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  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

The Legend of Zelda - Problem with specific texture pack

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New member
Hi there, :p First of all i created this account specific for a problem which occured to me while i try'd to load this texturepack https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1202snf5pwgdjze/AAABsw4r1eclycPjjgUWwknFa?dl=0 its a very big OOT pack, nope its not the Community Pack, i got that to work but sadly not this one which was even harder to find and its a complete pack. I tested different settings and even Versions of PJ64 aswell as different plugin's all exept ricevideo coz i can't get that to work for some reason. The Problem is always the same...fcking exeption error...that means i cant even create the .dat thingy. I patched my emulator with 4GB patch but i somehow knew that would not solve my problem coz i got every other pack exept this to work witout it. ;)

Can someone please try if this awsome pack works? If yes please uploade the .dat aswell im going crazy here. :D
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New member
Yeah the directory is correct because its working for other texture packs so thats not the problem, besides how do u think could i get an exeption error if it wouldn't load. ^^
Please people download this pack from my link above and try if its working for any of u, i dont know who's the autor coz its not from this site.


New member
Where is that pack from? And more importantly, are there screenshots showing that it is worth the effort lol?


New member
wtf? worth the effort? if u dont have 5-10 min time to give this a go then pls dont (its for zeldafans and if your time is to fcking precious u dont have to try and u'r probably on the wrong forum here, im sure someone else will), the guys who made this pack had to put effort in not the people who want to play the game with enhanced textures however i uploaded the screens anyway even i dont care if u like them or not.



New member
wtf? worth the effort? if u dont have 5-10 min time to give this a go then pls dont (its for zeldafans and if your time is to fcking precious u dont have to try and u'r probably on the wrong forum here, im sure someone else will), the guys who made this pack had to put effort in not the people who want to play the game with enhanced textures however i uploaded the screens anyway even i dont care if u like them or not.


Not quite understanding the nasty tone of your response as A: I am a huge Zelda fan, B. I joined this forum so that I could contribute my development experience to help retexture N64 games, not to get help with using texture packs C. I was curious as to where this mystery pack was from, since you said it was very difficult to obtain, and I asked you if there were screenshots showing that it was worth the effort, since I am unaware of such a pack. Anyway, I was planning on helping you out with it, but good luck at any rate :)
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New member
sorry for the cruel response ^^ however it rlly felt like it wasnt worth your time to test it i mean if u would have downloaded it straight away u could have checked for some of the textures inside the folders its almost 800 mb so i think it will be definitly worth it 2 bad its the only pack which i cant get to work

for everyone who wanna know where the pack is from i found the page again after some searching.

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Texture Pack Invader
wtf? worth the effort? if u dont have 5-10 min time to give this a go then pls dont (its for zeldafans and if your time is to fcking precious u dont have to try and u'r probably on the wrong forum here, im sure someone else will), the guys who made this pack had to put effort in not the people who want to play the game with enhanced textures however i uploaded the screens anyway even i dont care if u like them or not.

We don't take kindly to noobs with attitude problems. I highly suggest that you take a chill pill before responding to forum moderators as such.
As you are quite new this will be considered a freebie next time you may not be so fortunate.

I never stated that I had an issue with the author and it is quite rude to assume that I did.

We are not paid to troubleshoot issues we do because we are all gamers here and hope that each other could enjoy the games as much as we do.

In order to determine the problem we should find the author of the pack for a few reasons.
1. Maybe there is an issue with the format of the pack.
2. Maybe there is a compatibility issue with a certain video plugin.
3. Maybe this issues are resolved in a post by the author(s) online somewhere.

There seem to be instructions for this pack here. Have a look and see if it resolves your issue.
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New member
loool funny how i get threated like a n00b here AS i told before ,,I tested different settings and even Versions of PJ64 aswell as different plugin's'' im a exentric person who asks only for help when something cant be resolved by my own matters, that means i found that instruction ofc, im only acting like this if someone posts me obvious things which I DONT even need to think off (like u nesplayer) coz they are clear as fck, i am rude im not even gonna denie that but u good sir are clearly not on my level of brain usage maybe coz your pills which u need to keep your brain on a functional level or atleast thats what u tell yourself, the world trys to make u stupid enought already i dont need that in a forum aswell. i live my emotions as how i get them i dont supress them with pills and if u cant understand that i feel sorry for tho coz apparantly u are the noob for threating people like they are morons and not giving any constructive help if u dont download the content which i posted above get the fck out from my thead srsly
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Texture Pack Invader
I'll ignore the childish jabs as I really don't take them personal. As far as helping I can't do more then post the instructions that the author recommends.
Are you paying for my internet usage? No! I'll choose what I want to download or not.
I'm getting sick and tired of members thinking that we owe them the world served with a side of chips!
Nobody ever said that you must emulate your warez and personally a little appreciation should be shown to this forum, we are one of the oldest emulation sites that are still maintained. Our founding member contributed to emulation, not leached off the benefits thereof!!! Emulation is a privilege not your right!
I sorry that it's urgent for you to play the game; but for now you seem to have rejected any help offered.
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