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animal forest translation?


New member
Well isn't the DS version of this game a port of this game? (with some updates) Then I guess there really isn't a need for a translation


Ah so many posts lol, yeah the DS version is a brand new game, online support and all that fun stuff :p

I havent had a chance to do anything with this for a long time, I'll probably get around to it again eventually but the plan wasn't ever to do a full translation of the game, it was just a learning experiment.


Delete my account please!
Well maybe you could release your meathod and si far translations and see if anyone wants to help ;)
I know I would like playing it, and if this helps I know that the gamecube's diologue at the beginning of the game (like tom nook's and stuff) is exactly the same, so maybe that would help? :/


I know the dialog at the beginning of the game is the same as the GC version, and have already 'translated' that but, however its rather hmmm hacky, and causes a few problems within the game/crashing the emulator, I need to fix those bugs before I can release anything.

Documentation wise I've got a bit, explaining various locations within the rom and a overall plan of attack in regards to modifying things, but thats a mess at the moment and I wont be releasing anything till I get a chance to clean it all up.


New member
Quvack, it sounds like you've got that backwards, buddy. You need to release it now, so that someone else can help fix those bugs. As everyone's been saying for the past year. :)

To the bleating sheep and beggars, you've been repeatedly reminded of the fact that you're not paying anyone for their work and hence a schedule does not and cannot exist. Not one of your bleatings has hastened the arrival of a product that most of you refuse to even try to help with. Nor could it. Either find a method of contribution or of positive motivation to the contributors (babelfish? be serious!), or stop wasting space.

In volunteerism, there are no small roles... except for begging and flaming.

It's been made clear that the project may be unlikely to ever complete, or even halfway futile if it was, due to environmental localization and due to reverse engineering. There is a reason why Nintendo spent 9 months localizing Animal Crossing on Gamecube, with full access to source code and the original expertise of a salaried staff. Nevertheless, as a member of the curious public and as a N64 fan, I'd like to ask you all to continue to release your docs, tools, and notes, however incomplete or buggy, because you will be credited nonetheless and you can never underestimate the motivating power of a partial release. Someone may pick up the torch. Otherwise, you know darn well you probably won't finish it on your own.

Thanks to the person who released the translated script and to all those who have maintained productive discourse.

I wonder if the 24-hour-online version of Animal Crossing for Wii will spark an MMO! Heck I'd even check out a Pokemon MMO! :)
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A few weeks ago I cleaned up a lot of the notes I've done, and while testing some things found some new stuff I'd like to explore a little more & include before releasing the doc's, even though there isnt a great deal of it.

I'm currently working on another project which is semi related, at least its within the n64 type scene and it might end up helping a little more later down the track. ;)


New member
Quvack said:
Lol its nice people are interested but as I've said many times its just something so I can learn a bit more about rom hacking and stuff, it was never intended to be a translation of the full game, I hope people dont expect that much :p its just not possible with the size of this game and no knowledge of Japanese!
Talk about a slap to the face towards anyone who has been following this thread for the past 2 years.

I've fooled a little bit with AF on Project64, but there is a big language gap and its hard to find out what to do. I usually end up just aimlessly meandering around the map, listening to these little cartoons yabber at each other.

I think what people are looking for is just a basic translation, in game text from Jap->Eng most would be happy with that. Changing the game to suit American holidays and what not is why it took the official developers 9 months to translate it. Had they been only doing character dialogue and menus, it would have taken half that, if not less.

The DS version was ported from Animal Forest on the N64 to the DS, so the should be close to if not identical, omitting a few things here and there.

But watching this thread for two years without any releases and only a few screenshots to look at? And the main developer always saying he has no time for this game, and that its not on his list of priorities? Then saying he is working on a different game? This was a plane crash from the start, hey, good luck though, I know it ain't easy.

/walks to bestbuy
/buys gamecube
/buys animal crossing
/shuts up


New member
i was just looking for info on whether a translation project was ever started (i already have the GC and DS games in english, but thought it would be neat to check out the N64 game)...

... and noticed this, which is --well-- incorrect.

Litherish said:
The DS version was ported from Animal Forest on the N64 to the DS, so the should be close to if not identical, omitting a few things here and there.

no, animal crossing DS was not a port in the strict sense of the word. there were enough differences to qualify it as a sequel. while it's true that most of the functions, characters, etc were taken from the N64/GC game... there were many alterations (both fundamental & superficial), not the least of which were the entire contents of the dialogue & mail correspondence. if you're suggesting that the text of the DS game would be suitable for use in a translation of the N64 game, you're unfortunately mistaken.


New member
Dump of all the GameCube Animal Crossing text:
http://sanik.hacking-cult.org/AC - NGC.rar

Just in case you need it

Btw, I'm wondering about how the N64 version of Animal Crossing works... got any notes?
I'm more interested in how the maps are stored as well as the character models...
Whatever notes you have I would be interested to see


New member

Unfortully the link does not work, anyone got a copy of the text file.

I have come across AF via ACWW on the ds. a few changes in the basic start but im stuck now after posting my letter. And dont get me going on understaning restti's rants. lol.


I could probably help out in some way.
If the dialogue is identical to that of the gamecube, I could help edit the text in.
I have absolutely no knowledge of Japanese, however, so if we don't know the whole script, I can't help.

Reading back, someone said they had the entire script translated, but they couldn't fit it in the rom. I'm 99% certain that I could work with that.
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Litherish said:
Talk about a slap to the face towards anyone who has been following this thread for the past 2 years.

I've fooled a little bit with AF on Project64, but there is a big language gap and its hard to find out what to do. I usually end up just aimlessly meandering around the map, listening to these little cartoons yabber at each other.

I think what people are looking for is just a basic translation, in game text from Jap->Eng most would be happy with that. Changing the game to suit American holidays and what not is why it took the official developers 9 months to translate it. Had they been only doing character dialogue and menus, it would have taken half that, if not less.

The DS version was ported from Animal Forest on the N64 to the DS, so the should be close to if not identical, omitting a few things here and there.

But watching this thread for two years without any releases and only a few screenshots to look at? And the main developer always saying he has no time for this game, and that its not on his list of priorities? Then saying he is working on a different game? This was a plane crash from the start, hey, good luck though, I know it ain't easy.

/walks to bestbuy
/buys gamecube
/buys animal crossing
/shuts up
Yeah. I've been following this thread for 2 years and made an account here just so I could post this. If you're not going to translate it, why not just give us what you did and we can finish it. I have some knowledge of Japanese and know some people who speak it fluently, but I have no knowledge of hacking ;)

umm anything new?

Did you stop working on it?
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