Plugin Hacker
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- #341
GREAT! Debug version now runs, with "unicows.dll" in the emulator folder! Normal version still crashes and freezes, so there is unfortunately no change.
I haven't backported the fixes to RELEASE because I don't want a bunch of 2.00 RELEASE versions floating around the Internet. New release version is coming out as soon as I fix ALL the win98 bugs. For now, just use DEBUG; it shouldn't be much slower and all the fixes should be folded in within the next week or so.
yes, better error, default setting versus empty setting
OK same lost setting after change, as you said just testing.
Registry load failed, loading defaults from resource.
Kruci, I'd like you to check your registry and see if there are entries under
If you're pressing Save and things are saving correctly, there should be at least one entry there with a name of something like {6F1D2B60-D5A0-11CF-BFC7-444553540000}. But I'm guessing that there's not. Newest DEBUG should be able to tell me why this is going wrong, why it isn't saving right. Also, try lion10's fix of putting the newest unicows.dll file IN your emulator folder, if it isn't already.
guille007, I've replaced the transfer pak dwAddress comparisons in PakIO.cpp : WriteControllerPak and ReadControllerPak with another switch statement, making it a lot easier to read and a bit faster too. I also cut out a couple extraneous #ifdefs as well. This is a different dwAddress; it's the one sent through the N64 controller pak interface. The N64 controller pak bus address and data are converted to a GBCart address by the transfer pak. If you're confused about how it works, send me a PM and I'll clear it up.
And finally, I preordered an Adaptoid through the service linked off the PJ64 news page. Once it arrives and gets forwarded to me in Japan, this should help me finally work out exactly what's going on inside the controller paks!
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