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  • Most issues reported these days stem from users not enabling their emulators to use the required amount of RAM.
    We also tend not to use the search feature but post our issues within the texture pack release page.
    Failure to load a texture pack should not be posted in the release thread unless you have already patched the emulator.

    If you don't have the resources to use Large/HD texture packs please do not attempt to do so.
    Users should have a minimum amount of System RAM not less then 4GB's.
    If you have less then 4GB's of RAM do not post about how your emulator crashes,
    RAM is dirt cheap so invest some money into your PC.

    I would like to say thanks to squall_leonhart
    for posting this Solution.

Gecko's Smash Bros Mayhem

Gecko Lee

New member
I'm willing to allow others to work on the missing maps if the texture's quality is good overall!
For downloads see below.

Im working on some levels, I do not have an agenda, but lot's of time. So probably I will stick with this for some time. I do not have any intentions to create textures for other games like this. I know that there's a freaking awesome Majora's Mask project in the works as well as a real nice Banjo Kazooie mod which I'm desperately awaiting.

What I'll do:
- levels

What I'll maybe do:
- items/ objects

What I'll need
- High resolution backgrounds

What I won't do:
- characters (they should most probably have been done before)
- menus

What's done so far:
- Hyrule Castle - finished on June 14th
- Donkey Kong Jungle - finished on June 15th
- Peach's Castle - finished on June 16th
- Saffron City - finished on June 20th
- Mushroom Kingdom - finished on July 15th
- Kirby's Dreamland - finished on December 24th

What's next:
- Most probably Yoshi's Island

Map list:
- Peach's Castle
- Kongo Jungle
- Hyrule Caste
- Planet Zebes
- Yoshi's Island
- Kirby's Dreamland
- Sector Z
- Saffron City
- Mushroom Kingdom


Jabo 1.7
Super Smash Bros. (U) [!].z64
Copy all files to: \Project 64\textures-load\Super Smash Bros. (U)\

DK Jungle 1.0
Mushroom Kingdom 1.0
Peach's Castle 1.0
Hyrule Castle 1.0
Saffronia City 1.0

Hyrule Caste

What I liked the most:
I don't know. It's the map I started with and the first one I've ever done. Looking on it today, it most probably isn't the most beatiful one, yet it's still playable.

- The window was removed from the tower on the right side, thought it was a litte awkward. Now, you perverts can look inside, hehe. :D

For comparison:

Donkey Kong Jungle

What I liked the most:
The changes on the palms in the background. Overall, it lightens the map up pretty much. I thought the original was way to dark. The box captioned "Donkey Kong" may look a litte stupid - did not really know what to add there. Suggestions appreaciated. ^^

- The palm trees do look more like real palm trees. The 2 barks in the edges of the platform aren't as fat as in the real version.

Big thank you to Iconoclast who helped me getting rid of a transparency problem. :)

For comparison:
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Gecko Lee

Gecko Lee

New member
Thank you! ^^ I really appreciate your comment. :)

Still, I do not want to hinder you in your criticism. If there's something totally wrong, go ahead and tell me. Afterwards, I will most probably revise every level.

That's it for now. I will post here as soon as I have something new. :)


The One and Only
well the only thing weird is the clouds in the Donkey Kong lvl, they don't match but that's the only thing kinda weird. ^^

hyrule castle looks great btw
Gecko Lee

Gecko Lee

New member
I'm planning on adding a brighter, blue sky. Yet, I have to figure out how backgroundediting works. Hopefully, it will fit in, otherwise lightning could become a problem and it would not really fit together as you mentioned. :w00t:
Gecko Lee

Gecko Lee

New member
Peach's Castle

What I liked the most:
Adding a target to the flying interceptors, now there's a raison d'etre for them. :D

- fences/railing were removed. I did not really know what to with them so I simply removed them. Map looks much clearer without them even though it's less detailed.
- tower door was removed. It was one of those damn textures which cannot really be changed because its last line gets repeated over and over again.

The platform in the middle of the map has a gradient instead of a texture. I made it this way due to a limitation because the original texture was 1px wide. You cannot really change it, so I used it for a gradient. Thought it was the best way to go.

For comparison:
Gecko Lee

Gecko Lee

New member
I know. See the attachment for the original texture. It's only 1px wide therefore it can't be resized. :(
Gecko Lee

Gecko Lee

New member
Thanks! Hopefully, I will find a better solution. Or maybe someone else. ^^
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The One and Only
hmm..... make it striped or something but make it part of the castle stage not the grass, like grey or something that matches.. if you get what I'm saying.
I like the peach's stage, too.


New member
I actually likes how peach casttle looks. It looks like a totally different stage
a little suggestion if you feel like it.. you should really retexture

Metal Mario stage and fightning polygon team stage ---> cheats in this game rox ^^
Gecko Lee

Gecko Lee

New member
Ok, I've come up with several reiterations, but all of them sucked, except for one that may be worth concidering. Tell me what you think.

I already tried some stone colored textures, well, see for yourself. What if only it had been a real texture. It would be way easier for me :(

Hey, Kronox. Thank you for your suggestion. I'll most probably redo the fighting polygon stage, too. It should not be too much work as there aren't that many textures. :D
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Im Bored

really nice work man

I considered doing this myself but I think you've done more than enough.. JUSTICE to it. I sort of liked the fade to transparency effect on the rim, but the last one does hint at formed stone so to speak.
Gecko Lee

Gecko Lee

New member
Saffron City

What I liked the most:
The background which led me into changing the map into night time.

None, I think.

This one took me three days and there is still about 10% left which I'm not happy with, namely the container as well as this fucking texture problem that already fucked up the last map. There's nothing I could really do with it except working around it. Maybe we will be able to change textures ingame one day.
It will most probably redo the container but for now I'm done with it.

Next map will be Kirby's Dreamland and I already have a good idea for it. :D

Edit: I must have forgotten to flip one texture over. It's the billboard on the Silph & Co building. Due to this little mistake the windows aren't parallel, so just ignore it.

For comparison:
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I've been watching your progress, and I have to say that this is the best project I've seen around here in a long time. Good job.
