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  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

SM64 "Cel Shade" Texture Pack


Active member
it won't be possible, the only parts where Mario is textured are the eyes and his "M". the rest of the model is simple color. unless you hack the model itself, you prolly won't see that, same for peach , lakitu and yoshi. Toad and Bowser might be possible tho.


German EmuTalk Cow
Wow!!!!! :eek:
Is there a way to add it to directx64 or another plugin?
I would love to have this on my emulator.


Film Student
That's makes Mario look a whole lot better, but I think it should stay out of Zelda. (*thinks of WW...throws up*)


Zelda Maniac!!!
All I have to say about the cel shaded Mario and Zelda is OMG!! That looks so sweet especially the Mario and Koopa Troopa, Link doesn't look too bad cel shaded either, I actually didn't mind the cel shading in Wind Waker. Orkin do you have the retexture pack for the cel shaded Mario and Link? Not to go off track from Mario cel shaded but I think WWF No Mercy cel shaded would be kind cool as well.


d1R3c764 & g1|\|64 m4|<3R
Soon it'll show up as an option in the config window for Direct64, so you can try it out in any game you like.

Now I need to make it use Kid A's amazing texture pack, plus, it's missing silhouette edges...hmmm...


d1R3c764 & g1|\|64 m4|<3R
I just took the per-pixel lighting I just implemented (see here), and added the HLSL smoothstep() command to "step" the dot product before multiplying it by the light color.


Looks like a cool effect that's worth exploring.
I'm sure adding contour lines would be possible, but would require true cel-shading code.
PS2.0 could probably do it, but I'm not an expert on that.
Some of the ATi Smartshader effects do similar things, which you can load through the new Control Center. The "sketch" effect comes to mind. I could be way off though.
They did allow people at one point to create and load custom pixel shader code, which was then applied to any D3D or OGL app like the preinstalled ones. The program is no longer supported, however. Oh well.

Keep up the good work. It's very encouraging.


d1R3c764 & g1|\|64 m4|<3R
I'm thinking about doing it through a post-process effect described in a paper by ATI. It involves drawing normals and depth to a secondary render target, and then, after the entire scene has been drawn, run a pixel shader over it that looks for changes in normal and depth to tell where a line should be.

It's not the fastest method in the world, but the plugin doesn't have complete access to model information, so other methods aren't really practical....


That does sound like a logical way to start. It's far beyond my level.
The existing sketch effects use edge detection in the PS code; The sobel algorithm.
It's probably not complicated enough to produce the desired effect for cel-shading.
I'm just a beginner (and probably sound like it), but I might try experimenting.
Good luck with your experiment too. I'm sure you'll produce some great results.


The Xpaniard
Those cell shaded models look great!
I wouldn't mind having OoT in cell shading, I liked the art style in Wind Waker for a little change.
It'd be cool if you did as Miyamoto is currently planning the Zelda series to be. He said:
"In Wind Waker we wanted to make the world brighter so it would look as if it was seen through the eyes of a little boy (Link in this case). We decided the new Gamecube Zelda game should use more realistic graphics because this time it was adult Link who was in it."
So that would be...like having cell-shaded textures and models for young link, and realistic textures for adult link!!!

Ok, maybe it wasn't such a good idea... I suppose most of you will dislike the cell-shaded graphics, won't you?


New member
It looks stunning, BUT


The band-aide shouldnt have any cracks on it, it isnt surgically grafted to the block is it?


The Xpaniard
LOL! You're right!
I didn't even notice that...
But maybe you should distribute those cracks a little better, they just look a little bit...unreal


New member
the cell-shaded mario looks great..
black lines would be really awesome but for sure hard to do...
i hope i can use this effects without a new ps2.0 card.. i still have a radeon8500
