What's new
  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

Federelli's Retexture Pack for Zelda OOT and MQ



Beta Tester
New version is up.

Includes some more textures.
The Golden Skulltula needs more work.
The text isn't fixed yet, eventually it will, unless someone remakes the complete font set.
286 remakes :)


New member
Federelli: hmm no aniso nor antia
what settings do you use with your rice gfx plugin?
(rendere engine, combiner type, etc...)
(we have nearly the same kind of video card)

great work on the new textures!!!
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New member
Federelli: i'm using both AA and AF, but i just tried turning them off, made no difference :yucky:

Great set of textures though!


Beta Tester
I'm using OGl with fragment programs.

Edit: Just tried D3D with AntiAliasing and i got the lines.
If you get lines, you are all using Antialiasing.
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New member
i don't use antialiasing
i use d3d pixel shader
there are no lines in windowed mode
with ogl fragment it's the same (but minor gfx bugs)
when swichting to fullscreen 1280x1024 i have the lines again
same as with pixel shader
because of my tft i don't want to use lower resolutions

try swichting to a high resolution in full screen
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Beta Tester
I get the lines as posted on a image here, while using AA.
I also get some lines when going full-screen, but much less than while using AA.

All i can think of is that as the textures are not power of two, then the plugin is resizing them to the closest power of two texture, therefore causing various corruptions such as the white lines in text, and this bothering lines in the logo


Emulator Developer
I don't have such black lines with any configurations, DirectX or OpenGL, windowed mode or full screen, low resolution or high resolution, antialiasing or not.

The plugin does not resize them to size of power of two. Textures in DirectX or Opengl are always created as size of powers of 2, and images are loaded into the top-left corner of the created textures. If the size of a texture image is not powers of 2, it won't fit the whole created texture in DX or OGL, and remain part of the created texture will be in black (in fact, could be random data since the memory is not cleared to 0). In such a case, different setting for the texture, such as filter type, texture repeat setting, could cause the black lines.

1. Don't use high-res texture, to see if you have the black lines
2. Use hq4x filter without high-res textures, to see if you get the black lines
3. Check your setting in the "Texture filters", make sure let the option "Force texture filters" to the value "N64 default texture filter"


Beta Tester
1. No lines with default textures, regardless the settings.
2. No lines using Hq4x with default textures.
3. Checked.

Shot 1: 800x600 windowed, with AA.
Shot 2: 1024x768 full-screen, without AA.


What about using the Moon-and star textures of Oot on the mirror shield in Master Quest? The Moon looks much better IMO.

BTW: Great work! :D

/edit: My first try on making a hi-res-texture :D
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New member
How can I use the texture pack with Master Quest? I tried renaming the 'legend of zelda' folder appropriately, but the high-res textures didn't apply.

Also, what's so special about the 'fragment program extension' in OpenGL mode? Should I use that rather than DirectX?


Emulator Developer
For your nvidia FX5600, using opengl with fragment program could be better than DirectX pixel shader. These two are about the same, but opengl will be faster because the plugin won't need to do software vertex clipping and will not have the problems related to vertex clipping. Plus, you can enable the Nvidia near plane clamp option.

But, opengl does not support frame buffer effect by now.


Emulator Developer
optimus$prim said:
hmm geforce...

what kind of renderer engine/type is best for ati users with your plugin?

Well, you should see my configuration that I have Radeon 9600. I don't have a 9800, but I guess they are similar and you should just use the default options.

For me, I use either DirectX with pixel shader, or OpenGL with Fragment program. With my 9600, openGL has less glitch and work much faster. But for frame buffer games, I have to use DirectX.


The DirectX API causes this: The only thing that shows up in the game/title screen is this. What happened?
