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Rice Video 6.1.0c - HiRez Texture Loader

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Living RCP Hungup
First of all, great job Rice and the texture makers! (...which sounds like a bad movie title or something...) The plugin itself works much better for me now and the support for hires textures is impressive and impressive also goes to the already made new textures themself.

As for OoT's PAL version and the hires textures... the game work perfectly here, with or without them. No messed up Saria etc (see attachment).


Future Emu Creator Hopefully
can anyone here help me anywhere i ask about creating emulators i am given loads of documentations when really all i want is to know how to use this info to create emus. please help


New member
Nice Feature :)
I tried it already for Super Mario 64's Castle Textures, but it's hard to find High-Res Textures on the Net. How did you optimize that Zelda textures? Di you remake it or did you just use a good graphics editor?

One thing I noticed:
The folders where the texture dump's should go have to be already created (not the game directory but the "texture_dump" directory).


At your service, dood!
Rice, in Majora's mask, I cannot see the title screen, you know the bit with the Mask flying in and the Zelda logo. it is totally Blank.

I also couldn't see that part where you are just about to enter the Clocktower after becoming a deku, with the swirl effect and all.. that is also blank.

However the lighting is good.


xdaniel_FWB said:
As for OoT's PAL version and the hires textures... the game work perfectly here, with or without them. No messed up Saria etc (see attachment).

The Hi-res textures are working normally for me, too. It's the texture dumping that does not work ;)

@ScottJC: Put the render-to-texture options on, then the title screen is visible, however, the Motion Blur effect is slow as hell,
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New member
ray16 said:
What's wrong with updating a games graphics? If anything at all it shows how much people love a game, enough to spend time that could be used for much more prductive things on making higher resolution textures for a classic.

If I was a game developer or an artist and I saw somebody updated some of my old work to look better I'd be happy.

Unfortunately, not all game developers see things that way...Tecmo vs Ninjahacker.net anybody?


But I don't think Nintendo is that stupid...but then again...there was that suicidegirls.com incident over IP use.


Carbon-based molecule.
CLSugarman said:
But I don't think Nintendo is that stupid...but then again...there was that suicidegirls.com incident over IP use.

That got me thinking just now, especially since I'm in the process of upgrading most environment textures in SM64.

I think the Tecmo thing was mostly because the mods that were being done were often of pornographic nature. No company wan't to be associated with that. Same for Nintendo and SG, SG is porn afterall, with the word "suicide" even. Not a good image for "respectable" companies.

I wonder if they would even bother if we are to only do harmless texture upgrades of non-pornographic nature? :p


Emutalk Member
>>>> Super release Rice! <<<<
The HiRez Texture Loader is excellent, great work ;)

Could anyone tell me if this capture is OK with Rice and/or Glide64? (and, Is this the "right/correct" scene lighting effect sshot?)

PD: i'd like to have a savegame (.FLA file) of this game (i've never played it....because i didn't finish the OOT yet :D )


New member
Excellent work Rice!

but could you make plugin configuration window remember the last chosen tab?

it would make finding and turning on and off the hi-res option much quicker.


Member ready to help
this is strange, when i put an modified texture (for super mario 64) i get an "expetion in DList (debuger) and the texture don´t appear.
Whats wrong?


New member
Can somebody help me get this to work? I have tried asking a friend of mine who goes here, and have re-read the directions, over and over again, but I still cannot get this plugin to dump the textures in the folder. At first I thought perhaps it can't create the folder for the textures, so I went in and created it, but still nothing. I have the dump texture option box checked, and have tried running the game with it checked to no avail. Can anybody get this plugin to at least dump the textures? At the moment thats all I really care about, I'm not even worried yet about loading them back in. Thanks in advance for any amount of help I get.


ggab said:
Could anyone tell me if this capture is OK with Rice and/or Glide64? (and, Is this the "right/correct" scene lighting effect sshot?)

ggab, use the option "near plane z hack" to make the flashing heart in the HUD visible ;)

I dunno about the flames, though. But i can definately say that there's the corona around the torch's flame missing in the Rice OGL capture.


Carbon-based molecule.
Cyberblade said:
Can somebody help me get this to work? I have tried asking a friend of mine who goes here, and have re-read the directions, over and over again, but I still cannot get this plugin to dump the textures in the folder. At first I thought perhaps it can't create the folder for the textures, so I went in and created it, but still nothing. I have the dump texture option box checked, and have tried running the game with it checked to no avail. Can anybody get this plugin to at least dump the textures? At the moment thats all I really care about, I'm not even worried yet about loading them back in. Thanks in advance for any amount of help I get.

I had the same problem. I used the debug version and based on its log I easily found out that it could not create the folders. Although you already said you created them, I suggest you use the debug version to see exactly where it's going wrong.


New member
cloudscapes said:
I had the same problem. I used the debug version and based on its log I easily found out that it could not create the folders. Although you already said you created them, I suggest you use the debug version to see exactly where it's going wrong.

Pardon my newbieness to this whole thing, but where can I find this debug version, and how can I find out whats going wrong in it? I'm not much on coding really, so I couldn't fix it, the main reason I want to use it is just because I want to give some N64 games a personal touch.


Carbon-based molecule.
Cyberblade said:
Pardon my newbieness to this whole thing, but where can I find this debug version, and how can I find out whats going wrong in it? I'm not much on coding really, so I couldn't fix it, the main reason I want to use it is just because I want to give some N64 games a personal touch.

No problem. :) You can find the debug version in the "Rice Video 6.1.0b - HiRez Texture Loader" on the main 1964 forum. I think it's in Rice's second or third post in that thread. And no programming skills necissary, when running the debug version, you get a window which shows a log of every step the plugin goes through. If you get an error like "Error: could not create folder" or whatnot, then it'll at least give you a good clue.


New member
Thanks for all the help. apparently it was a small typo in my folder names...god all this trouble for something so small. :blush: I feel stupid now. Thanks alot, now I can begin modifying all this stuff. So much from just the first 5 seconds of the title.


Graphics Designer
BluesTS said:
This is a great plugin

I'm currently working on Conker. Check out his jacket.

How did you edit his jacket? All the textures are locked.. please tell, I'm needing this help. :\


New member
Could you possibly modify this to not make all those blank textures, and perhaps to take texture groups, like the logo from OOT and put them together? It'd make modifying these textures soooooo much easier. For some odd reason or another I have 2700 textures for Starfox, yet only 588 for OOT, which just seems odd, until I look at 1000 or so blank textures in Starfox. I've started working on a more cartoonish Mario 64, which is going well, but it's become more of a chore just finding the textures to modify, rather then the fun it could be if I could just see the one I want to see.


Active member
Cyberblade, you could just arrange all by size and then delete the groups of blank textures? Also the largest textures in size would most likely be the ones you wanted to work with.
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