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  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

Hey kids, Cruz is back...


New member
Hey guys I've been inside a black hole the last year, and if anyone remembers from me the old Mega Man 64, I have to say it was retextured until the section where you fight Tron Bonne for the first time.
Sadly, where I live, room temperature has been around 40 to up to 54 Celcius (if you go for farenheit then thats like living in the desert) so my poorly cooled hardrive exploded, and the backup I had was too old, add to that I lost internets for around 6 months and MM 64 retexture is oficially doomed.

Now I find myself wanting to work on a retexturing project but I find quite disturbing that everyone wants to retexture either Mario Kart or Zelda: OOT.
So instead imma offer my services to anyone interested in them, also if anyone wants a cool game retextured (thats neither of the two above) and its a unique challenge then I might work on that.

I have no MM64 screenshots available but if anyone is interested then these are my skills:

On a side note, I mentioned i wouldnt want to work on Mario Kart but I have a question to any of the retexturers working currently on it: Why are the racers (Mario, luigi, etc.) are no being retextured/redone?

With lots of time due to being currently rejected by women: Cruzifixio.


New member
I think most people want to try an attempt to replace them with textures made from the 3D models from Double Dash, or so I've read, also I think people might think its tedious, lol.

I've started a Perfect Dark pack and wouldn't mind a little help. I also started a MM pack but my hard drive also broke and I lost it all. Had most of Clock Town done as well :(


I mentioned i wouldnt want to work on Mario Kart but I have a question to any of the retexturers working currently on it: Why are the racers (Mario, luigi, etc.) are no being retextured/redone?

Each cart consists of 2 or 3 different textures and there are textures for each ankle you see the carts. This results in a huge amount of textures. Especially finding the right textures that belong together was a huge challenge in the past. Some guys in a Spanish forum managed to accomplish this by using HighResEaser for marking the tiles and assembling them. Nevertheless it remains a big task. This task could be eased by using the Rice-Debug plugin for moving from frame to frame and turning the cart at the same time, I guess.

Managing to retexture the carts would definately attract a lot of people as it had been wished for long but never been successfully accomplished.


New member
Well for the Mario Kart issue I can try makin a character if anyone is interested or is making a retexture of the game, heck im even sure i can make templates so anyone can retexture as they like. Its really not an issue and after making all the facial gestures and different 60 something textures for Megaman Volnutt I think I can take that sucker.

For the Mario Kart thing send me the textures of a character you want to see get redone!

Jabba: Ill be glad to help on the perfect dark thing, just tell me what you need and if possible some samples of what youve already done.
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Texture Pack Invader
yo cruz would you like to get on board with Amber/nesplayer's mariokart64 pack

i could use a partner
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Texture Pack Invader
thank you

however we are still working on riping all of the mario textures
at last count i have over four hundred textures.

if you would like to help please try to rip all the textures for toad including;

there is no guarantee that this process will ever make it to bata.
first is the data collection
then we well release templates of the karts
so others may not have to go thru the long riping process.

this is merely one steep in a 20K marathon.


Great to read that someone is trying the "undoable" but ripping is unfortunately not the only challenge. The part that is even harder is to find the textures that correspond to each other. Sure, it seems to be possible as the Spannish guys have proven but it will be quite time consuming to say the least.


New member
It is time consuming, because for one, I dont have that much time between real life and lots of other stuff I do, impossible? Nah not even near.
Now while I'm having trouble identifying the textures, the true challenge is figuring out a way to do 'em practically, in order to reduce time consumption and increase productivity, AKA figuring out a way to make it simpler.
That's why the first thing I am trying to do is creating a template, then it comes the artistic thing, because we are not dealing with pixels, despite the many claims by pixel artists, pixel drawing is in fact very easy, but a fully realized picture with great detail is not, and thats where this gets ugly.
Now a lackluster Mario with photoshop lame emboss shades could do the work, but if its gonna be like that, why bother? So yeah dont expect this soon, not even a year soon, maybe a character in a few months (obviously Mario).
The other alternative is getting someone with a good Wii emulator and an copy of Mario Kart Wii, get snapshots of every angle with a good screen resolution and antialiasing.
Thats a good alternative in my book if someone feels the rush of it.
Still I work with my hands and I have promised to do exactly just that, so when in doubt of my progress on this project go take a look at Djipi's work on Zelda, he didnt do that great work in a month.

Cheers, and Thanks for all those who are lookin forward to this.

Edit: How about this: Every single character hand drawn? I know I can pull it off, heck I'm going to sound too confident but that would be easy cake.
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