superbug said:
Huh? I was talking about the standalone thp player distributed with gcube. It doesn't use any emulation, just simple jpeg decoding. Its true thp decoding doesn't work in gcube because of the lack of shaders support (though YUV to RGB conversion isn't exactly a simple byte swap).
Here's what I
think, just
The THP player, decodes the THP file, and overlays the picture together, and show.
GCube, try do what the real GC should do, and GC uses overlaying each pictures together, which cannot by displayed properly on PC without shader. So GCube can't do like THP player, because real GC doesn't do that.
Sercio said:
well isos and .gcm files are same!
If you want you can rename the file
ThunderStorM said:
I have renamed the iso to gmc and i have open the gmc with gcube, but nothing appears... maybe i must download the game in gmc format, not iso?
No, I don't think it's the same, it is variable.
Sometimes, the ISO file is ISO itself, which contains the data in standard ISO format, ISO utilities can open it, it can't be run in GameCube emulator, and can't be open in GC-Tool.
But sometimes, the ISO file is in GCM format, ISO utilities cannot open it, but can be run in GameCube emulator and can be open in GC-Tool.
Try open the file with an ISO utility, if ISO utility can open it, you can convert it to GameCube format, which I don't know how to do it.
If ISO utility can't open it, then rename it to .GCM and try open it.