Well, I just got back from playing level 1 on Super Mario 64 on it (Yes, the ENTIRE level, well, the first star anyway.) It took me about 30 minutes from the time I booted up the ROM to when I got the star. Quite simply, I was impressed.
One thing that struck me as odd is that when I first started the game, everything looked absolutely right except for Mario. As I got further into the game though, textures got more and more screwed up. For example, as soon as you go into the first painting, everything is white (well, almost everything). I began to think that the textures started to look worse, but I payed no heed. After a few minutes, the sky had smilies, and mario had signs as a face. Well, after I fought the first boss (you could only tell it was him because you could see the crown and mustache), and it took me back to the castle, EVERYTHING was screwed up. The ground had grass, the walls had letters and numbers and faces, and when I went outside it was even worse. you could still tell what everything was, only the textures were screwed up.
I would have taken screenshots, but whenever I enter debug mode and press square, it says that a screenshot will be taken upon next resume, and then it freezes up, and I have to restart my PSP. If anyone can help me figure that out, I will gladly take screens.
I wasn't sure if you were aware of this or not, although you probably were.
Anyway, thanks a lot for your efforts, I look forward to seeing what you and PSmonkey both have in store for us in the future.