But this in not real e-mulating (reproduce perfectly as possible an old game) but re-programming a game!
i think that a game with new textures with different colours, different themes,
different feeling change non the general game-feeling but change the game in it-self.
It is like to see a picture in a photography and say that is the same thing or that is better than see it with your own eyes on a museum!
Today we want texture-changements, tomorrow sound-changements (Mario 64 with Marylin Manson BGM?? AAArgh!), and then what we will want to change?
PS: this is my opinion and i don't want to impose it to anyone; i want only that we think that maybe we go to a derivative emulation which maybe is not a real e-mulation but e-mutation.
Off course, sorry for my bad english...
But this in not real e-mulating (reproduce perfectly as possible an old game) but re-programming a game!
i think that a game with new textures with different colours, different themes,
different feeling change non the general game-feeling but change the game in it-self.
It is like to see a picture in a photography and say that is the same thing or that is better than see it with your own eyes on a museum!
Today we want texture-changements, tomorrow sound-changements (Mario 64 with Marylin Manson BGM?? AAArgh!), and then what we will want to change?
PS: this is my opinion and i don't want to impose it to anyone; i want only that we think that maybe we go to a derivative emulation which maybe is not a real e-mulation but e-mutation.
Off course, sorry for my bad english...