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Netplay? Possibly Kaillera?


New member
I dont understand why the second order of business on any emu design is netplay... Are there any plans right now for Netplay on this ever so sucessful N64 emu?



I guess it's both the prospect of getting flooded by people with crappy PC's on dial-up and actual hardware (read timing/synching) related problems which make it not desirable/feasible at the moment. As I said, a guess.

Besides, there already exists an input plugin that allows for netplay under Kaillera, if I'm not mistaken. Never tried it though.


PJ64 Lubba
werent u the one who suggested netplay for GBA emus?

anyway, 1964 is an n64 emu with built in kaillera support.


I Run This
kaillera through a input plugin really sucks, it needs to be integrated into the emu to run at accetable speeds.


3Dfx Fanatic.
yes netplay is possible as i said before, either by NooTe's plugin or by 1964. and as i said before it will be too slow no matter how well it is integrated in to the emu (if what i read was correctly understood).
i played w/ kaillera and NooTee's plugin with a guy from israel, i have ADSL and he had Cable and the fps was about 2-3 wich is very slow. however i reckon that for home network (LAN) it will be ok. someone asked in this thread if it is possible to play on home network and you all said NO and then smiff closed the thread!! why ? i'm sure you can play network! (although i didn't try). that made me real sad :( that i could help him but you didn't let me.

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New member
10/100 is no speed it is 10 or 100MBit
It is like this:

PC1 PCI Ethernet 10/100MBit
---------Switch 10/100MBit
PC2 PCMCIA Ethernet 10MBit


Active member
Sure you do, 10Mbit equals to 1024Kb(1,24Mb), 100Mbit equals to 10 240Kb(10,24Mb), these are theoretical speeds. Most NICs are 10/100Mbit in the sense of they are capable at running at both speeds, not at the same time though.

So I would not expect good performance on a 10Mbit network, 100/1000 does work great, I have never tried it on a 1000 Mbit network but since it works with little or no trouble at my home LAN, which runs at 100Mbit, it should work just fine on a 1000 Mbit LAN.

And what Lex meant is that if you connect one 100Mbit card to a 10Mbit card your speed will only be as fast as the weakest link, in this case the 10Mbit NIC.


3Dfx Fanatic.
Remote said:
Sure you do, 10Mbit equals to 1024Kb(1,24Mb), 100Mbit equals to 10 240Kb(10,24Mb), these are theoretical speeds. Most NICs are 10/100Mbit in the sense of they are capable at running at both speeds, not at the same time though.

So I would not expect good performance on a 10Mbit network, 100/1000 does work great, I have never tried it on a 1000 Mbit network but since it works with little or no trouble at my home LAN, which runs at 100Mbit, it should work just fine on a 1000 Mbit LAN.

And what Lex meant is that if you connect one 100Mbit card to a 10Mbit card your speed will only be as fast as the weakest link, in this case the 10Mbit NIC.

ok, then if that is the case i DID understand lex's answer, but it was the wrong one .. his answer should have been: NO


LOL! that was me Ogy :)

we *tried* to play mario kart.. but as far as we got was the spinning logo before the game would freeze.. and i was running around 1-2 fps [on my old p3 600]


3Dfx Fanatic.
flow`` said:
LOL! that was me Ogy :)

we *tried* to play mario kart.. but as far as we got was the spinning logo before the game would freeze.. and i was running around 1-2 fps [on my old p3 600]

nah, with you and dave i wasn't even able to start the game.

i played with rexy from israel almost a full round( almost kicked the shit outta him in SSB:D)


New member
Well i got it to work on my home LAN,
It worked pretty well at acceptable speed though the sound was a bit out of sinc (btw this is with a 1100mhz and 1200mhz).

and I used Fizbans old method. ;)


3Dfx Fanatic.
IceLord said:
Well i got it to work on my home LAN,
It worked pretty well at acceptable speed though the sound was a bit out of sinc (btw this is with a 1100mhz and 1200mhz).

and I used Fizbans old method. ;)

:plain: where did you find it? i thought it was deleted with all posts from the old board?


New member
well im sorry that this post won't get credited to whom it should of but here it goes,

Ok Here goes: simplified lan version (i'm taking some steps from fizban cuz i'm too lazy to rewrite

1) download NooTe_Di 0.4.0 input plugin with kaillera support from http://www.emulation64.com/files/NooTe_DI 0.4.0.zip and extract the NooTe_DI.dll to pj64's "plugin" folder.
2)download mame+kaillera from http://www.kaillera.com/download.php, install it and in the mame dir you will see a file named "kailleraclient.dll" , copy it to pj64's plugin dir.
3)start pj64, go to options->settings there you will see under "controller" the current input plugin, change that to "NooTe_DI by NooTe version 0.4.0 build 14", press OK.
4) Now go to options->configure controller plugin , in the "kaillera 0.8 or up" box click browse(...) and find kailleraclient.dll that you just copyed to pj64'd dir, check "enable kaillera" , click save and close the box.
5) Exit PJ64

Do these steps on both computers
Now, for the server

1) Download the WINDOWS BINARY server from http://www.kaillera.com/download.php
2) Extract and edit kaillerasrv.conf and change Public=1 to Public=0
3) Run the server

Now to figure out the IP (Do this on the server)
1) Goto Start, Run
2) type : WINIPCFG
3) Select your network adaptor in the combo box
4) Copy down the IP Autoconfiguration Address (w/ the periods) to a piece of paper.

Do this on both computers, i suggest to create game on the server

1) Run PJ64.
2) Make sure Kaillera is enabled
3) Load ROM
4) When the Kaillera thingy pops up, put your username, change the connection type to from 40 to 60, and click Enter IP
5) Type in the IP followed by :27888 like you see in the example
6) Create Game on the server, and Join game on the other computer(s)
7) PLAY!!!

(sorry Ogy this one was based off your guide and i copied it just in case)


New member
IceLord said:
well im sorry that this post won't get credited to whom it should of but here it goes,

Ok Here goes: simplified lan version (i'm taking some steps from fizban cuz i'm too lazy to rewrite

1) download NooTe_Di 0.4.0 input plugin with kaillera support from http://www.emulation64.com/files/NooTe_DI 0.4.0.zip and extract the NooTe_DI.dll to pj64's "plugin" folder.
2)download mame+kaillera from http://www.kaillera.com/download.php, install it and in the mame dir you will see a file named "kailleraclient.dll" , copy it to pj64's plugin dir.
3)start pj64, go to options->settings there you will see under "controller" the current input plugin, change that to "NooTe_DI by NooTe version 0.4.0 build 14", press OK.
4) Now go to options->configure controller plugin , in the "kaillera 0.8 or up" box click browse(...) and find kailleraclient.dll that you just copyed to pj64'd dir, check "enable kaillera" , click save and close the box.
5) Exit PJ64

Do these steps on both computers
Now, for the server

1) Download the WINDOWS BINARY server from http://www.kaillera.com/download.php
2) Extract and edit kaillerasrv.conf and change Public=1 to Public=0
3) Run the server

Now to figure out the IP (Do this on the server)
1) Goto Start, Run
2) type : WINIPCFG
3) Select your network adaptor in the combo box
4) Copy down the IP Autoconfiguration Address (w/ the periods) to a piece of paper.

Do this on both computers, i suggest to create game on the server

1) Run PJ64.
2) Make sure Kaillera is enabled
3) Load ROM
4) When the Kaillera thingy pops up, put your username, change the connection type to from 40 to 60, and click Enter IP
5) Type in the IP followed by :27888 like you see in the example
6) Create Game on the server, and Join game on the other computer(s)
7) PLAY!!!

(sorry Ogy this one was based off your guide and i copied it just in case)

yeah, i wrote that a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago, very long ago. I remember there were like 3 revisions. It is a little different, so i guess this is the fourth revision. It was me and Fizban who did it. I started it, fizban fixed it.

Ogy: is that you fizban? you're using the same avatar as fizban and have ADSL is Israel. hmmm


New member
oh yeah, i put all the #'s and crap, cuz you wrote it out in a paragraph. People were still confused, so i redid it literally step by step. I did a lot of guides in the old Forum, i was the 1st to test bollywood's fix and i wrote the 30 step instructions. I also wrote another set of instructions for a second Voodoo3 fix, which in my opnion (and others) is superior to bollywood's. It works in NT/2K/XP too. Gugaman and I had like a 7 page, thing of the effects of different drivers that would work best. And for you ppl who are asking which one it was, all i can remember is that for Windows 9x, use Psychodelic's Drivers w/ AGP On, i don't really remember which where for NT/2K/XP, but you have to use Voodoo 4/5 drivers. We tested about 30 different sets of drivers. Too bad the old forum is gone. ah, the good ol' days.
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