Ack, sorry guys, I don't have internet access at home here and for some reason they closed and locked up my office for the past 3 days.
If you are having problems with RUMBLE, please use this debug build, and send me the log as explained in the above post (I've updated it since a week and a half ago, just to give me more useful debug information, so please use this build):
Everyone else can use the regular "release" style code listed under the first post. Make sure you have the latest release before posting a bug.
Alright, now to the fixes...
Alright, let's take a look at the past week and a half...
SAVING INDIVIDUAL MEMPAK NOTES TO A64 FILES MAY BE BROKEN. At least, I'm pretty sure it doesn't work right. So if you're having an issue with a mempak, and you imported .a64 files, that's probably it. If you make a copy and delete the notes you tried to add, does it still crash? My guess is no.
Also, does anyone know where the a64 standard came from, and what an a64 file is SUPPOSED to look like? Even 1.83 doesn't write them consistently.
NaSeR, yep, I've got issues with assigning mouse axes/buttons inside the "Modifiers" area. The issue with saving modifiers to files should have been fixed before... I'll look at it again. As for saving shortcuts properly to files, yep, I see that too. I'll have the save bugs fixed within a couple hours. Maybe a bit longer for the assignment bug.
squall: You're saying that Blast Corps save bug is still there? I haven't seen it myself... which version of Blast Corps are you running? Can you give steps to reproduce it, or send me a mempak file that crashes it?
About the rawmode stuff, hmm... okay, let's list these off in order.
-The plugin is designed to work with RawMode on all the time. Is there a reason some of you aren't using RawMode?
-Adaptoids SHOULD work just fine in RawMode. If they don't, that's a bug and I need to fix it. The reason they're handled by this emulator: what if you've got one adaptoid and one ps2 controller and you and your buddy want to play Super Smash Brothers? Adaptoid plugins only handle adaptoids.
-A lot of emulators handle mempaks poorly, if at all. For example, Project64 makes 128kb files for a 32kb mempak, and doesn't handle the volatile areas like it should (each pak has a small area of ram for diagnostic purposes so that the N64 can make sure it can read and write to the pak itself before it starts writing to flash; this memory is only stored as long as the N64 pak is plugged in and the console is powered up). PJ64 makes separate mempak files for each game, which is handy in a way; too bad the plugin doesn't get enough information to do the same thing. NRage in raw mode opens these files up just fine, but it will warn you that the files are oversized.
When a64 support is finally fixed, you'll be able to save the individual notes to a64 files and load them into another mempak.
I think that covers most of your questions.....
squall_leonhart said:
rabiddeity, maybe you could send me the source code, and let me have a look at it, im not a coder, but it'd be a start
lol, if i get a chance i could look at the transfer pack implementation and see why pokemon yellow isn't working properly in 1.83 and 2.0 but worked in 1.82a
Take a look at page 1, the link to the source is right there. I'll try to keep the source updated for you, but the portions you're looking at aren't really changing on my end. The code you want is all in GBCart.cpp; I don't think I've changed anything of consequence in there besides unicode modifications. To be honest, I'd start by pulling the source for 1.82a and 1.83 and doing a diff of that file between those two versions.
Alright guys, I switched over the shortcut display so that it shows the window for rumble pak. It's the same behavior as before, but it's more clear which mode it's switched into. Again, if your rumble isn't working, use the debug version so that you get a debug file. Default behavior is for it to always append to the log, so to keep things clean you probably want to delete the log when you update to the latest debug version.
"Release", debug, and source updated.