Hi there, First of all i created this account specific for a problem which occured to me while i try'd to load this texturepack https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1202snf5pwgdjze/AAABsw4r1eclycPjjgUWwknFa?dl=0 its a very big OOT pack, nope its not the Community Pack, i got that to work but sadly not this one which was even harder to find and its a complete pack. I tested different settings and even Versions of PJ64 aswell as different plugin's all exept ricevideo coz i can't get that to work for some reason. The Problem is always the same...fcking exeption error...that means i cant even create the .dat thingy. I patched my emulator with 4GB patch but i somehow knew that would not solve my problem coz i got every other pack exept this to work witout it.
Can someone please try if this awsome pack works? If yes please uploade the .dat aswell im going crazy here.
Can someone please try if this awsome pack works? If yes please uploade the .dat aswell im going crazy here.
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