chiburunga said:
Don't know if its possible, but what if the emulator saves the tiles from the same sprite all together on the same image and the name of the image is the name of all tiles on the correct order so the emu can detect the tiles to be changed?
example, megaman icon uses 4 tiles "x.bmp" "x2.bmp" "x3.bmp" "x4.bmp" the emulator catch the tiles individualy then save correctly in a image called "x1_x2_x3_x4.bmp" so we can edit so much easily and then by the composite name the emulator knows where to divide and put the tiles....
It's like Fanatic 64 said, there's no easy way for the emulator to tell what makes a "large" sprite or a "meta" sprite (a big sprite made up of little sprites). Not every game orders their sprites sequentially, and without analyzing the game code, GB Enhanced can't tell how many sprites a larger sprite is made up of. Even if GB could save, say 4 8x8 sprites that form a 16x16 "meta" sprite, the name of the image file represents that hash of the graphics. Hashes get pretty long, so concatenating 4 hashes would result in a filename with more characters than most filesystems allow.
I see the problem you're trying to address though. The thing is, editing 8x8 sprites and BG tiles was never meant to be easy. Things get much better with the GBC (colors make things pretty distinctive) and things get even better with the GBA (which could natively support 64x64 sprites) but tiny little graphics was what they had to deal with at the time, and that affects people like us trying to make HD graphics for DMG games, unfortunately.
chiburunga said:
There are some parts with tiles that have the same name because they are the same, you if possible could do a mode to make those tiles with diferent names acording to position... numbering then for example from top to bottom and left to right... "originaltilename+hisnumber.bmp" so we can do more complex images ;-)
This is an interesting idea (in theory at least

), however it's not something I approve of, simply because it wouldn't work like you think it would. Say we look at the first Tile Map (Tile Map 1) and add the tile number to the hash (tiles are numbered 0 - 255). Say two tiles are the same pixel-wise, but one instance appears at Tile #5, and the other appears at Tile #205. Say we want to have different graphics for Tile #5 and Tile #205, even though the game says they're the same. We then dump these tiles and name them separately with the Tile # in the name. The problem occurs when the game changes scenes or when it scrolls. The Tile Map is basically completely altered. Adding the Tile # to the hash is only specific for the current screen before you. As soon as you take a couple of steps in any side-scroller, the game is already restructuring the Tile Map, changing all of the Tile #s. So in practice, saving the Tile #s as part of the filename/hash wouldn't exactly work if the Tile Map is altered at all. Like I said, it is a novel idea, but because of the way the GB is made, it's not something that could (easily at least) be done.
chiburunga said:
For example, first tile we click the name of texture will be 001_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.bmp second tile we click 002_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.bmp and then, when the emulator loads the tile, ignore the underline and what is before the underline....
If you're looking for an easy way to order your BG dumps, I recommend that you set your file browser to sort files by Date
Not trying to sound negative by shooting down all of your ideas (I really want to listen to any and all input, please don't stop giving it

). I do however, have something planned out that will make dumping BG tiles
MUCH easier, I just haven't gotten around to it yet (really I've been dabbling with my fledgling GBA emulator, tbh

). Think of it as taking a screenshot of any given moment of the background. All the tiles visible to the user are dumped immediately, but two additional files are generated, a large image of all the tiles arranged in a grid (with spaces and labels) and a text file that has a list of all the filenames that were dumped.
The image-graph would basically goes like:
0 1 2 3 4 ....
1 (8x8 pixel data goes here)
2 (Evenly spaced to make it readable)
And the text file would look like:
0, 0 - 174389dsjaf7qjask2.bmp
0, 1 - dsaf07348dfdsg9fds.bmp
This way, you can look at the graph, and say "Hey, I want to edit the title screen of Super Mario Land. Let's see, I'll edit this part first, that's tile 127, 90, which is 73890715j1f807157.bmp", and then you open the file in an image editor. This way you can look at the source image and easily edit BGs all at once.
chiburunga said:
And if possible add a way to dump the tile already resized 4x would be wonderful!
I don't see why not

btw your English is pretty good (perfectly understandable).