What's new
  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

Having trouble find a completed Paper Mario 64 texture packet?



New member
yea but still came across the same issue.

- - - Updated - - -

Never saw these. I'm guessing these will help?


Active member
Have you tried using Rice Video??? not as feature complete but tends to get the job done.

EDIT: Also you listed your CPU earlier not your GPU XD, might want to do a bit more looking. Also might be good to note what version of Glide64 that you are using since there are a variety of versions around and some are known to have issues with storing the alpha channel when saving the cache if i remember correctly. I could be wrong since i never have really looked into Glide64 that much.
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New member
would this be my GPU? AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series I wasn't sure how to look for it. But yea I used the Rice Video and I tried it without it as well. I feel like I'm going to have to give up haha.


New member
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New member
seems like it. OBS is the one that closes too. Project 64 stays open after the error but the picture goes black and there is only sound.


New member
Just letting everyone know. I HAVE FIXED THE ISSUE!! yay! So it was doing this to any game even there wasn't a texture packet. I had to download the newest version of pj64 and use window capture instead of game capture and it worked. No more freezing or errors. I appreciate everyone who tried to help me. It took forever, but problem solved!
