What's new
  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

Ripping Textures for a Pack


Piledriver Program Advance!
So for the life of me I am having trouble ripping textures from Jet Force Gemini. I've searched the site for help, but am having trouble finding topics on the issue. Basically what I try is ripping the textures through Rice like I used to do for the Zelda pack, the problem being PJ64 crashes upon activating dumping of textures. :/

Now please go easy on me if there's a new way to rip textures as it's been a good number of years since I worked on any of this, and I have no doubt I probably have to relearn things since methods may have changed since. Thanks for the time to listen to my issue and possibly responding!


Piledriver Program Advance!
Is Jet Force Gemini a taboo subject? Or did I miss a topic that was obvious? I realize there aren't many users here, mostly guests, but I hope this hasn't turned into a complete ghost town guys. :/


Piledriver Program Advance!
I think I have the newest version, version 2.1 it says. Like I said before, trying to pull the textures with rice and it throws up an error message then shuts the program.


Piledriver Program Advance!
I doubt emulator versions will affect the ability to rip textures from a game. :/ I'm looking for helpful advice for this, or at least some insight with the instructions given to me, that way I don't question these statements like I'm doing right now.

EDIT: Upon further tinkering with resources at my disposal I finally have a plugin willing to dump the textures to file. Anyone familiar enough with JFG's textures able to tell me if they are supposed to looked upside down mirrored, or is it the Graphics plugin I'm using to rip the textures? Plugin: Jabo's Direct3D8
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New member
I know some version of Rice had problems dumping, at least in windows. I think latest versions don't.

Anyway, Glide64 and GlideN64 also allow dumping textures, they do it in a openly source documented way (so designing for one plugin will allow you to play in any) and they will probably give you at least as good graphics as Jabo's.


Piledriver Program Advance!
I'm using the newest version of rice as far as I know, but I'll give Glide a shot, since I'm not to crazy at how Jabo is handling the ripping.

EDIT: Errrr, I can't seem to find a DL link for GlideN64, which seems to be the better plugin.
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New member
I doubt emulator versions will affect the ability to rip textures from a game. :/ I'm looking for helpful advice for this, or at least some insight with the instructions given to me, that way I don't question these statements like I'm doing right now.

EDIT: Upon further tinkering with resources at my disposal I finally have a plugin willing to dump the textures to file. Anyone familiar enough with JFG's textures able to tell me if they are supposed to looked upside down mirrored, or is it the Graphics plugin I'm using to rip the textures? Plugin: Jabo's Direct3D8
I was messing around with goldeneye at one point, and I do recall the face textures being in odd orientations as you describe. When editing, as long as you maintain the dumped orientation, they load up correctly when reinsterted into the game. Hope that helps!

As far as your project 64 version, don't 2.1 and 2.2 include glide? And in general, pj64 version definitely could matter as, for one, the version you have will dictate what default plugins are included (among other things like possible bugs in the emulator itself).
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Piledriver Program Advance!
Fair enough, thanks for the info guys! I'll be using this info over the next few days as I sort out what I have already.
