to open the 'Options' screen. Terminating...");
ErrBox("Failed to open the 'Options' screen. Terminating...");
These errors occours when the program fails to create these dialogs. I suggest they should be reset to what they were, or to display "failed to create dialog X; terminating..."

ExclBox("The Quicklink specified could not be found in the list.\nChoose from the following similar Quicklinks by selecting one and pressing 'OK' to execute it, or click 'Cancel' to cancel the operation.", &dlg);
ExclBox("The Quicklink specified could not be found in the list.\nChoose from the following similar Quicklinks by selecting one and pressing 'OK' to execute it, or click 'Cancel' to cancel the operation.", &dlg);

InfoBox("Most Quicklinks settings have now been reset within the registry. The rest will be reset when you click 'OK'.", this);
InfoBox("Most Quicklinks settings have now been reset within the registry. The rest will be reset when you click 'OK'.", this);

m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_treeCommands, "All previously saved Quicklinks are shown within this list. Double-click a Quicklink or click next to its corresponding bar to edit it.");
This is wrong. You cannot edit an item directly in the tree (that will be available in the next version). You can only see the details of the quicklinks if you click the plus sign or double-click on it.

m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_chkStartWithWindows, "Enables Quicklinks to load every time the computer is switched on.");
Correction: Every time WINDOWS is started?

Once you fix these strings, I'll re-add them and post a new build.
I also have... a site: http://www.eluni.net
And I put up a forum for feedback and for the testing-cycle and post-release: http://www.eluni.net/vbulletin/index.php
You might check out the forums and point out what you think needs be done.
Last edited:


Irrelevant Insight
ErrBox("The Quicklink could not be added to the list but was saved to the registry.\nAn unknown error occurred.");
ErrBox("The Quicklink could not be added to the list but was saved Please re-open this screen and try again.\nAn unknown error occurred.");

ErrBox("The Quicklink list could not be accessed. Any changes made won't be listed until this screen is re-opened.", this);
ErrBox("The Quicklink list could not be accessed. Any changes made won't be listed until this screen is re-opened.", this);

ErrBox("The Quicklink entered does not exist. It cannot be modified. Use \"Add\" instead.", this);
ErrBox("The Quicklink entered does not exist. It cannot be modified. Use \"Add\" instead.", this);

ErrBox("Failed to open the 'Manage Quicklinks' screen. Terminating...");
ErrBox("Failed to open the 'Manage Quicklinks' screen; termination in process. Error: Failed to create corresponding dialog.");

ErrBox("Failed to open the 'Options' screen. Terminating...");
ErrBox("Failed to open the 'Options' screen; termination in process. Error: Failed to create corresponding dialog.");

m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_treeCommands, "All previously saved Quicklinks are shown within this list. Double-click a Quicklink or click next to its corresponding bar to edit it.");
m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_treeCommands, "All previously saved Quicklinks are shown within this list. Double-click a Quicklink or click next to its corresponding bar to show its parameters.");

m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_chkStartWithWindows, "Enables Quicklinks to load every time the computer is started.");
m_ToolTip.AddTool(&m_chkStartWithWindows, "Enables Quicklinks to load every time Windows starts.");

that should be the lot of them. i'll have a further bug report ready later.

nice job on the site, by the way. i'm thinking perhaps quicklinks can have a dedicated page/website to itself if it becomes sufficiently popular. that would allow for, say, a welcome/"splash" screen, an f.a.q., forums etc, etc. i would obviously help out with this, although perhaps for now it's best to concenrate on finishing v1.0 etc before turning attention toward the site?

regardless, i'll have a brief bug report for you later...


I think I sucessfully integrated MOST of your new strings, but I am still unsure of these:

ErrBox("The Quicklink list could not be accessed. Any changes made won't be listed until this screen is re-opened.", this);
ErrBox("The Quicklink list could not be accessed. Any changes made won't be listed until this screen is re-opened.", this);

ErrBox("The Quicklink entered does not exist. It cannot be modified. Use \"Add\" instead.", this);
ErrBox("The Quicklink entered does not exist. It cannot be modified. Use \"Add\" instead.", this);

Do you mind placing the ORIGINAL string as comparison so I can find them?
Yes, focus on bug reports first, then the site.

Oh yes, also found this amongst your strings:

F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\OptionsDlg.cpp(73): m_ToolTip.AddTool(GetDlgItem(IDC_MODIFIER_SHIFT), "Master, if you check this, you need to hold down the SHIFT button and press the shortcut key to use the shortcuts.");

Perhaps you forgot to modify it?
Last edited:


Irrelevant Insight
hey again,

F:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\OptionsDlg.cpp(73) : m_ToolTip.AddTool(GetDlgItem(IDC_MODIFIE R_SHIFT), "Master, if you check this, you need to hold down the SHIFT button and press the shortcut key to use the shortcuts."); 
:\w00t\Visual Studio Projects\Command Launcher\Snapshot\1.0\OptionsDlg.cpp(73) : m_ToolTip.AddTool(GetDlgItem(IDC_MODIFIE R_SHIFT), "Requires that the Shift key is held before other Quicklinks shortcut keys can be used.");

as for the others, i can't find the original threads unfortunately. i'm sure they'll appear in time, but for now i'm totally at a loss! sorry :(

in any case, i suppose now the most crucial issue is the icon set, then the readme file. there are some areas of the readme that i won't be able to complete until i have a *final* build of quicklinks, though, so i suppose whenever we get to that stage i'll send a finished readme.

i have few sets of icons; i'm trying to figure which will suit quicklinks best!

i hope things are going well on the coding front, anyway, and, as ever, i look forward to the next beta! :p


There is no next beta unless you report a bug. If you have nothing more to report, then it is time for the big test.


Concidering you haven't replied, I can only assume that 1) you've missed this reply or 2) you are having reasons that keeps you offline. Either way, things stand still. Since I don't know your connections, I cannot start any testing or do anything else until you get back.
Unless you have another bug or suggestion or change to make, there isn't really much to do but do a big-scale test. Of course, still waiting for the icons and the documentation.

Advise on what you want to do.


Irrelevant Insight

...As you can probably guess, I've had no access to the internet for a variety of reasons. Chief amongst them being that I'm now at university, but my computer wasn't brought down here until yesterday - and then it needed configuring with the network/proxies etc.

All I can do is apologise for not replying sooner - this past week has been fairly insane.

ANYWAY, I'm the bearer of bad news:

The error:

"The procedure entry point RegisterNewCommand could not be located in the dynamic library Quicklinks.dll."

is encountered when I try to load Shell.exe manually.

Quicklinks NEEDS Shell.exe to properly register Quicklinks made with the right-hand shortcuts. I think that Shell.exe should be fixed and bundled with Quicklinks again, and ran simultaneously with Quicklinks upon start-up. Shell.exe should also automatically be loaded when Windows starts, even if the user specifies to have Quicklinks not do this. This is so that right-clicked Quicklinks work when the program isn't active.

Aside from that, it *seems* to be bug-free. If you get back to me about that, and possibly supply me with another / latest build, we can probably move on to the final full-scale test.

It's good to be back! :D Oh, and I'll give you the icons tomorrow.


Xade said:

...As you can probably guess, I've had no access to the internet for a variety of reasons. Chief amongst them being that I'm now at university, but my computer wasn't brought down here until yesterday - and then it needed configuring with the network/proxies etc.

All I can do is apologise for not replying sooner - this past week has been fairly insane.
I thought as much.

ANYWAY, I'm the bearer of bad news:

The error:

"The procedure entry point RegisterNewCommand could not be located in the dynamic library Quicklinks.dll."

is encountered when I try to load Shell.exe manually.

Quicklinks NEEDS Shell.exe to properly register Quicklinks made with the right-hand shortcuts. I think that Shell.exe should be fixed and bundled with Quicklinks again, and ran simultaneously with Quicklinks upon start-up. Shell.exe should also automatically be loaded when Windows starts, even if the user specifies to have Quicklinks not do this. This is so that right-clicked Quicklinks work when the program isn't active.

Aside from that, it *seems* to be bug-free. If you get back to me about that, and possibly supply me with another / latest build, we can probably move on to the final full-scale test.

It's good to be back! :D Oh, and I'll give you the icons tomorrow.
Shell.exe should by now be deprecated. All the shell code is contained within shell.dll. Delete Shell.exe and try to do shell right-clicking again. If shell.exe is launcher by the right-click command, then it means you have old entries left in the registry. Delete them! Let the application (Quicklinks) register the shell.dll library to enable right-clicking in explorer.


Irrelevant Insight
Hey again,

I unregistered EVERYTHING, then started from scratch - it seemed to cure the Shell.exe issue.

However, I've encountered another, when not using shell.exe - websites can't be keyworded. Instead, I'm told Quicklinks can't find the file/folder, despite it being a valid URL.

Any ideas?

I suppose we should clear all of these niggles before we start the big test...

EDIT: The URL I'm trying to Quicklink is: 'https://webmailimpa.dur.ac.uk/'.
