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Rice Video Plugin 5.4.3b

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Emulator Developer
What's new in 5.4.3:

- Change project name from RiceDaedalus to RiceVideo
- Two new options:
Disable Alpha Blender
Force Depth Buffer
- Using new registry
- Turn on Software T&L and Software Clipper as default
- Problems fixed:
* Zelda: missing polygons, also for similar problems in other games
* GoldenEye: Flashing ground texture, vertical lines in 16 bits
* Waveracer: white sky, also for similar problems in other games
* Conker: Rare badge texture
* Mario64: star texture
* PD: reflection textures (not correct yet, but getting better)
- Further improves for the software vertex texture for extreme cases.


A new file version 5.4.3b is uploaded to replace 5.4.3 to fix the very last minute bug of texture decompression.
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That Damn Good
I have just tried it out, and I was just wondering how to stop flickering in the Goldeneye multiplayer. I have tried using all of the framebuffer update and the only way to stop it is using at 1st cl change, but if I use that then the text will be all messed up. That's about the only thing I see wrong with the multiplayer. I also get flickering in Conker's. I get no picture in perfect dark and duke nukem 3d as well. Other than those slight errors, I like the improvements in the plugin compatibilty, mainly with goldeneye, so keep up the good work.

Edit: It seems that to fix the problem in Goldeneye, all I needed to do is select 16bit instead of 32. I'm gonna test out some other settings for the other games and see what I can figure out.
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the old guy
olivieryuyu said:
well I can't play anything with this new plugins. Something 's broken.
there is some huge bugs with display. See some few screenshots as example.
1080 worked fine for me with the plugin default settings.
so did rayman2

perfect dark - use the defaults except eanble render to texture plus under framebuffer.
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Ninja Princess
I'm in the same situation as olivieryuyu. You can see my specs at the bottom of this post. I'm using the Catalyst 4.2 drivers for my Radeon 8500LE. No settings I've tried so far have eliminated the problems. It happens with Software T&L/Software Clipper on, combiners don't make any of a difference and OpenGL looks worse (these shots were taken with DirectX).

The first shot (SM64glitch.jpg) is of Super Mario 64. This shows where the problem is a minor annoyance.

The second shot (BKglitch.jpg) is of Banjo-Kazooie. It shows the first part of the intro which is pretty much rendered unrecoginzable by glitches.

The third shot (SSBglitch.jpg) is of Super Smash Brothers. The shows the into which alternates between most correct and what you see here. I haven't tried the gameplay, but I assume it's better.

It seems that shadows and other transparent/translucent stuff is rendered as big opaque blocks among other stuff. This reminds me of what I got with earlier Catalyst drivers. Could ATI have screwed things up again?


Ninja Princess
Ugh, screwed up the last post and I'm having trouble editing the attachments (the window pops up but never loads?). Sorry for the double post. This is the real third picture.

Edit: Huh? Did I tell it to display that picture?


Ninja Princess
Yes, but you have a totally different video card to me. You have an nVidia GeForce FX 5200 while I have an ATI Radeon 8500LE. What works for you won't always work for me or anyone else for that matter.


the old guy
so, im showing my settings for the people it will work for. and also to show that not eveyone is having these problems. Wich is probably something rice would like to know.
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New member
Exactly... I wouldn't expect any of the settings to work well on my old ATI Rage Pro card... it's hard to tell sometimes what problems are caused by the plugin and which are caused by the gfx card.


New member
I don't understand?
5.4.2 absoulutely kicked ass, 5.4.3 is a different story
wats goin on with this new plugin
its like it went down a few versions
every game has some sort of glitch in it and is unplayable, think i might stick with 5.4.2 till these big bugs are fixed.


New member
StAmAtIs said:
I don't understand?
5.4.2 absoulutely kicked ass, 5.4.3 is a different story
wats goin on with this new plugin
its like it went down a few versions
every game has some sort of glitch in it and is unplayable, think i might stick with 5.4.2 till these big bugs are fixed.

Sigh.. Well unfortunantly with most, if not all software, future additions can 'break' previous additions such as the case with this. As you can see, for some people it works great, for others not so great. Just use what ever version yields the best results (For you) and im sure that you'll get what your looking for in the next version.

Edit: Also congratulations Rice!


New member
IceLord said:
Sigh.. Well unfortunantly with most, if not all software, future additions can 'break' previous additions such as the case with this. As you can see, for some people it works great, for others not so great. Just use what ever version yields the best results (For you) and im sure that you'll get what your looking for in the next version.

Edit: Also congratulations Rice!

yeh true
No disrespect Rice you are still the best!
Just a little confused thats all.


IceLord said:
Sigh.. Well unfortunantly with most, if not all software, future additions can 'break' previous additions such as the case with this. As you can see, for some people it works great, for others not so great. Just use what ever version yields the best results (For you) and im sure that you'll get what your looking for in the next version.

Edit: Also congratulations Rice!

Yes I would also like to post the many problems i've encountered with the new plugin:

Everything default except Pixel Shader:

Mk 4 is almost perfect now.
Dr Mario is missing the pill.
Destruction Derby is so slow, uses 100% of the cpu.
Puzzle League shows virtually no menus or anything, but you can get in game, then everything works prett well.

Good luck on the code clean up!

/edit Quake 2 is near perfect with that config.
RR64 is not right in many small ways. The texture on your car in the intro is particularly bad.
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the old guy
Well mario golf is starting to look very nice now. The only thing i see problems in is shot setup screen (the background is black). Otherwise it looks perfect throughout the game (see the last pic). notice also the fixed textures in the ghost face (had green square around his eyes in 5.4.2)
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Active member
Lillymon said:
I'm in the same situation as olivieryuyu. You can see my specs at the bottom of this post. I'm using the Catalyst 4.2 drivers for my Radeon 8500LE. No settings I've tried so far have eliminated the problems. It happens with Software T&L/Software Clipper on, combiners don't make any of a difference and OpenGL looks worse (these shots were taken with DirectX).

The first shot (SM64glitch.jpg) is of Super Mario 64. This shows where the problem is a minor annoyance.

The second shot (BKglitch.jpg) is of Banjo-Kazooie. It shows the first part of the intro which is pretty much rendered unrecoginzable by glitches.

The third shot (SSBglitch.jpg) is of Super Smash Brothers. The shows the into which alternates between most correct and what you see here. I haven't tried the gameplay, but I assume it's better.

It seems that shadows and other transparent/translucent stuff is rendered as big opaque blocks among other stuff. This reminds me of what I got with earlier Catalyst drivers. Could ATI have screwed things up again?
Just tried with this Radeon8500/ Catalyst 4.2 card.

The solution to your problem, use Pixel Shader combiner. I have a feeling you have it on High End at the moment - which does indeed show these unsightly glitches. Pixel Shader looks perfect.

Also double check you are not using 32bit signed buffer, and (whilst a game is running) you haven't got disable blender on. Even if it is off, click it on and then off again - this was shown to help one person earlier on IRC.
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