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Saddam Caught!!!

Will things start to get better for Iraqi's?

  • Yes, this will speed up Iraqi Self-Rule

    Votes: 10 37.0%
  • Nope

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • Just means Bush will be re-elected

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • Don't Care

    Votes: 7 25.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


I prey, not pray.
smegforbrain said:
And Bush can take his tax cuts and stick 'em up his ass.
I didn't get a red penny from them.

Feed the rich, bury the poor.

Boo freaking hoo, I didn't get squat from it either, yet you don't see me bitching. Whether you want to admit it or not however, you have probably already received an indirect benefit from this.

And so far as rich vs poor; it's a only a difference of work habbits and spending habbits. Example, I know a guy who recently made a complete recovery from owning nothing to earning $60,000 a year at intel in a period of 3 years. When he was poor, he and his girlfriend did drugs all day and all night, then one morning he woke up and said that he was tired of it. His girlfriend said she was too lazy to change, so he took his kids and left. He went to a shelter and told them that he would be willing to do anything to have himself assimilated into the working class. Needless to say, he worked his ass off, and is how reaping the benefits.

Only in America...indeed.

I myself served in the military for two years, and saved every dime that I earned, because they give you everything else that you need. I have been living off of that money for the past three years; I currently have no income. When I was in high school I used to get D's and F's, now I get nothing but A's in college. This has already earned me two different scholarships. Whats the difference between then and now? I work harder; brain smarts has nothing to do with it honestly.
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New member
Ahh, military man. Figures.

You'd think that, having been in the military, you'd have a little more brains instead of listening to the BS coming from the Bush Administration.


I prey, not pray.
smegforbrain said:
Ahh, military man. Figures.

What figures? That I have a stronger work ethic? That I would rather work than claim charity?

smegforbrain said:
You'd think that, having been in the military, you'd have a little more brains instead of listening to the BS coming from the Bush Administration.

You'd think that somebody who claims to have brains would think of a better argument; at least one that contains substance.


New member
AlphaWolf said:
This isn't the exact article, but its the closest one to it that I can find. The other one had a lot more detail, including other information that was uncovered long before this point in time.


it isnt exactly waterproof, what i especially noticed is this part:

The second part of the memo, which is headed "Niger Shipment", contains a report about an unspecified shipment - believed to be uranium - that it says has been transported to Iraq via Libya and Syria.

that claim has been made quite a while ago and the documents suspectedly proving it have been revealed as being forgeries even before the iraq war started (which i mind you was back in march while this report is dated 14/12/2003).

basically lowered down this is a claim with no proof behind it whatsoever. and weve seen plenty of claims in this matter including some about suspected wmds which have yet to turn up. just another canard im afraid...


New member
AlphaWolf said:
What figures? That I have a stronger work ethic? That I would rather work than claim charity?

If you think the only people that have a work ethic are those that have been in the military, you've sadly been brainwashed.

You'd think that somebody who claims to have brains would think of a better argument; at least one that contains substance.

I'm sorry, I won't debate like a conservative in the future.

I'll just provide facts that you'll dismiss on a whim, without logic, reason, or proof, and you'll just discredit me as being a traitor since I don't get on my knees for Bush.

Nothing like worshipping a man who's brother let him in by the back door.


New member
I should also add:

Just because Saddam needed to do doesn't mean lying to the world about the excuses for invading Iraq, and having finally caught Saddam, doesn't make the invasion right either.

Just try and remember that when you start comparing "right" and wrong and tossing around things like Hitler. Your own arguement easily works against you.


Emu64 Staff
Oh for fuck sakes, everyone lay off the personal flames or this thread goes to the abuse archive.


I prey, not pray.
smegforbrain said:
If you think the only people that have a work ethic are those that have been in the military, you've sadly been brainwashed.

When did I ever say this?

smegforbrain said:
I'm sorry, I won't debate like a conservative in the future.

I'll just provide facts that you'll dismiss on a whim, without logic, reason, or proof, and you'll just discredit me as being a traitor since I don't get on my knees for Bush.

Well lets see, thus far I haven't dismissed any "facts" that you have presented; although you've done it plenty of times to me, without your logic, reason, or proof. Some good examples:

Probably written by a Republican.

Ahh, military man. Figures.

And you also discredit me as supporting some "evil man":

You're obviously proud that little shit-stain Bush is running our country into the ground, making as many enemies as possible, and playing as "Daddy's little boy" in getting Saddam.

Nothing like worshipping a man who's brother let him in by the back door.

Nope, since you claim yourself to be a liberal, it seems that must be the liberal method of debating.

And by the way, I don't "worship" bush. I don't completely like the guy, there are some things that he does which I totaly despise. However, people like you hate bush simply just to hate him. You don't even know anything about his policy that some strongly partisan source hasn't told you. So far as the "war on terror" has gone thus far, bush has made a few mistakes, but overall I think he has done a very good job at it.

smegforbrain said:
I should also add:

Just because Saddam needed to do doesn't mean lying to the world about the excuses for invading Iraq, and having finally caught Saddam, doesn't make the invasion right either.

Very well, that is your oppinion.

smegforbrain said:
Just try and remember that when you start comparing "right" and wrong and tossing around things like Hitler. Your own arguement easily works against you.

Wrong, I was making an analogy about how the majority can be wrong. Hypothetically speaking then, if the majority (well 40% is a majority, technically speaking) was like that, would they still be right?
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I prey, not pray.
2fast4u said:
that claim has been made quite a while ago and the documents suspectedly proving it have been revealed as being forgeries even before the iraq war started (which i mind you was back in march while this report is dated 14/12/2003).

basically lowered down this is a claim with no proof behind it whatsoever. and weve seen plenty of claims in this matter including some about suspected wmds which have yet to turn up. just another canard im afraid...

I dunno, thats not the same article I found earlier. I didn't read this entire article; just kinda skimmed through it.


I prey, not pray.
2fast4u said:
/me feels ignored :plain: im making a point here and you folks just keep bashing each other :p

Not bashing, defending :p

Note I made no direct counterattacks in that post
